diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index d6b06fae42f6e738725238fac59617aeb161dfd4..4494a1656146337cf7c64c44eb1081ef172d39e1 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -5,20 +5,26 @@ default:
     - "nixos"
     - "shell"
+  # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/configure_runners.html#job-stages-attempts
   stage: "build"
-    - "nix-build docs.nix"
-    - "cp --recursive --no-preserve=mode result/docs/. docs/build/"
+    - "nix-build --attr docs --out-link result-docs"
+    # GitLab wants to lchown artifacts.  It can't do that to store paths.  Get
+    # a copy of the docs outside of the store.
+    - "cp --recursive --no-preserve=mode ./result-docs/docs ./docs-build/"
-      - "docs/build/"
+      - "./docs-build/"
     expose_as: "documentation"
   stage: "test"
-    - "nix-shell --run 'nix-build nixos/unit-tests.nix' && cat result"
+    - "nix-build --attr unit-tests && cat result"
 .morph-build: &MORPH_BUILD
   stage: "test"
@@ -68,7 +74,7 @@ system-tests:
   stage: "test"
   timeout: "3 hours"
-    - "nix-shell --run 'nix-build nixos/system-tests.nix'"
+    - "nix-build --attr system-tests"
 # A template for a job that can update one of the grids.
 .update-grid: &UPDATE_GRID
index 5de83386dbb939cc3cfe2a8b68c198f218934933..fbde887b5ecfc5f1fa5b520df71a6a0ecc1980fe 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,44 @@
 Deployment notes
+- 2021-12-20
+  `https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/privatestorageops/-/issues/399`_ requires moving the PaymentServer database on the ``payments`` host onto a new dedicated filesystem.
+  Follow these steps *before* deploying this version of PrivateStorageio:
+  0. Deploy the `PrivateStorageOps change <https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/privatestorageops/-/merge_requests/169>`_ that creates a new dedicated volume.
+  1. Put a disk label on the new dedicated volume ::
+     nix-shell -p parted --run 'parted /dev/nvme1n1 mklabel msdos'
+  2. Put a properly aligned partition in the new disk label ::
+     nix-shell -p parted --run 'parted /dev/nvme1n1 mkpart primary ext2 4096s 4G'
+  3. Create a labeled filesystem on the partition ::
+     mkfs.ext4 -L zkapissuer-data /dev/nvme1n1p1
+  4. Deploy the PrivateStorageio update.
+  5. Move the database file to the new location ::
+     mv -iv /var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3 /var/lib/zkapissuer-v2
+  6. Clean up the old state directory ::
+     rm -ir /var/lib/zkapissuer
+  7. Start the PaymentServer service (not running because its path assertions were not met earlier) ::
+     systemctl start zkapissuer
+- 2021-10-12 The secret in ``private-keys/grafana-slack-url`` needs to be changed to remove the ``SLACKURL=`` prefix.
+- 2021-09-30 `Enable alerting <https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/PrivateStorageio/-/merge_requests/185>`_ needs a secret in ``private-keys/grafana-slack-url`` looking like the template in ``morph/grid/local/private-keys/grafana-slack-url`` and pointing to the secret API endpoint URL saved in `this 1Password entry <https://privatestorage.1password.com/vaults/7flqasy5hhhmlbtp5qozd3j4ga/allitems/cgznskz2oix2tyx5xyntwaos5i>`_ (or create a new secret URL at https://www.slack.com/apps/A0F7XDUAZ).
 - 2021-09-07 `Manage access to payment metrics <https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/PrivateStorageio/-/merge_requests/146>`_ requires moving and chown'ing the PaymentServer database on the ``payments`` host::
    mkdir /var/lib/zkapissuer
@@ -11,4 +49,3 @@ Deployment notes
    chmod 750 /var/lib/zkapissuer
    chmod 640 /var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3
diff --git a/ci-tools/vulnerability-scan b/ci-tools/vulnerability-scan
index 48bf51e071a398f37565717a22b2066d3f905fbe..67e1a21263fa65843b34d185884ea6df2596220a 100755
--- a/ci-tools/vulnerability-scan
+++ b/ci-tools/vulnerability-scan
@@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ else
+# The version (1.9.6) of vulnix in nixos-21.05 incorrectly collapses
+# derivations with the same name+version, but different sets of patches
+# applied. Therefore, we use a recent nixos-unstable version that has a newer
+# version of vulnix included.
+export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=https://api.github.com/repos/NixOS/nixpkgs/tarball/ee084c02040e864eeeb4cf4f8538d92f7c675671
 # vulnix exits with an error status if there are vulnerabilities.  We told
 # GitLab to allow this by setting `allow_failure` to true in the GitLab CI
 # config.  vulnix exit status indicates what vulnix thinks happened.  If we
diff --git a/default.nix b/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6441675a243e22e6154267c656652c8d8575940e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{ pkgs ? import ./nixpkgs-2105.nix { } }:
+  # Render the project documentation source to some presentation format (ie,
+  # html) with Sphinx.
+  docs = pkgs.callPackage ./docs.nix { };
+  # Run some system integration tests in VMs covering some of the software
+  # we're integrating (ie, application functionality).
+  system-tests = pkgs.callPackage ./nixos/system-tests.nix { };
+  # Run some unit tests of the Nix that ties all of these things together (ie,
+  # PrivateStorageio-internal library functionality).
+  unit-tests = pkgs.callPackage ./nixos/unit-tests.nix { };
diff --git a/docs.nix b/docs.nix
index 4c8b230a7eddb462bf47a4c3ee591e64fb3ce1ff..b13c7b58c100553c522cb71912089c6fdbfaed4b 100644
--- a/docs.nix
+++ b/docs.nix
@@ -1,2 +1,20 @@
-{ pkgs ? import ./nixpkgs-2105.nix { } }:
-pkgs.callPackage ./privatestorageio.nix { }
+{ stdenv, lib, graphviz, plantuml, python3, sphinx }:
+  pyenv = python3.withPackages (ps: [ ps.sphinx ps.sphinxcontrib_plantuml ]);
+stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+  version = "0.0";
+  name = "privatestorageio-${version}";
+  src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
+  phases = [ "unpackPhase" "buildPhase" ];
+  depsBuildBuild = [
+    graphviz
+    plantuml
+  ];
+  buildPhase = ''
+    ${pyenv}/bin/sphinx-build -W docs/ $out/docs
+  '';
diff --git a/docs/build/.gitignore b/docs/_static/.gitignore
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/build/.gitignore
rename to docs/_static/.gitignore
diff --git a/docs/source/_static/logo-ps.svg b/docs/_static/logo-ps.svg
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/source/_static/logo-ps.svg
rename to docs/_static/logo-ps.svg
diff --git a/docs/source/_static/.gitignore b/docs/_templates/.gitignore
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/source/_static/.gitignore
rename to docs/_templates/.gitignore
diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
similarity index 98%
rename from docs/source/conf.py
rename to docs/conf.py
index 66aa921e2ba799e1b1b4d8e7a778ab07ee07a73b..747a90a8cc039e65fd01c3d598170c001599c1c8 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 # -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
 project = 'PrivateStorageio'
-copyright = '2019, PrivateStorage.io, LLC'
+copyright = '2021, PrivateStorage.io, LLC'
 author = 'PrivateStorage.io, LLC'
 # The short X.Y version
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ release = '0.0'
 # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
 # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
 # ones.
 extensions = [
+    "sphinxcontrib.plantuml",
 # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
diff --git a/docs/dev/README.rst b/docs/dev/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..29eb38e1f1695084d3276d41d4a063be4a53a015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+Developer documentation
+The build system uses `Nix`_ which must be installed before anything can be built.
+Start by setting up the development/operations environment::
+  $ nix-shell
+The test system uses `Nix`_ which must be installed before any tests can be run.
+Unit tests are run using this command::
+  $ nix-build --attr unit-tests
+Unit tests are also run on CI.
+The system tests are run using this command::
+  $ nix-build --attr system-tests
+The system tests boot QEMU VMs which prevents them from running on CI at this time.
+The build requires > 10 GB of disk space,
+and the VMs might be timing out on slow or busy machines.
+If you run into timeouts,
+try `raising the number of retries <https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/PrivateStorageio/-/blob/e8233d2/nixos/modules/tests/run-introducer.py#L55-62>`_.
+It is also possible go through the testing script interactively - useful for debugging::
+  $ nix-build --attr system-tests.private-storage.driver
+This will give you a result symlink in the current directory.
+Inside that is bin/nixos-test-driver which gives you a kind of REPL for interacting with the VMs.
+The kind of `Python in this testScript <https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/PrivateStorageio/-/blob/78881a3/nixos/modules/tests/private-storage.nix#L180>`_ is what you can enter into this REPL.
+Consult the `official documentation on NixOS Tests <https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-nixos-tests>`_ for more information.
+Updatings Pins
+To update the version of NixOS we deploy with, run:
+.. code: shell
+   nix-shell --run 'update-nixpkgs'
+That will update ``nixpkgs-2015.json`` to the latest release on the nixos-21.05 channel.
+To update the channel, the script will need to be updated,
+along with the filenames that have the channel in them.
+Gitlab Repositories
+To update the version of packages we import from gitlab, run:
+.. code: shell
+   nix-shell --command 'update-gitlab-repo nixos/pkgs/<package>/repo.json'
+That will update the package to point at the latest version of the project.\
+The command uses branch and repository owner specified in the ``repo.json`` file,
+but you can override them by passing the ``--branch`` or ``-owner`` arguments to the command.
+A specific revision can also be pinned, by passing ``-rev``.
+Storage-Time Purchase (ie Payment)
+.. uml::
+   actor User as User
+   participant GridSync
+   participant ZKAPAuthorizer
+   database    ZKAPAuthzDB as "ZKAPAuthorizer"
+   participant Browser
+   participant PaymentServer as "Payment Server"
+   database    PaymentServerDB as "Payment Server"
+   participant WebServer as "Web Server"
+   participant Stripe
+   User           -> GridSync       : buy storage-time
+   activate User
+   GridSync       -> GridSync       : generate voucher
+   GridSync       -> ZKAPAuthorizer : redeem voucher
+   activate ZKAPAuthorizer
+   ZKAPAuthorizer -> ZKAPAuthzDB    : store voucher
+   ZKAPAuthorizer -> GridSync       : acknowledge
+   GridSync       -> Browser        : open payment page
+   loop until redeemed
+       GridSync       -> ZKAPAuthorizer : query voucher state
+       ZKAPAuthorizer -> GridSync       : not paid
+   end
+   Browser       -> WebServer  : request payment form
+   WebServer     -> Browser    : payment form
+   Browser       -> User       : Payment form displayed
+   activate User
+   User          -> Browser    : Submit payment details
+   Browser       -> Stripe     : Submit payment details
+   alt payment details accepted
+       Stripe         -> Browser         : details okay, return card token
+       Browser        -> PaymentServer   : create charge using card token
+       PaymentServer  -> Stripe          : charge card using token
+       note left: the user has now paid for the service
+       Stripe         -> PaymentServer   : acknowledge
+       PaymentServer  -> PaymentServerDB : store voucher paid state
+   else payment details rejected
+       Stripe    -> Browser        : payment failure
+   end
+   Browser       -> User       : payment processing results displayed
+   deactivate User
+   group repeat for each redemption group
+       ZKAPAuthorizer -> ZKAPAuthzDB    : generate and store random tokens
+       ZKAPAuthorizer -> PaymentServer  : redeem voucher with blinded tokens
+       PaymentServer  -> ZKAPAuthorizer : return signatures for blinded tokens
+       ZKAPAuthorizer -> ZKAPAuthzDB    : store unblinded signatures for tokens
+       note right: the user has now been authorized to use the service
+   end
+   deactivate ZKAPAuthorizer
+   loop until redeemed
+       GridSync       -> ZKAPAuthorizer : query voucher state
+       ZKAPAuthorizer -> GridSync       : fully redeemed
+   end
+   GridSync           -> User           : storage-time available displayed
+   deactivate User
+Storage-Time Spending (ie Use)
+.. uml::
+   participant MagicFolder
+   participant TahoeLAFS as "Tahoe-LAFS"
+   participant ZKAPAuthorizer
+   database    ZKAPAuthzDB as "ZKAPAuthorizer"
+   participant StorageNode as "Storage Node"
+   participant SpendingService as "Spending Service"
+   [-> MagicFolder: upload triggered
+   activate MagicFolder
+   MagicFolder -> TahoeLAFS : store some data
+   activate TahoeLAFS
+   TahoeLAFS -> ZKAPAuthorizer : store some data
+   activate ZKAPAuthorizer
+   loop until tokens accepted
+       ZKAPAuthorizer <- ZKAPAuthzDB : load some tokens
+       ZKAPAuthorizer -> StorageNode : store some data using these tokens
+       StorageNode -> SpendingService : spend these tokens
+       alt spent tokens
+           SpendingService -> StorageNode: already spent, rejected
+           StorageNode -> ZKAPAuthorizer: already spent, rejected
+       else fresh tokens
+           SpendingService -> StorageNode: accepted
+       end
+   end
+   StorageNode -> ZKAPAuthorizer: data stored
+   deactivate ZKAPAuthorizer
+   ZKAPAuthorizer -> ZKAPAuthzDB: discard spent tokens
+   ZKAPAuthorizer -> TahoeLAFS: data stored
+   deactivate TahoeLAFS
+   TahoeLAFS -> MagicFolder: data stored
+   deactivate MagicFolder
+.. include::
+      ../../morph/grid/local/README.rst
+.. _Nix: https://nixos.org/nix
diff --git a/docs/dev/designs/index.rst b/docs/dev/designs/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..84993e1bd8fbfc1eb010d0fd8b33fee0e7da1103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/designs/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+System Designs
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   System Design Template <template>
diff --git a/docs/dev/designs/template.rst b/docs/dev/designs/template.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8fbc2a587848b21069c43178ec71f65aed42998a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/designs/template.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+*The goal is to do the least design we can get away with while still making a quality product.*
+*Think of this as a tool to help define the problem, analyze solutions, and share results.*
+*Feel free to skip sections that you don't think are relevant*
+*(but say that you are doing so).*
+*Delete the bits in italics*
+**Contacts:** *The primary contacts for this design.*
+**Date:** *The last time this design was modified.  YYYY-MM-DD*
+*Short description of the feature.*
+*Consider clarifying by also describing what it is not.*
+*Why are we doing this now?*
+*What value does this give to our users?*
+*Which users?*
+User Stories
+**Category:** *must / nice to have / must not*
+As a **$PERSON** I want **$FEATURE** so that **$BENEFIT**.
+**Acceptance Criteria:**
+  * *What concrete conditions must be met for the implementation to be acceptable?*
+  * *Surface assumptions about the user story that may not be shared across the team.*
+  * *Describe failure modes and negative scenarios when preconditions for using the feature are not met.*
+  * *Place the story in a performance/scaling context with real numbers.*
+*Have as many as you like.*
+*Group user stories together into meaningfully deliverable units.*
+*Gather Feedback*
+*It might be a good idea to stop at this point & get feedback to make sure you're solving the right problem.*
+Alternatives Considered
+*What we've considered.*
+*What trade-offs are involved with each choice.*
+*Why we've chosen the one we did.*
+Detailed Implementation Design
+*Focus on:*
+* external and internal interfaces
+* how externally-triggered system events (e.g. sudden reboot; network congestion) will affect the system
+* scalability and performance
+Data Integrity
+*If we get this wrong once, we lose forever.*
+*What data does the system need to operate on?*
+*How will old data be upgraded to meet the requirements of the design?*
+*How will data be upgraded to future versions of the implementation?*
+*What threat model does this design take into account?*
+*What new attack surfaces are added by this design?*
+*What defenses are deployed with the implementation to keep those surfaces safe?*
+Backwards Compatibility
+*What existing systems are impacted by these changes?*
+*How does the design ensure they will continue to work?*
+Performance and Scalability
+*How will performance of the implementation be measured?*
+*After measuring it, record the results here.*
+Further Reading
+*Links to related things.*
+*Other designs, tickets, epics, mailing list threads, etc.*
diff --git a/docs/source/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
similarity index 85%
rename from docs/source/index.rst
rename to docs/index.rst
index eb6b59ec783b8aa6dfb3227ca51fe47e5f1b6bc7..c95dc5790e8bd4cd82560319cfb6e9d4f26720ae 100644
--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@
 Welcome to PrivateStorageio's documentation!
-Howdy!  We separated the documentation into parts addressing different audiences.  Please enjoy our docs for:
+We separated the documentation into parts addressing different audiences.
+Please enjoy our docs for:
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 2
    Administrators <ops/README>
    Developers <dev/README>
+   System Designs <dev/designs/index>
diff --git a/docs/source/ops/README.rst b/docs/ops/README.rst
similarity index 50%
rename from docs/source/ops/README.rst
rename to docs/ops/README.rst
index b78e5ef82c0ae4dad88e65e9517f3fc6ec7bdfd2..8026e1673b0dbed3708b1c4b0e7b600c049fabde 100644
--- a/docs/source/ops/README.rst
+++ b/docs/ops/README.rst
@@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ Administrator documentation
 This contains documentation regarding running PrivateStorageio.
-.. include::
-      ../../../morph/README.rst
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
-.. include::
-      monitoring.rst
-.. include::
-      generating-keys.rst
+   morph
+   monitoring
+   generating-keys
+   backup-recovery
diff --git a/docs/ops/backup-recovery.rst b/docs/ops/backup-recovery.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a39c96dfa859203d6b54c1812e70414715b920e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ops/backup-recovery.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+This document covers the details of backups of the data required for PrivateStorageio to operate.
+It describes the situations in which these backups are intended to be useful.
+It also explains how to use these backups to recover in these situations.
+Tahoe-LAFS Storage Nodes
+The state associated with a Tahoe-LAFS storage node consists of at least:
+1. the "node directory" containing
+   configuration,
+   logs,
+   public and private keys,
+   and service fURLs.
+2. the "storage" directory containing
+   user ciphertext,
+   garbage collector state,
+   and corruption advisories.
+Node Directories
+The "node directory" changes gradually over time.
+New logs are written (including incident reports).
+The announcement sequence number is incremented.
+The introducer cache is updated.
+The critical state necessary to reproduce an identical storage node does not change.
+This state consists of
+* the node id (my_nodeid)
+* the node private key (private/node.privkey)
+* the node x509v3 certificate (private/node.pem)
+A backup of the node directory can be used to create a Tahoe-LAFS storage node with the same identity as the original storage node.
+It *cannot* be used to recover the user ciphertext held by the original storage node.
+Nor will it recover the state which gradually changes over time.
+A one-time backup has been made of these directories in the PrivateStorageio 1Password account.
+The "Tahoe-LAFS Storage Node Backups" vault contains backups of staging and production node directories.
+The process for creating these backups is as follows:
+   DOMAIN=private.storage
+   FILES="node.pubkey private/ tahoe.cfg my_nodeid tahoe-client.tac node.url permutation-seed"
+   DIR=/var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage
+   for n in $(seq 1 5); do
+       NODE=storage00${n}.${DOMAIN}
+       ssh $NODE tar vvjcf - -C $DIR $FILES > ${NODE}.tar.bz2
+   done
+   tar vvjcf ${DOMAIN}.tar.bz2 *.tar.bz2
+#. Prepare a system onto which to recover the node directory.
+   The rest of these steps assume that PrivateStorageio is deployed on the node.
+#. Download the backup tarball from 1Password
+#. Extract the particular node directory backup to recover from ::
+     [LOCAL]$ tar xvf ${DOMAIN}.tar.bz2 ${NODE}.${DOMAIN}.tar.bz2
+#. Upload the node directory backup to the system onto which recovery is taking place ::
+     [LOCAL]$ scp ${NODE}.${DOMAIN}.tar.bz2 ${NODE}.${DOMAIN}:recovery.tar.bz2
+#. Clean up the local copies of the backup files ::
+     [LOCAL]$ rm -iv ${DOMAIN}.tar.bz2 ${NODE}.${DOMAIN}.tar.bz2
+#. The rest of the steps are executed on the system on which recovery is taking place.
+   Log in ::
+     [LOCAL]$ ssh ${NODE}.${DOMAIN}
+#. On the node make sure there is no storage service running ::
+     [REMOTE]$ systemctl status tahoe.storage.service
+   If there is then figure out why and stop it if it is safe to do so ::
+     [REMOTE]$ systemctl stop tahoe.storage.service
+#. On the node make sure there is no existing node directory ::
+     [REMOTE]$ stat /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage
+   If there is then figure out why and remove it if it is safe to do so.
+#. Unpack the node directory backup into the correct location ::
+     [REMOTE]$ mkdir -p /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage
+     [REMOTE]$ tar xvf recovery.tar.bz2 -C /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage
+#. Mark the node directory as created and consistent ::
+     [REMOTE]$ touch /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created
+#. Start the storage service ::
+     [REMOTE]$ systemctl start tahoe.storage.service
+#. Clean up the remote copies of the backup file ::
+     [REMOTE]$ rm -iv recovery.tar.bz2
diff --git a/docs/source/ops/generating-keys.rst b/docs/ops/generating-keys.rst
similarity index 82%
rename from docs/source/ops/generating-keys.rst
rename to docs/ops/generating-keys.rst
index c2f7028f2bc263c9e5bac40f78ca0adfb4861415..3da0410ce1e394fdd5b566a20a013fa5d29db213 100644
--- a/docs/source/ops/generating-keys.rst
+++ b/docs/ops/generating-keys.rst
@@ -42,17 +42,6 @@ For example::
   echo -n "SILOWzbnkBjxC1hGde9d5Q3Ir/4yLosCLEnEQGAxEQE=" > ristretto.signing-key
-ZKAP-Issuer TLS
-The ZKAPIssuer.service needs a working TLS certificate and expects it in the certbot directory for the domain you configured, in my case::
-  openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout privkey.pem -out cert.pem -days 3650
-  touch chain.pem
-Move the three .pem files into the payment's server ``/var/lib/letsencrypt/live/payments.localdev/`` directory and issue a ``sudo systemctl restart zkapissuer.service``.
 Monitoring VPN
diff --git a/docs/source/ops/monitoring.rst b/docs/ops/monitoring.rst
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/source/ops/monitoring.rst
rename to docs/ops/monitoring.rst
diff --git a/docs/ops/morph.rst b/docs/ops/morph.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5bcffb5fb5a6928a69300dcfb3ac4cb7126ba09a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ops/morph.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+.. include::
+   ../../morph/README.rst
diff --git a/docs/source/ops/service-dag-to-dashboard-order.dot b/docs/ops/service-dag-to-dashboard-order.dot
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/source/ops/service-dag-to-dashboard-order.dot
rename to docs/ops/service-dag-to-dashboard-order.dot
diff --git a/docs/source/_templates/.gitignore b/docs/source/_templates/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index f935021a8f8a7bd22f9d6703cafa5134bb6a57f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/source/_templates/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/docs/source/dev/README.rst b/docs/source/dev/README.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 14d2de31f932a0aa50545643e30c679c36696e19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/source/dev/README.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Developer documentation
-The build system uses `Nix`_ which must be installed before anything can be built.
-Start by setting up the development/operations environment::
-  $ nix-shell
-The test system uses `Nix`_ which must be installed before any tests can be run.
-Unit tests are run using this command::
-  $ nix-build nixos/unit-tests.nix
-Unit tests are also run on CI.
-The system tests are run using this command::
-  $ nix-build nixos/system-tests.nix
-The system tests boot QEMU VMs which prevents them from running on CI at this time.
-The build requires > 10 GB of disk space,
-and the VMs might be timing out on slow or busy machines.
-If you run into timeouts,
-try `raising the number of retries <https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/PrivateStorageio/-/blob/e8233d2/nixos/modules/tests/run-introducer.py#L55-62>`_.
-It is also possible go through the testing script interactively - useful for debugging::
-  $ nix-build -A private-storage.driver nixos/system-tests.nix
-This will give you a result symlink in the current directory.
-Inside that is bin/nixos-test-driver which gives you a kind of REPL for interacting with the VMs.
-The kind of `Python in this testScript <https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/PrivateStorageio/-/blob/78881a3/nixos/modules/tests/private-storage.nix#L180>`_ is what you can enter into this REPL.
-Consult the `official documentation on NixOS Tests <https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-nixos-tests>`_ for more information.
-Updatings Pins
-To update the version of NixOS we deploy with, run:
-.. code: shell
-   nix-shell --run 'update-nixpkgs'
-That will update ``nixpkgs-2015.json`` to the latest release on the nixos-21.05 channel.
-To update the channel, the script will need to be updated,
-along with the filenames that have the channel in them.
-Architecture overview
-.. graphviz:: architecture-overview.dot
-.. include::
-      ../../../morph/grid/local/README.rst
-.. _Nix: https://nixos.org/nix
diff --git a/docs/source/dev/architecture-overview.dot b/docs/source/dev/architecture-overview.dot
deleted file mode 100644
index cc95fbb74a5b67fc290b80d53ac679a1d1c9d972..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/docs/source/dev/architecture-overview.dot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-digraph subscriptions {
-        rankdir=LR
-        subgraph cluster_usercontrolled {
-                label = "User Operated"
-                rankdir=LR
-                GridSync                 [label="GridSync",                          shape=circle]
-                Browser                  [label="Browser",                           shape=circle]
-                TahoeLAFS                [label="Tahoe-LAFS",                        shape=circle]
-        }
-        subgraph cluster_pscontrolled {
-                label = "PrivateStorage.io Operated"
-                rankdir = TB
-                PSWebServer              [label="PrivateStorage.io Web Server",      shape=box]
-                SubscriptionConfigWHPeer [label="Subscription Config Wormhole Peer", shape=box]
-                PaymentServer            [label="Payment Server",                    shape=box]
-                SATIssuer                [label="SAT Issuer",                        shape=box]
-                PSStorageGrid            [label="PrivateStorage.io Storage Grid",    shape=box]
-        }
-        User                     [label="User",                              shape=egg]
-        Stripe                   [label="Stripe",                            shape=pentagon]
-        User                     -> PSWebServer              [label="1. Get wormhole code",    fontcolor=red, color=red]
-        PSWebServer              -> User                     [label="2. 7-petulant-banana",    fontcolor=blue, color=blue]
-        User                     -> GridSync                 [label="3. 7-petulant-banana",    fontcolor=brown, color=brown]
-        GridSync                 -> SubscriptionConfigWHPeer [label="4. Get configuration",    fontcolor=black, color=black]
-        SubscriptionConfigWHPeer -> GridSync                 [label="5. Grid configuration",   fontcolor=magenta, color=magenta]
-        GridSync                 -> TahoeLAFS                [label="6. Instantiate",          fontcolor=aquamarine3, color=aquamarine3]
-        GridSync                 -> TahoeLAFS                [label="7. Redeem PRN",           fontcolor=crimson, color=crimson]
-        TahoeLAFS                -> PaymentServer            [label="8. Redeem PRN",           fontcolor=crimson, color=crimson]
-        PaymentServer            -> TahoeLAFS                [label="9. Payment required",     fontcolor=gold3, color=gold3]
-        TahoeLAFS                -> GridSync                 [label="10. Payment required",    fontcolor=gold3, color=gold3]
-        GridSync                 -> Browser                  [label="11. Open payment window", fontcolor=gold3, color=gold3]
-        User                     -> Browser                  [label="12. Enter payment info",  fontcolor=blue, color=blue]
-        Browser                  -> Stripe                   [label="13. Submit payment form", fontcolor=brown, color=brown]
-        Stripe                   -> Browser                  [label="14. Payment ok",          fontcolor=black, color=black]
-        Stripe                   -> PaymentServer            [label="15. Payment notification", fontcolor=magenta, color=magenta]
-        GridSync                 -> TahoeLAFS                [label="16. Redeem PRN",             fontcolor=aquamarine3, color=aquamarine3]
-        TahoeLAFS                -> TahoeLAFS                [label="17. Generate blinded tokens",        fontcolor=crimson, color=crimson]
-        TahoeLAFS                -> SATIssuer                [label="18. Redeem PRN, blinded-tokens=xs",  fontcolor=crimson, color=crimson]
-	SATIssuer                -> PaymentServer            [label="19. Check PRN",                      fontcolor=gold3, color=gold3]
-	PaymentServer            -> SATIssuer                [label="20. PRN Valid",                      fontcolor=gold3, color=gold3]
-	SATIssuer                -> TahoeLAFS                [label="21. PRN valid, signed-tokens=ys",    fontcolor=crimson, color=crimson]
-        TahoeLAFS                -> TahoeLAFS                [label="22. Store signed tokens",            fontcolor=crimson, color=crimson]
-        TahoeLAFS                -> GridSync                 [label="23. PRN Redeemed",                   fontcolor=red, color=red]
-        TahoeLAFS                -> PSStorageGrid            [label="24. Use storage, passes=y",          fontcolor=magenta, color=magenta]
diff --git a/morph/grid/local/config.json b/morph/grid/local/config.json
index 8b23b6f1152be4fa94e8935342bf11f7706d036c..8bd686a023b704688c8708b2408d0c3df8287f13 100644
--- a/morph/grid/local/config.json
+++ b/morph/grid/local/config.json
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 , "monitoringvpnEndpoint": ""
 , "passValue": 1000000
 , "issuerDomains": ["payments.localdev"]
+, "monitoringDomains": ["monitoring.localdev"]
 , "letsEncryptAdminEmail": "florian@privatestorage.io"
 , "allowedChargeOrigins": [
diff --git a/morph/grid/local/grid.nix b/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
index 46cb9c8ec1dc5278823c9e3ffc405289e7510469..4a1524c6b6b7f5e085766aec6a79af5b569e72ba 100644
--- a/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
+++ b/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ let
       # Give it a good SSH configuration.
+      # Configure things specific to the virtualisation environment.
+      gridlib.hardware-vagrant
     services.private-storage.sshUsers = ssh-users;
@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ let
       # depend on the format we use.
       mode = "0666";
       text = ''
-        # Include the ssh-users config 
+        # Include the ssh-users config
         builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./ssh-users.json)
@@ -68,51 +70,63 @@ let
   payments = {
     imports = [
-      (gridlib.hardware-virtual ({ publicIPv4 = ""; }))
       (gridlib.customize-issuer (grid-config // {
           monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
+    config = {
+      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
+    };
   storage1 = {
     imports = [
-      (gridlib.hardware-virtual ({ publicIPv4 = ""; }))
       (gridlib.customize-storage (grid-config // {
         monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
         stateVersion = "19.09";
+    config = {
+      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
+    };
   storage2 = {
     imports = [
-      (gridlib.hardware-virtual ({ publicIPv4 = ""; }))
       (gridlib.customize-storage (grid-config // {
         monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
         stateVersion = "19.09";
+    config = {
+      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
+    };
   monitoring = {
     imports = [
-      (gridlib.hardware-virtual ({ publicIPv4 = ""; }))
       (gridlib.customize-monitoring {
-        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs nodeExporterTargets paymentExporterTargets;
-        inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail;
+        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs
+                nodeExporterTargets
+                paymentExporterTargets
+                blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
+        inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail monitoringDomains;
         googleOAuthClientID = grid-config.monitoringGoogleOAuthClientID;
+        enableSlackAlert = false;
         monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
         stateVersion = "19.09";
+    config = {
+      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
+    };
   # TBD: derive these automatically:
@@ -125,10 +139,15 @@ let
   vpnClientIPs = [ "" "" "" ];
   nodeExporterTargets = [ "monitoring" "payments" "storage1" "storage2" ];
   paymentExporterTargets = [ "payments" ];
+  blackboxExporterHttpsTargets = [
+    # "https://private.storage/"
+    # "https://payments.private.storage/"
+  ];
 in {
   network = {
     description = "PrivateStorage.io LocalDev Grid";
+    inherit (gridlib) pkgs;
   inherit payments monitoring storage1 storage2;
diff --git a/morph/grid/local/private-keys/README.rst b/morph/grid/local/private-keys/README.rst
index 684bf942a8010129f49cfcf79f5df1b60965ae45..8ecd2dd261b02dd757862703944ad970688d3e7e 100644
--- a/morph/grid/local/private-keys/README.rst
+++ b/morph/grid/local/private-keys/README.rst
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ grafana-admin.password
 This is the initial admin password for the Grafana web admin on the monitoring host.
+This file is read by Grafana's systemd service to set an environment variable with a secret Slack WebHook URL to post alerts to.
+The only line in the file should be the secret URL.
+Use the url from `this 1Password entry <https://privatestorage.1password.com/vaults/7flqasy5hhhmlbtp5qozd3j4ga/allitems/cgznskz2oix2tyx5xyntwaos5i>`_ or get a new secret URL for your Slack channel at https://www.slack.com/apps/A0F7XDUAZ.
diff --git a/morph/grid/local/private-keys/grafana-slack-url b/morph/grid/local/private-keys/grafana-slack-url
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0885b7bfe1786d19f845c45d749bafaf12756cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morph/grid/local/private-keys/grafana-slack-url
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/morph/grid/production/config.json b/morph/grid/production/config.json
index fcae1563a8fc0d3a8a11324fc6667105ae3179c8..1696b5fb3c45df94b8bf69aae9ca323e6bac2266 100644
--- a/morph/grid/production/config.json
+++ b/morph/grid/production/config.json
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
   , "payments.private.storage"
+, "monitoringDomains": [
+    "monitoring.privatestorage.io"
+  , "monitoring.private.storage"
+  ]
 , "letsEncryptAdminEmail": "jean-paul@privatestorage.io"
 , "allowedChargeOrigins": [
diff --git a/morph/grid/production/grid.nix b/morph/grid/production/grid.nix
index 6009be84fb2a7ed7ca63e2e73b4f08f1f45ecb0d..950282f5573560f76355bcdcf4d6da51dacedd7d 100644
--- a/morph/grid/production/grid.nix
+++ b/morph/grid/production/grid.nix
@@ -45,9 +45,13 @@ let
       (gridlib.customize-monitoring {
-        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs nodeExporterTargets paymentExporterTargets;
-        inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail;
+        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs
+                nodeExporterTargets
+                paymentExporterTargets
+                blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
+        inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail monitoringDomains;
         googleOAuthClientID = grid-config.monitoringGoogleOAuthClientID;
+        enableSlackAlert = true;
         monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
         stateVersion = "19.09";
@@ -69,6 +73,10 @@ let
       # Slightly awkwardly, enable some of our hardware / network / bootloader options.
+      # At least some of our storage nodes utilize MegaRAID storage controllers.
+      # Monitor their array status.
+      ../../../nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/megacli2prom.nix
       # Get all of the configuration that is common across all storage nodes.
@@ -87,6 +95,10 @@ let
     # name is quoted because `1` makes `100tb` look an awful lot like a
     # number.
    "100tb".config = nodecfg;
+    # Enable statistics gathering for MegaRAID cards.
+    # TODO would be nice to enable only on machines that have such a device.
+    services.private-storage.monitoring.megacli2prom.enable = true;
   # Define all of the storage nodes for this grid.
@@ -126,10 +138,21 @@ let
   paymentExporterTargets = [ "payments" ];
+  blackboxExporterHttpsTargets = [
+    "https://private.storage/"
+    "https://www.private.storage/"
+    "https://privatestorage.io/"
+    "https://www.privatestorage.io/"
+    "https://payments.private.storage/"
+    "https://payments.privatestorage.io/"
+    "https://monitoring.private.storage/"
+    "https://monitoring.privatestorage.io/"
+  ];
 in {
   network = {
     description = "PrivateStorage.io Production Grid";
+    inherit (gridlib) pkgs;
   inherit payments;
   inherit monitoring;
diff --git a/morph/grid/testing/config.json b/morph/grid/testing/config.json
index a10840db52e8cd74bbac2a0ad38f4887c1a03258..7c3775df55ce76cf6048712e644a3f2669b6f07c 100644
--- a/morph/grid/testing/config.json
+++ b/morph/grid/testing/config.json
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
   , "payments.extra.privatestorage-staging.com"
+, "monitoringDomains": [
+    "monitoring.privatestorage-staging.com"
+  , "monitoring.extra.privatestorage-staging.com"
+  ]
 , "letsEncryptAdminEmail": "jean-paul@privatestorage.io"
 , "allowedChargeOrigins": [
diff --git a/morph/grid/testing/grid.nix b/morph/grid/testing/grid.nix
index 18983f0b32d28f13981b56475d7691a8cb434808..334518774851c22738c93b323223f255d871a394 100644
--- a/morph/grid/testing/grid.nix
+++ b/morph/grid/testing/grid.nix
@@ -58,9 +58,13 @@ let
       (gridlib.customize-monitoring {
-        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs nodeExporterTargets paymentExporterTargets;
-        inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail;
+        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs
+                nodeExporterTargets
+                paymentExporterTargets
+                blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
+        inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail monitoringDomains;
         googleOAuthClientID = grid-config.monitoringGoogleOAuthClientID;
+        enableSlackAlert = true;
         monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
         stateVersion = "19.09";
@@ -77,10 +81,21 @@ let
   vpnClientIPs = [ "" "" ];
   nodeExporterTargets = [ "monitoring" "payments" "storage001" ];
   paymentExporterTargets = [ "payments" ];
+  blackboxExporterHttpsTargets = [
+    "https://privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://www.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://extra.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://www.extra.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://payments.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://payments.extra.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://monitoring.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://monitoring.extra.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+  ];
 in {
   network = {
     description = "PrivateStorage.io Testing Grid";
+    inherit (gridlib) pkgs;
   inherit payments monitoring storage001;
diff --git a/morph/lib/base.nix b/morph/lib/base.nix
index 271766d9cff5253f6d9a72e475dec3398b2cd6b3..7390654ac167909149b0a6f4dfae897b8f3f43a3 100644
--- a/morph/lib/base.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/base.nix
@@ -20,8 +20,12 @@
+  # Any extra NixOS modules to load on all our servers.  Note that just
+  # because they're loaded doesn't *necessarily* mean they're turned on.
   imports = [
-    ../../nixos/modules/packages.nix
+    # This brings in various other modules that define options for different
+    # areas of the service.
+    ../../nixos/modules/default.nix
   config = {
@@ -31,6 +35,19 @@
     # being configured and using variable names complicates a lot of things).
     # Instead, just tell morph how to reach the node here - by using its fully
     # qualified domain name.
-    deployment.targetHost = "${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}";
+    deployment.targetHost = config.networking.fqdn;
+    assertions = [
+      # This is a check to save somebody in the future trying to debug why
+      # setting `nixpkgs.config` is not having an effect.
+      {
+        # `{}` is the default value for `nixpkgs.config`
+        assertion = config.nixpkgs.config == {};
+        message = ''
+          Since we set `nixpkgs.pkgs` via morph's `network.pkgs`, the value for `nixpkgs.config` is ignored.
+          See https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/PrivateStorageio/-/issues/85#note_15876 for details.
+          '';
+      }
+    ];
diff --git a/morph/lib/customize-monitoring.nix b/morph/lib/customize-monitoring.nix
index 19a800f1fa806c09f132f2bb2769869a30c65ec2..2899d9940d4309b81a31f96590f0d3df1d632dc4 100644
--- a/morph/lib/customize-monitoring.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/customize-monitoring.nix
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
   # See ``customize-issuer.nix``.
 , monitoringvpnIPv4
 , letsEncryptAdminEmail
+, monitoringDomains
   # A list of VPN IP addresses as strings indicating which clients will be
   # allowed onto the VPN.
@@ -28,10 +29,18 @@
   # which nodes to scrape PaymentServer metrics from.
 , paymentExporterTargets ? []
+  # A list of HTTPS servers (URLs, IP addresses or hostnames) as strings indicating
+  # which nodes the BlackboxExporter should scrape HTTP and TLS metrics from.
+, blackboxExporterHttpsTargets ? []
   # A string containing the GSuite OAuth2 ClientID to use to authenticate
   # logins to Grafana.
 , googleOAuthClientID
+  # Whether to enable alerting via Slack.
+  # When true requires a grafana-slack-url file (see private-keys/README.rst).
+, enableSlackAlert ? false
   # A string giving the NixOS state version for the system.
 , stateVersion
 , ...
@@ -71,12 +80,25 @@ in {
           action = ["sudo" "systemctl" "restart" "grafana.service"];
+    grafanaSlackUrl =
+      if !enableSlackAlert
+      then { }
+      else {
+        "grafana-slack-url" = {
+          source = "${privateKeyPath}/grafana-slack-url";
+          destination = "/run/keys/grafana-slack-url";
+          owner.user = config.systemd.services.grafana.serviceConfig.User;
+          owner.group = config.users.users.grafana.group;
+          permissions = "0400";
+          action = ["sudo" "systemctl" "restart" "grafana.service"];
+        };
+      };
     monitoringvpn = {
       "monitoringvpn-private-key".source = "${privateKeyPath}/monitoringvpn/server.key";
       "monitoringvpn-preshared-key".source = "${privateKeyPath}/monitoringvpn/preshared.key";
-      grafanaSSO // monitoringvpn;
+      grafanaSSO // grafanaSlackUrl // monitoringvpn;
   networking.hosts = hostsMap;
@@ -91,12 +113,14 @@ in {
     inherit nodeExporterTargets;
     inherit nginxExporterTargets;
     inherit paymentExporterTargets;
+    inherit blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
   services.private-storage.monitoring.grafana = {
     inherit letsEncryptAdminEmail;
     inherit googleOAuthClientID;
-    domain = "${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}";
+    inherit enableSlackAlert;
+    domains = monitoringDomains;
   system.stateVersion = stateVersion;
diff --git a/morph/lib/default.nix b/morph/lib/default.nix
index bf25e5a58d04d148296bffef48acc4e4e125684b..a820cc559b6b2da78c06bcb84282e392c3a1ebc7 100644
--- a/morph/lib/default.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/default.nix
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   base = import ./base.nix;
   hardware-aws = import ./issuer-aws.nix;
-  hardware-virtual = import ./hardware-virtual.nix;
+  hardware-vagrant = import ./hardware-vagrant.nix;
   issuer = import ./issuer.nix;
   customize-issuer = import ./customize-issuer.nix;
@@ -17,4 +17,20 @@
   customize-monitoring = import ./customize-monitoring.nix;
   modules = builtins.toString ../../nixos/modules;
+  # The nixpkgs version used in our deployments. This affects both the packages
+  # installed, as well as the NixOS module set that is used.
+  # This is intended to be used in a grid definition like:
+  #     network = { ... ; inherit (gridlib) pkgs; ... }
+  pkgs = import ../../nixpkgs-2105.nix {
+    # Ensure that configuration of the system where this runs
+    # doesn't leak into what we build.
+    # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/62513
+    config = { pkgs }: let lib = pkgs.lib; in {
+      allowUnfreePredicate = pkg: builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [
+        "megacli"
+      ];
+    };
+    overlays = [];
+  };
diff --git a/morph/lib/hardware-vagrant.nix b/morph/lib/hardware-vagrant.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c41af4923861e89d144303d129d7babde494363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morph/lib/hardware-vagrant.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{ config, lib, modulesPath, ... }:
+  imports = [
+    # modulesPath points at the upstream nixos/modules directory.
+    "${modulesPath}/virtualisation/vagrant-guest.nix"
+  ];
+  options.grid = {
+    publicIPv4 = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      description = ''
+        The primary IPv4 address of the virtual machine.
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  config = {
+    virtualisation.virtualbox.guest.enable = true;
+    boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
+    boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ata_piix" "sd_mod" "sr_mod" ];
+    boot.kernel.sysctl = { "vm.swappiness" = 0; };
+    # remove the fsck that runs at startup. It will always fail to run, stopping
+    # your boot until you press *.
+    boot.initrd.checkJournalingFS = false;
+    networking.interfaces.enp0s8.ipv4.addresses = [{
+      address = config.grid.publicIPv4;
+      prefixLength = 24;
+    }];
+    # The issuer configuration wants to read the location of its database
+    # directory from the filesystem configuration.  Since the Vagrant
+    # environment doesn't have separate volume-as-infrastructure management
+    # (maybe it could?  but why bother?) we do a bind-mount here so there is a
+    # configured value readable.  The database won't really have a dedicated
+    # volume but it will sort of appear as if it does.
+    services.private-storage-issuer.databaseFileSystem = {
+      device = "/var/lib/origin-zkapissuer-v2";
+      options = ["bind"];
+    };
+    # XXX This should be handled by the storage module like the zkap
+    # filesystem above is handled by the issuer module.
+    fileSystems."/storage" = { fsType = "tmpfs"; };
+    fileSystems."/" =
+      { device = "/dev/sda1";
+        fsType = "ext4";
+      };
+    # We want to push packages with morph without having to sign them
+    nix.trustedUsers = [ "@wheel" "root" "vagrant" ];
+  };
diff --git a/morph/lib/hardware-virtual.nix b/morph/lib/hardware-virtual.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index cf1582792bff77c491210ee5e91f99bfbffbf9f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/morph/lib/hardware-virtual.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-{ publicIPv4, ... }:
-  imports = [ ./vagrant-guest.nix ];
-  virtualisation.virtualbox.guest.enable = true;
-  # Use the GRUB 2 boot loader.
-  boot.loader.grub.enable = true;
-  boot.loader.grub.version = 2;
-  boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
-  boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ata_piix" "sd_mod" "sr_mod" ];
-  boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ ];
-  boot.kernel.sysctl = { "vm.swappiness" = 0; };
-  boot.kernelModules = [ ];
-  boot.extraModulePackages = [ ];
-  # remove the fsck that runs at startup. It will always fail to run, stopping
-  # your boot until you press *.
-  boot.initrd.checkJournalingFS = false;
-  networking.interfaces.enp0s8.ipv4.addresses = [{
-    address = publicIPv4;
-    prefixLength = 24;
-  }];
-  fileSystems."/storage" = { fsType = "tmpfs"; };
-  fileSystems."/" =
-    { device = "/dev/sda1";
-      fsType = "ext4";
-    };
-  swapDevices = [ ];
-  # We want to push packages with morph without having to sign them
-  nix.trustedUsers = [ "@wheel" "root" "vagrant" ];
diff --git a/morph/lib/issuer-aws.nix b/morph/lib/issuer-aws.nix
index bf7de56cfb570857da32c34ebfcc9b21c91e702e..8ff172803eda784898aba2d96636df1afcee36e5 100644
--- a/morph/lib/issuer-aws.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/issuer-aws.nix
@@ -18,6 +18,14 @@
   # <https://github.com/DBCDK/morph/issues/146>.
   networking.hostName = name;
+  # Mount a dedicated filesystem (ideally on a dedicated volume, but that's
+  # beyond control of this particular part of the system) for the
+  # PaymentServer voucher database.  This makes it easier to manage for
+  # tasks like backup/recovery and encryption.
+  services.private-storage-issuer.databaseFileSystem = {
+    label = "zkapissuer-data";
+  };
   # Clean up packages after a while
   nix.gc = {
     automatic = true;
diff --git a/morph/lib/issuer.nix b/morph/lib/issuer.nix
index d60af799888c97ec8f97a061d40b54d3f2db82a7..d3ee812e865f741b01eb811589262ae01ece824f 100644
--- a/morph/lib/issuer.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/issuer.nix
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ in {
   imports = [
-    ../../nixos/modules/issuer.nix
@@ -56,6 +55,6 @@ in {
     ristrettoSigningKeyPath = config.deployment.secrets.ristretto-signing-key.destination;
     stripeSecretKeyPath = config.deployment.secrets.stripe-secret-key.destination;
     database = "SQLite3";
-    databasePath = "/var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3";
+    databasePath = "${config.fileSystems."zkapissuer-data".mountPoint}/vouchers.sqlite3";
diff --git a/morph/lib/monitoring.nix b/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
index bf92d1041f2bf9b9fb1ff4580a25ff7b596a9bbb..89a328e89a799b445dff7180dff552350b9629cf 100644
--- a/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+    ../../nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/blackbox.nix
     # Loki 0.3.0 from Nixpkgs 19.09 is too old and does not work:
     # ../../nixos/modules/monitoring/server/loki.nix
diff --git a/morph/lib/storage.nix b/morph/lib/storage.nix
index 86e142286351237099337d38d03a9b54255b8246..15e2373737a7ff2f1efe8cf2c41b59de606f0a1a 100644
--- a/morph/lib/storage.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/storage.nix
@@ -43,8 +43,12 @@ in {
     # Expose base system metrics over the monitoringvpn.
+    # Collect Tahoe OpenMetrics statistics.
+    ../../nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/tahoe.nix
+  services.private-storage.monitoring.tahoe.enable = true;
   # Turn on the Private Storage (Tahoe-LAFS) service.
   services.private-storage = {
     # Yep.  Turn it on.
diff --git a/morph/lib/vagrant-guest.nix b/morph/lib/vagrant-guest.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 360671f5e8391571d37da6db37b2de8dc02b66bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/morph/lib/vagrant-guest.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# Minimal configuration that vagrant depends on
-{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
-  # Vagrant uses an insecure shared private key by default, but we
-  # don't use the authorizedKeys attribute under users because it should be
-  # removed on first boot and replaced with a random one. This script sets
-  # the correct permissions and installs the temporary key if no
-  # ~/.ssh/authorized_keys exists.
-  install-vagrant-ssh-key = pkgs.writeScriptBin "install-vagrant-ssh-key" ''
-    #!${pkgs.runtimeShell}
-    if [ ! -e ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ]; then
-      mkdir -m 0700 -p ~/.ssh
-      echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA6NF8iallvQVp22WDkTkyrtvp9eWW6A8YVr+kz4TjGYe7gHzIw+niNltGEFHzD8+v1I2YJ6oXevct1YeS0o9HZyN1Q9qgCgzUFtdOKLv6IedplqoPkcmF0aYet2PkEDo3MlTBckFXPITAMzF8dJSIFo9D8HfdOV0IAdx4O7PtixWKn5y2hMNG0zQPyUecp4pzC6kivAIhyfHilFR61RGL+GPXQ2MWZWFYbAGjyiYJnAmCP3NOTd0jMZEnDkbUvxhMmBYSdETk1rRgm+R4LOzFUGaHqHDLKLX+FIPKcF96hrucXzcWyLbIbEgE98OHlnVYCzRdK8jlqm8tehUc9c9WhQ== vagrant insecure public key" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
-      chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
-    fi
-  '';
-  # Services to enable:
-  # Enable the OpenSSH daemon.
-  services.openssh.enable = true;
-  # Wireguard kernel module for Kernels < 5.6
-  boot = lib.mkIf (lib.versionOlder pkgs.linuxPackages.kernel.version "5.6") {
-    extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.wireguard ] ;
-  };
-  # Enable DBus
-  services.dbus.enable    = true;
-  # Replace ntpd by timesyncd
-  services.timesyncd.enable = true;
-  # Packages for Vagrant
-  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
-    findutils
-    gnumake
-    iputils
-    jq
-    nettools
-    netcat
-    nfs-utils
-    rsync
-  ];
-  users.users.root = { password = "vagrant"; };
-  # Creates a "vagrant" group & user with password-less sudo access
-  users.groups.vagrant = {
-    name = "vagrant";
-    members = [ "vagrant" ];
-  };
-  users.extraUsers.vagrant = {
-    isNormalUser    = true;
-    createHome      = true;
-    group           = "vagrant";
-    extraGroups     = [ "users" "wheel" ];
-    password        = "vagrant";
-    home            = "/home/vagrant";
-    useDefaultShell = true;
-  };
-  systemd.services.install-vagrant-ssh-key = {
-    description = "Vagrant SSH key install (if needed)";
-    after = [ "fs.target" ];
-    wants = [ "fs.target" ];
-    wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
-    serviceConfig = {
-      ExecStart = "${install-vagrant-ssh-key}/bin/install-vagrant-ssh-key";
-      User = "vagrant";
-      # So it won't be (needlessly) restarted:
-      RemainAfterExit = true;
-    };
-  };
-  security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;
-  security.sudo.extraConfig =
-    ''
-      Defaults:root,%wheel env_keep+=LOCALE_ARCHIVE
-      Defaults:root,%wheel env_keep+=NIX_PATH
-      Defaults:root,%wheel env_keep+=TERMINFO_DIRS
-      Defaults env_keep+=SSH_AUTH_SOCK
-      Defaults lecture = never
-      root   ALL=(ALL) SETENV: ALL
-    '';
diff --git a/nixos/modules/100tb.nix b/nixos/modules/100tb.nix
index a8db0e8be56798e4491033bfaeec3e4d48c01a8f..87554ef316b3c25076260d0f43aa8008941580e2 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/100tb.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/100tb.nix
@@ -34,39 +34,39 @@ let
   options = {
     hostId = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "abcdefab";
+      example = "abcdefab";
       description = "The 32-bit host ID of the machine, formatted as 8 hexadecimal characters.";
     interface = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "eno0";
+      example = "eno0";
       description = "The name of the network interface on which to configure a static address.";
     publicIPv4 = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "";
+      example = "";
       description = "The IPv4 address to statically assign to `interface`.";
     prefixLength = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.int;
-      example = lib.literalExample 24;
+      example = 24;
       description = "The statically configured network's prefix length.";
     gateway = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "";
+      example = "";
       description = "The statically configured address of the network gateway.";
     gatewayInterface = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "eno0";
+      example = "eno0";
       description = "The name of the network interface for the default route.";
       default = cfg.interface;
     grubDeviceID = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "wwn-0x5000c500936410b9";
+      example = "wwn-0x5000c500936410b9";
       description = "The ID of the disk on which to install grub.";
diff --git a/nixos/modules/default.nix b/nixos/modules/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1772d399639aa8b4ec2c9ac6a218c4dd8a6169da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  # Load modules that are sometimes universally useful and other times useful
+  # only for a specific service.  Where functionality is not universally
+  # useful, it needs to be enabled by a node's configuration.  By loading more
+  # modules (and therefore defining more options) than is strictly necessary
+  # for any single node the logic for supplying conditional configuration
+  # elsewhere is much simplified.  For example, a Vagrant module can
+  # unconditionally set up a filesystem for PaymentServer.  If PaymentServer
+  # is running on that node then it will get a Vagrant-appropriate
+  # configuration.  If PaymentServer hasn't been enabled then the
+  # configuration will just be ignored.
+  imports = [
+    ./packages.nix
+    ./issuer.nix
+  ];
diff --git a/nixos/modules/deployment.nix b/nixos/modules/deployment.nix
index b0a5e3c4c761d188922a076643fcd3a25a4b81f0..41381ce5d33e62f4e569b87709d591f3586804df 100755
--- a/nixos/modules/deployment.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/deployment.nix
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ in {
   options = {
     services.private-storage.deployment.authorizedKey = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample ''
+      example = ''
         ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3N...
       description = ''
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ in {
     services.private-storage.deployment.gridName = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "staging";
+      example = "staging";
       description = ''
         The name of the grid configuration to use to update this deployment.
diff --git a/nixos/modules/issuer.nix b/nixos/modules/issuer.nix
index 85c39c7271e9273b5e299980ebf7a46849bc9457..67bc3c5029c290676a777115179b273b2e8851ef 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/issuer.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/issuer.nix
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ in {
     services.private-storage-issuer.package = lib.mkOption {
       default = ourpkgs.zkapissuer;
       type = lib.types.package;
-      example = lib.literalExample "pkgs.zkapissuer.components.exes.\"PaymentServer-exe\"";
+      example = lib.literalExpression "pkgs.zkapissuer.components.exes.\"PaymentServer-exe\"";
       description = ''
         The package to use for the ZKAP issuer.
     services.private-storage-issuer.domains = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample [ "payments.example.com" ];
+      example = [ "payments.example.com" ];
       description = ''
         The domain names at which the issuer is reachable.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ in {
     services.private-storage-issuer.issuer = lib.mkOption {
       default = "Ristretto";
       type = lib.types.enum [ "Trivial" "Ristretto" ];
-      example = lib.literalExample "Trivial";
+      example = "Trivial";
       description = ''
         The issuer algorithm to use.  Either Trivial for a fake no-crypto
         algorithm or Ristretto for Ristretto-flavored PrivacyPass.
@@ -81,6 +81,15 @@ in {
         The kind of voucher database to use.
+    services.private-storage-issuer.databaseFileSystem = lib.mkOption {
+      # Logically, the type is the type of an entry in fileSystems - but we'll
+      # just let the type system enforce that when we pass the value on to
+      # fileSystems.
+      description = ''
+        Configuration for a filesystem to mount which will hold the issuer's
+        internal state database.
+      '';
+    };
     services.private-storage-issuer.databasePath = lib.mkOption {
       default = null;
       type = lib.types.str;
@@ -111,11 +120,26 @@ in {
       # We'll refer to this collection of domains by the first domain in the
       # list.
       domain = builtins.head cfg.domains;
-      certServiceName = "acme-${domain}";
       # Payment server internal http port (arbitrary, non-priviledged):
       internalHttpPort = "1061";
+      # The "-vN" suffix indicates that this Nth incompatible version of on
+      # disk state as managed by this deployment system.  This does not have
+      # anything to do with what's inside the PaymentServer-managed state.
+      # Instead it's about things like the type of filesystem used or options
+      # having to do with the backing volume behind the filesystem.  In
+      # general I expect that to get from "-vN" to "-v(N+1)" some manual
+      # upgrade steps will be required.
+      stateDirectory = "zkapissuer-v2";
     in lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    # Make sure the voucher database filesystem is mounted.
+    fileSystems = {
+      "zkapissuer-data" = cfg.databaseFileSystem // {
+        mountPoint = "/var/lib/${stateDirectory}";
+      };
+    };
     # Add a systemd service to run PaymentServer.
     systemd.services.zkapissuer = {
       enable = true;
@@ -138,15 +162,30 @@ in {
       # Make systemd create a User/Group owned directory for PaymentServer
       # state. According to the docs at
       # https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#RuntimeDirectory=
-      # "The specified directory names must be relative" ... this
-      # makes systemd create /var/lib/zkapissuer/ for us:
-      serviceConfig.StateDirectory = "zkapissuer";
+      # "The specified directory names must be relative" ... this makes
+      # systemd create this directory in /var/lib/ for us.
+      serviceConfig.StateDirectory = stateDirectory;
       serviceConfig.StateDirectoryMode = "0750";
-      # Bail if there is still an old (root-owned) DB file on this system.
-      # If you hit this, and this /var/db/ file is indeed current, move it to
-      # /var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3 and chown it to zkapissuer:zkapissuer.
-      unitConfig.AssertPathExists = "!/var/db/vouchers.sqlite3";
+      unitConfig.AssertPathExists = [
+        # Bail if there is still an old (root-owned) DB file on this system.
+        # If you hit this, and this /var/db/ file is indeed current, move it
+        # to /var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3 and chown it to
+        # zkapissuer:zkapissuer.
+        "!/var/db/vouchers.sqlite3"
+        # Similarly, bail if the newer path you were just told to create --
+        # /var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3 -- exists.  It needs to be
+        # moved /var/lib/zkapissuer-v2 where a dedicated filesystem has been
+        # created for it.
+        "!/var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3"
+      ];
+      # Only start if the dedicated vouchers database filesystem is mounted so
+      # that we know we're going to find our vouchers database there (or that
+      # we will create it in the right place).
+      unitConfig.Requires = ["local-fs.target"];
+      unitConfig.After = ["local-fs.target"];
       script =
@@ -189,7 +228,7 @@ in {
       extraGroups = [ "keys" ];
-    # Open 80 and 443 for the certbot HTTP server and the PaymentServer HTTPS server.
+    # Open 80 and 443 for nginx
     networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
@@ -224,6 +263,12 @@ in {
           proxyPass = "${internalHttpPort}";
+        locations."/" = {
+          # Return a 404 error for any paths not specified above.
+          extraConfig = ''
+            return 404;
+          '';
+        };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/blackbox.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/blackbox.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c08dee2a5778b9ac037268cef9907f20537e96b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/blackbox.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Prometheus Blackbox exporter configuration
+# Scope: From the monitoring machine, ping (etc.) hosts to check whether
+#        they are reachable, certs still are valid for a while, etc.
+# Notes: The Blackbox exporter is using the "Multi Target Exporter" pattern,
+#        see https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/multi-target-exporter/ .
+# Usage: Import this on a monitoring server
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
+  config.services.prometheus.exporters.blackbox = {
+    enable = true;
+    configFile = pkgs.writeText "blackbox-exporter.yaml" (builtins.toJSON {
+      modules = {
+        https_2xx = {
+          prober = "http";
+          timeout = "5s";
+          http = {
+            fail_if_not_ssl = true;
+            # This prober is for IPv4 only.
+            preferred_ip_protocol = "ip4";
+            ip_protocol_fallback = false;
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    });
+  };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/megacli2prom.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/megacli2prom.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a38f1ccc18b59073ff835e50babeb565f79a20b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/megacli2prom.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# MegaCli to Prometheus text format exporter
+# Scope: Gets data from MegaRAID compatible storage controllers and mogrifies
+#        to Prometheus text format, saves to a temp file, to later be scraped
+#        by the node exporter.
+# Usage: Import this to every server with a MegaRAID card that you want to
+#        include in the central monitoring system
+# See https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/#module-services-prometheus-exporters
+{ config, options, lib, ourpkgs, pkgs, ... }:
+  cfg = config.services.private-storage.monitoring.megacli2prom;
+in {
+  options.services.private-storage.monitoring.megacli2prom = {
+    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "MegaCli2Prom metrics gathering service";
+    outFile = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      description = "Where to store the temporary file for node exporter to scrape?";
+      default = "/run/prometheus-node-exporter/megacli.prom";
+    };
+    interval = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      description = ''
+        How often to do it?
+        See https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html#Calendar%20Events
+      '';
+      # Every five minutes.
+      default = "*:0/5";
+    };
+  };
+  config =
+    lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+      environment.systemPackages = [ ourpkgs.megacli2prom ];
+      systemd.services.megacli2prom = {
+        enable = true;
+        description = "MegaCli2Prom metrics gathering service";
+        wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+        startAt = cfg.interval;
+        path = [ pkgs.megacli ];
+        # Save to a temp file and then move atomically so the
+        # textfile collector won't read a partial file.
+        # See https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter#textfile-collector
+        script = ''
+          "${ourpkgs.megacli2prom}/bin/megacli2prom" > "${cfg.outFile}.tmp"
+          mv "${cfg.outFile}.tmp" "${cfg.outFile}"
+        '';
+      };
+  };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/node.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/node.nix
index 62702e82f1e0a6bd9effae871f275c5dd23a37ae..d854ff7398cd19ac4d4d5b3f8739073feb84834a 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/node.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/node.nix
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ in {
       #"softnet" # not in nixpkgs 19.09
-      # "textfile"
-      # "textfile.directory /run/prometheus-node-exporter"
+      "textfile"
+      "textfile.directory /run/prometheus-node-exporter"
       #"thermal_zone" # not in nixpkgs 19.09
       #"udp_queues" # not in nixpkgs 19.09
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/tahoe.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/tahoe.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9bffabe74d45341b981ce3eb1cf05323e71fb5c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/tahoe.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Tahoe Prometheus metrics collector
+# Scope: Retrieves OpenMetrics from Tahoe and puts them
+#        where textfile collector can find them.
+# Usage: Import this to every server running Tahoe.
+# See https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/#module-services-prometheus-exporters
+{ config, options, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  cfg = config.services.private-storage.monitoring.tahoe;
+in {
+  options.services.private-storage.monitoring.tahoe = {
+    enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Tahoe OpenMetrics collecting service";
+    scrapeEndpoint = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      description = "Where to get our metrics from?";
+      default = "http://localhost:3456/statistics?t=openmetrics";
+    };
+    outFile = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      description = "Where to store the temporary file for node exporter to scrape?";
+      default = "/run/prometheus-node-exporter/tahoe.prom";
+    };
+    interval = lib.mkOption {
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      description = ''
+        How often to do it?
+        See https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html#Calendar%20Events
+      '';
+      # Every five minutes.
+      default = "*:0/5";
+    };
+  };
+  config =
+    lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+      environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.curl ];
+      systemd.services.tahoe-metrics-collector = {
+        enable = true;
+        description = "Tahoe metrics gathering service";
+        after = [ "tahoe.storage.service" ];
+        startAt = cfg.interval;
+        path = [ pkgs.curl ];
+        restartIfChanged = false;
+        # Save to a temp file and then move atomically so the
+        # textfile collector won't read a partial file.
+        # See https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter#textfile-collector
+        script = ''
+          curl --silent --show-error --fail-with-body --output "${cfg.outFile}.tmp" "${cfg.scrapeEndpoint}"
+          mv "${cfg.outFile}.tmp" "${cfg.outFile}"
+        '';
+      };
+      systemd.timers.tahoe-metrics-collector = {
+        after = [ "tahoe.storage.service" ];
+      };
+  };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/meta-monitoring.json b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/meta-monitoring.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17564492ffc163c2c98a1a5e6ed35bc52d63e6c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/meta-monitoring.json
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+  "annotations": {
+    "list": [
+      {
+        "builtIn": 1,
+        "datasource": "-- Grafana --",
+        "enable": true,
+        "hide": true,
+        "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
+        "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
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+      }
+    ]
+  },
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+    {
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+          {
+            "evaluator": {
+              "params": [
+                0
+              ],
+              "type": "gt"
+            },
+            "operator": {
+              "type": "and"
+            },
+            "query": {
+              "params": [
+                "A",
+                "5m",
+                "now"
+              ]
+            },
+            "reducer": {
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "count"
+            },
+            "type": "query"
+          }
+        ],
+        "executionErrorState": "alerting",
+        "for": "5m",
+        "frequency": "1m",
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+        "name": "Scraping down",
+        "noDataState": "ok",
+        "notifications": []
+      },
+      "aliasColors": {},
+      "bars": true,
+      "dashLength": 10,
+      "dashes": false,
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "Is Prometheus having problems scraping our instances? Should be zero.",
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+        "overrides": []
+      },
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+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
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+          "interval": "",
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+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
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+        {
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+          "line": false,
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+          "value": 0,
+          "visible": true
+        }
+      ],
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+      "timeRegions": [],
+      "timeShift": null,
+      "title": "Scraping failures",
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+      },
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+    "list": []
+  },
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+    "to": "now"
+  },
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+  "title": "Meta monitoring",
+  "uid": "MetaMonitoring",
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similarity index 99%
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--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-config/payments.json
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/payments.json
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
           "exemplar": true,
-          "expr": "payment_redemption_voucher_redeemed",
+          "expr": "payment_redemption_vouchers_redeemed",
           "format": "time_series",
           "hide": false,
           "interval": "",
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-config/resources-overview.json b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/resources-overview.json
similarity index 77%
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--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-config/resources-overview.json
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/resources-overview.json
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
       "description": "Some of our software runs in a single thread, so this shows max CPU per core (instead of averaged over all cores)",
       "fieldConfig": {
         "defaults": {
-          "custom": {}
+          "links": []
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@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
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@@ -68,11 +68,10 @@
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@@ -173,8 +172,8 @@
       "datasource": null,
       "fieldConfig": {
         "defaults": {
-          "custom": {},
-          "displayName": "${__field.labels.instance}"
+          "displayName": "${__field.labels.instance}",
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@@ -194,8 +193,8 @@
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@@ -213,11 +212,10 @@
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@@ -241,7 +239,7 @@
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           "op": "gt",
           "value": 1,
-          "yaxis": "left"
+          "visible": true
       "timeFrom": null,
@@ -328,7 +326,7 @@
       "description": "How much RAM is in use? Relative to available system memory.",
       "fieldConfig": {
         "defaults": {
-          "custom": {}
+          "links": []
         "overrides": []
@@ -336,8 +334,8 @@
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@@ -356,11 +354,10 @@
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+        "alertThreshold": true
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@@ -384,7 +381,7 @@
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@@ -428,6 +425,152 @@
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+    {
+      "alert": {
+        "alertRuleTags": {},
+        "conditions": [
+          {
+            "evaluator": {
+              "params": [
+                0.1
+              ],
+              "type": "gt"
+            },
+            "operator": {
+              "type": "and"
+            },
+            "query": {
+              "params": [
+                "A",
+                "5m",
+                "now"
+              ]
+            },
+            "reducer": {
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "avg"
+            },
+            "type": "query"
+          }
+        ],
+        "executionErrorState": "alerting",
+        "for": "5m",
+        "frequency": "1m",
+        "handler": 1,
+        "name": "Swap usage alert",
+        "noDataState": "no_data",
+        "notifications": []
+      },
+      "aliasColors": {},
+      "bars": false,
+      "dashLength": 10,
+      "dashes": false,
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "How much Swap is in use? Relative to available swap.",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {},
+        "overrides": []
+      },
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+      "stack": false,
+      "steppedLine": false,
+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "1 - node_memory_SwapFree_bytes / node_memory_SwapTotal_bytes",
+          "interval": "",
+          "intervalFactor": 1,
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}}",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
+      "thresholds": [
+        {
+          "colorMode": "critical",
+          "fill": true,
+          "line": true,
+          "op": "gt",
+          "value": 0.1,
+          "visible": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "timeFrom": null,
+      "timeRegions": [],
+      "timeShift": null,
+      "title": "Swap used %",
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+        "shared": true,
+        "sort": 2,
+        "value_type": "individual"
+      },
+      "type": "graph",
+      "xaxis": {
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+        "mode": "time",
+        "name": null,
+        "show": true,
+        "values": []
+      },
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+          "logBase": 1,
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+          "show": true
+        },
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+          "show": false
+        }
+      ],
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+        "alignLevel": null
+      }
+    },
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       "datasource": null,
@@ -448,10 +591,10 @@
       "dashLength": 10,
       "dashes": false,
       "datasource": null,
-      "description": "Shows most saturated network link for every node. Baseline is the reported NIC link speed - that might not be the actual limit.",
+      "description": "Shows most saturated network link for every node. Bit/s.",
       "fieldConfig": {
         "defaults": {
-          "custom": {}
+          "links": []
         "overrides": []
@@ -478,11 +621,10 @@
       "linewidth": 1,
       "nullPointMode": "null",
       "options": {
-        "alertThreshold": true,
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+        "alertThreshold": true
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-      "pluginVersion": "7.3.5",
+      "pluginVersion": "7.5.10",
       "pointradius": 2,
       "points": false,
       "renderer": "flot",
@@ -492,14 +634,14 @@
       "steppedLine": false,
       "targets": [
-          "expr": "max by (instance) (rate(node_network_transmit_bytes_total{device!~\"lo|monitoringvpn\"}[5m]) / node_network_speed_bytes)",
+          "expr": "max by (instance) (rate(node_network_transmit_bytes_total{device!~\"lo|monitoringvpn\"}[5m]) * 8)",
           "interval": "",
           "intervalFactor": 4,
           "legendFormat": "{{instance}} out",
           "refId": "A"
-          "expr": "- max by (instance) (rate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{device!~\"lo|monitoringvpn\"}[5m]) / node_network_speed_bytes)",
+          "expr": "- max by (instance) (rate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{device!~\"lo|monitoringvpn\"}[5m]) * 8)",
           "interval": "",
           "intervalFactor": 4,
           "legendFormat": "{{instance}} in",
@@ -510,7 +652,7 @@
       "timeFrom": null,
       "timeRegions": [],
       "timeShift": null,
-      "title": "Throughput %",
+      "title": "Throughput",
       "tooltip": {
         "shared": false,
         "sort": 2,
@@ -527,15 +669,17 @@
       "yaxes": [
+          "$$hashKey": "object:226",
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-          "format": "percentunit",
+          "format": "bps",
           "label": null,
           "logBase": 1,
-          "max": "1",
-          "min": "-1",
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
           "show": true
+          "$$hashKey": "object:227",
           "format": "short",
           "label": null,
           "logBase": 1,
@@ -558,7 +702,7 @@
       "description": "Packet and error count. Positive values mean transmit, negative receive.",
       "fieldConfig": {
         "defaults": {
-          "custom": {}
+          "links": []
         "overrides": []
@@ -585,11 +729,10 @@
       "linewidth": 1,
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-        "alertThreshold": true,
-        "dataLinks": []
+        "alertThreshold": true
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-      "pluginVersion": "7.3.5",
+      "pluginVersion": "7.5.10",
       "pointradius": 2,
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       "renderer": "flot",
@@ -602,28 +745,28 @@
           "expr": "- rate(node_network_receive_packets_total{device!~\"lo|monitoringvpn\"}[5m])",
           "interval": "",
           "intervalFactor": 4,
-          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} {{device}}",
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} in",
           "refId": "A"
           "expr": "- rate(node_network_receive_errs_total{device!~\"lo|monitoringvpn\"}[5m])",
           "interval": "",
           "intervalFactor": 4,
-          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} {{device}}",
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} in err",
           "refId": "B"
           "expr": "rate(node_network_transmit_packets_total{device!~\"lo|monitoringvpn\"}[5m])",
           "interval": "",
           "intervalFactor": 4,
-          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} {{device}}",
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} out",
           "refId": "C"
           "expr": "rate(node_network_transmit_errs_total{device!~\"lo|monitoringvpn\"}[5m])",
           "interval": "",
           "intervalFactor": 4,
-          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} {{device}}",
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} out err",
           "refId": "D"
@@ -647,7 +790,7 @@
       "yaxes": [
-          "format": "short",
+          "format": "pps",
           "label": null,
           "logBase": 1,
           "max": null,
@@ -781,7 +924,7 @@
       "description": "Network errors, drops etc. Should all be 0.",
       "fieldConfig": {
         "defaults": {
-          "custom": {}
+          "links": []
         "overrides": []
@@ -808,11 +951,10 @@
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@@ -852,7 +994,8 @@
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           "line": true,
           "op": "gt",
-          "value": 10
+          "value": 10,
+          "visible": true
       "timeFrom": null,
@@ -953,7 +1096,7 @@
       "description": "Watch filesystems filling up. Shows only mounts over 10 % of available bytes used.",
       "fieldConfig": {
         "defaults": {
-          "custom": {},
+          "links": [],
           "unit": "percentunit"
         "overrides": []
@@ -962,7 +1105,7 @@
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+        "w": 6,
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@@ -981,11 +1124,10 @@
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@@ -1012,7 +1154,7 @@
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@@ -1035,6 +1177,7 @@
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@@ -1043,6 +1186,7 @@
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@@ -1065,7 +1209,7 @@
       "description": "Input Output Operations per second. Positive values mean read, negative write.",
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-          "custom": {}
+          "links": []
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@@ -1073,8 +1217,8 @@
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@@ -1092,11 +1236,10 @@
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+      "pluginVersion": "7.5.10",
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@@ -1170,7 +1313,7 @@
       "description": "Max average storage latency per node. Positive values mean read, negative write.",
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-          "custom": {}
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@@ -1178,8 +1321,8 @@
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@@ -1197,11 +1340,10 @@
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@@ -1265,17 +1407,159 @@
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+    {
+      "alert": {
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+        "conditions": [
+          {
+            "evaluator": {
+              "params": [
+                0
+              ],
+              "type": "gt"
+            },
+            "operator": {
+              "type": "and"
+            },
+            "query": {
+              "params": [
+                "A",
+                "5m",
+                "now"
+              ]
+            },
+            "reducer": {
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "count"
+            },
+            "type": "query"
+          }
+        ],
+        "executionErrorState": "alerting",
+        "for": "5m",
+        "frequency": "5m",
+        "handler": 1,
+        "name": "Degraded RAID alert",
+        "noDataState": "ok",
+        "notifications": []
+      },
+      "aliasColors": {},
+      "bars": true,
+      "dashLength": 10,
+      "dashes": false,
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+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "megacli_drives{state=\"Degraded\"}",
+          "interval": "",
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}}",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
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+        {
+          "colorMode": "critical",
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+          "op": "gt",
+          "value": 0,
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+        }
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+      "title": "Latency Histograms",
+      "type": "row"
+    },
+    {
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "These stats keep track of local disk latencies for storage-server operations. All values are in seconds. These are recorded by the storage server, starting from the time the request arrives (post-deserialization) and ending when the response begins serialization. As such, they are mostly useful for measuring disk speeds.",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {
+          "color": {
+            "mode": "thresholds"
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+          "selected": true,
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+      },
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+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "tahoe_stats_storage_server_latencies_$storageserverop{instance=\"$node\"}",
+          "interval": "",
+          "legendFormat": "{{quantile}}",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
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+      "title": "$storageserverop",
+      "type": "bargauge"
+    },
+    {
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "These stats keep track of local disk latencies for storage-server operations. All values are in seconds. These are recorded by the storage server, starting from the time the request arrives (post-deserialization) and ending when the response begins serialization. As such, they are mostly useful for measuring disk speeds.",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {
+          "color": {
+            "mode": "thresholds"
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+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "tahoe_stats_storage_server_latencies_$storageserverop",
+          "interval": "",
+          "legendFormat": "{{quantile}}",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
+      "title": "$storageserverop",
+      "type": "bargauge"
+    },
+    {
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "These stats keep track of local disk latencies for storage-server operations. All values are in seconds. These are recorded by the storage server, starting from the time the request arrives (post-deserialization) and ending when the response begins serialization. As such, they are mostly useful for measuring disk speeds.",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {
+          "color": {
+            "mode": "thresholds"
+          },
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+          "refId": "A"
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+        "overrides": []
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+        {
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+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "tahoe_stats_cpu_monitor_1min_avg{instance=\"$node\"}\n",
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+          "refId": "A"
+        },
+        {
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+          "refId": "C"
+        }
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+      "description": "Estimate of total number of CPU seconds consumed by node since the process was started. Ticket #472 indicates that .total may sometimes be negative due to wraparound of the kernel’s counter.",
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+      },
+      "lines": true,
+      "linewidth": 1,
+      "nullPointMode": "null",
+      "options": {
+        "alertThreshold": true
+      },
+      "percentage": false,
+      "pluginVersion": "7.5.11",
+      "pointradius": 2,
+      "points": false,
+      "renderer": "flot",
+      "seriesOverrides": [],
+      "spaceLength": 10,
+      "stack": false,
+      "steppedLine": false,
+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "tahoe_stats_cpu_monitor_total{instance=\"$node\"}\n",
+          "interval": "",
+          "legendFormat": "Total CPU seconds",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
+      "thresholds": [],
+      "timeFrom": null,
+      "timeRegions": [],
+      "timeShift": null,
+      "title": "CPU time total",
+      "tooltip": {
+        "shared": true,
+        "sort": 0,
+        "value_type": "individual"
+      },
+      "type": "graph",
+      "xaxis": {
+        "buckets": null,
+        "mode": "time",
+        "name": null,
+        "show": true,
+        "values": []
+      },
+      "yaxes": [
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:62",
+          "decimals": null,
+          "format": "s",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": "0",
+          "show": true
+        },
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:63",
+          "format": "short",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
+          "show": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "yaxis": {
+        "align": false,
+        "alignLevel": null
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "aliasColors": {},
+      "bars": false,
+      "dashLength": 10,
+      "dashes": false,
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "How many seconds since the node process was started.",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {},
+        "overrides": []
+      },
+      "fill": 1,
+      "fillGradient": 0,
+      "gridPos": {
+        "h": 8,
+        "w": 8,
+        "x": 16,
+        "y": 28
+      },
+      "hiddenSeries": false,
+      "id": 4,
+      "legend": {
+        "avg": false,
+        "current": false,
+        "max": false,
+        "min": false,
+        "show": true,
+        "total": false,
+        "values": false
+      },
+      "lines": true,
+      "linewidth": 1,
+      "nullPointMode": "null",
+      "options": {
+        "alertThreshold": true
+      },
+      "percentage": false,
+      "pluginVersion": "7.5.11",
+      "pointradius": 2,
+      "points": false,
+      "renderer": "flot",
+      "seriesOverrides": [],
+      "spaceLength": 10,
+      "stack": false,
+      "steppedLine": false,
+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "tahoe_stats_node_uptime{instance=\"$node\"}",
+          "interval": "",
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}} uptime",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
+      "thresholds": [],
+      "timeFrom": null,
+      "timeRegions": [],
+      "timeShift": null,
+      "title": "Node uptime",
+      "tooltip": {
+        "shared": true,
+        "sort": 0,
+        "value_type": "individual"
+      },
+      "type": "graph",
+      "xaxis": {
+        "buckets": null,
+        "mode": "time",
+        "name": null,
+        "show": true,
+        "values": []
+      },
+      "yaxes": [
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:386",
+          "format": "s",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
+          "show": true
+        },
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:387",
+          "format": "short",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
+          "show": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "yaxis": {
+        "align": false,
+        "alignLevel": null
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  "schemaVersion": 27,
+  "style": "dark",
+  "tags": [],
+  "templating": {
+    "list": [
+      {
+        "allValue": null,
+        "current": {
+          "selected": false,
+          "text": "storage1",
+          "value": "storage1"
+        },
+        "datasource": null,
+        "definition": "tahoe_stats_cpu_monitor_1min_avg",
+        "description": "Which node (instamce) to show",
+        "error": null,
+        "hide": 0,
+        "includeAll": false,
+        "label": "Node",
+        "multi": false,
+        "name": "node",
+        "options": [],
+        "query": {
+          "query": "tahoe_stats_cpu_monitor_1min_avg",
+          "refId": "StandardVariableQuery"
+        },
+        "refresh": 1,
+        "regex": "/.*instance=\"([^\"]*)\".*/",
+        "skipUrlSync": false,
+        "sort": 0,
+        "tagValuesQuery": "",
+        "tags": [],
+        "tagsQuery": "",
+        "type": "query",
+        "useTags": false
+      },
+      {
+        "allValue": null,
+        "current": {
+          "selected": true,
+          "tags": [],
+          "text": [
+            "allocate",
+            "write",
+            "readv"
+          ],
+          "value": [
+            "allocate",
+            "write",
+            "readv"
+          ]
+        },
+        "description": "Inbound storage-server operations ",
+        "error": null,
+        "hide": 0,
+        "includeAll": true,
+        "label": "Detailed latencies for",
+        "multi": true,
+        "name": "storageserverop",
+        "options": [
+          {
+            "selected": false,
+            "text": "All",
+            "value": "$__all"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": true,
+            "text": "allocate",
+            "value": "allocate"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": true,
+            "text": "write",
+            "value": "write"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": false,
+            "text": "close",
+            "value": "close"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": false,
+            "text": "get",
+            "value": "get"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": false,
+            "text": "read",
+            "value": "read"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": false,
+            "text": "add-lease",
+            "value": "add-lease"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": false,
+            "text": "renew",
+            "value": "renew"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": false,
+            "text": "cancel",
+            "value": "cancel"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": true,
+            "text": "readv",
+            "value": "readv"
+          },
+          {
+            "selected": false,
+            "text": "writev",
+            "value": "writev"
+          }
+        ],
+        "query": "allocate, write, close, get, read, add-lease, renew, cancel, readv, writev",
+        "queryValue": "",
+        "skipUrlSync": false,
+        "type": "custom"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "time": {
+    "from": "now-15m",
+    "to": "now"
+  },
+  "timepicker": {},
+  "timezone": "",
+  "title": "Tahoe-LAFS",
+  "uid": "TahoeLAFS",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana.nix
index c23150238241db561bae52aa50e4878b6961f9e6..d7efd4c7d3f92d0120444374aa5250d68d4764a8 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana.nix
@@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ let
 in {
   options.services.private-storage.monitoring.grafana = {
-    domain = lib.mkOption
-    { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "grafana.grid.private.storage";
-      description = "The FQDN of the Grafana host";
+    domains = lib.mkOption
+    { type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
+      example = [ "grafana.grid.private.storage" ];
+      description = "The domain names at which the server is reachable.";
     prometheusUrl = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "http://prometheus:9090/";
+      example = "http://prometheus:9090/";
       default = "http://localhost:9090/";
       description = "The URL of the Prometheus host to access";
     lokiUrl = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "http://loki:3100/";
+      example = "http://loki:3100/";
       default = "http://localhost:3100/";
       description = "The URL of the Loki host to access";
@@ -46,31 +46,51 @@ in {
     googleOAuthClientID = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "grafana-staging-345678";
+      example = "grafana-staging-345678";
       default = "replace-by-your-client-id-or-set-empty-string-for-anonymous-access";
       description = "The GSuite OAuth2 SSO Client ID.  Empty string turns SSO auth off and anonymous (free for all) access on.";
     googleOAuthClientSecretFile = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample "/var/secret/monitoring-gsuite-client-secret";
+      example = /var/secret/monitoring-gsuite-client-secret;
       default = /run/keys/grafana-google-sso.secret;
       description = "The path to the GSuite SSO secret file.";
     adminPasswordFile = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample "/var/secret/monitoring-admin-password";
+      example = "/var/secret/monitoring-admin-password";
       default = /run/keys/grafana-admin.password;
       description = "A file containing the password for the Grafana Admin account.";
+    enableSlackAlert = lib.mkOption
+    { type = lib.types.bool;
+      default = false;
+      description = ''
+        Enables the slack alerter. Expects a file that contains
+        the secret Slack Web Hook URL in grafanaSlackUrlFile (see below).
+      '';
+    };
+    grafanaSlackUrlFile = lib.mkOption
+    { type = lib.types.path;
+      default = /run/keys/grafana-slack-url;
+      description = ''
+        Where to find the file that containts the slack URL.
+      '';
+    };
-  config = {
+  config =
+    let
+      # We'll refer to this collection of domains by the first domain in the list.
+      domain = builtins.head cfg.domains;
+    in {
     # Port 80 for ACME ssl retrieval only. 443 for nginx -> grafana.
     networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
     services.grafana = {
       enable = true;
-      domain = cfg.domain;
+      inherit domain; 
       port = 2342;
       addr = "";
@@ -119,8 +139,25 @@ in {
         # See https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/provisioning/#dashboards
         dashboards = [{
           name = "provisioned";
-          options.path = ./grafana-config;
+          options.path = ./grafana-dashboards;
+        # See https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/provisioning/#example-alert-notification-channels-config-file
+        notifiers = [ ] ++ (lib.optionals (cfg.enableSlackAlert) [{
+          uid = "slack-notifier-1";
+          name = "Slack";
+          type = "slack";
+          is_default = true;
+          send_reminder = false;
+          settings = {
+            username = "${domain}";
+            uploadImage = true;
+          };
+          secure_settings = {
+            # `$__file{}` reads the value from the named file.
+            # See https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/administration/configuration/#file-provider
+            url = "$__file{${toString cfg.grafanaSlackUrlFile}}";
+          };
+        }]);
@@ -138,7 +175,8 @@ in {
       # Only allow PFS-enabled ciphers with AES256:
       sslCiphers = "AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH:!aNULL";
-      virtualHosts.${config.services.grafana.domain} = {
+      virtualHosts."${domain}" = {
+        serverAliases = builtins.tail cfg.domains;
         enableACME = true;
         forceSSL = true;
         locations."/" = {
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/prometheus.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/prometheus.nix
index 1f27f023df5b3211a81e3603226cc7cfe2c25e27..3bb00a5b95855859e455b5df8fb065b3d70bc855 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/prometheus.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/prometheus.nix
@@ -18,19 +18,24 @@ in {
   options.services.private-storage.monitoring.prometheus = {
     nodeExporterTargets = lib.mkOption {
       type = with lib.types; listOf str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "[ node1 node2 ]";
+      example = [ "node1" "node2" ];
       description = "List of nodes (hostnames or IPs) to scrape.";
     nginxExporterTargets = lib.mkOption {
       type = with lib.types; listOf str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "[ node1 node2 ]";
+      example = [ "node1" "node2" ];
       description = "List of nodes (hostnames or IPs) to scrape.";
     paymentExporterTargets = lib.mkOption {
       type = with lib.types; listOf str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "[ node1 node2 ]";
+      example = [ "node1" "node2" ];
       description = "List of nodes (hostnames or IPs) to scrape.";
+    blackboxExporterHttpsTargets = lib.mkOption {
+      type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+      example = [ "https://node1.com/" "https://node2.org/" ];
+      description = "List of https URLs to scrape.";
+    };
   config = rec {
@@ -65,6 +70,32 @@ in {
           relabel_configs = [ dropPortNumber ];
+        {
+          # The Blackbox exporter is using Prometheus' "Multi-Target Exporter Pattern",
+          # see https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/multi-target-exporter/
+          job_name = "blackboxExporterHttps";
+          static_configs = [{
+            targets = cfg.blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
+          }];
+          metrics_path = "/probe";
+          params.module = [ "https_2xx" ];
+          relabel_configs = [
+            {
+              source_labels = [ "__address__" ];
+              target_label = "__param_target";
+            }
+            {
+              source_labels = [ "__param_target" ];
+              target_label = "instance";
+            }
+            {
+              source_labels = [];
+              target_label = "__address__";
+              # The blackbox exporter’s real hostname:port
+              replacement = "monitoring:9115";
+            }
+          ];
+        }
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/vpn/client.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/vpn/client.nix
index ed1933e34d715fba0933f32d606e989b4d1ed4ec..afa4f77c76b8d109d807148b9d2258045e5cabc0 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/vpn/client.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/vpn/client.nix
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ in {
     enable = lib.mkEnableOption "PrivateStorageio Monitoring VPN client service";
     privateKeyFile = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample /run/keys/monitoringvpn/host.key;
+      example = /run/keys/monitoringvpn/host.key;
       default = /run/keys/monitoringvpn/client.key;
       description = ''
         File with base64 private key generated by <command>wg genkey</command>.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ in {
     presharedKeyFile = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample /run/keys/monitoringvpn/preshared.key;
+      example = /run/keys/monitoringvpn/preshared.key;
       default = /run/keys/monitoringvpn/preshared.key;
       description = ''
         File with base64 preshared key generated by <command>wg genpsk</command>.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ in {
     allowedIPs = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample [ "" ];
+      example = [ "" ];
       default = [ "" ];
       description = ''
         Limits which IPs this client receives data from.
@@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ in {
     ip = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "";
+      example = "";
       description = ''
         The IP addresses of the interface.
     endpoint = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "vpn.monitoring.private.storage:54321";
+      example = "vpn.monitoring.private.storage:54321";
       description = ''
         The address and port number of the server to establish the VPN with.
     endpointPublicKeyFile = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample ./monitoringvpn/server.pub;
+      example = ./monitoringvpn/server.pub;
       description = ''
         File with base64 public key generated by <command>cat private.key | wg pubkey > pubkey.pub</command>.
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/vpn/server.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/vpn/server.nix
index 3c41e0209bb7fe18f1a81a44ab509c8442372bbf..80881a2060638f7e0f6cce9853d50c98f3081d6c 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/vpn/server.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/vpn/server.nix
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ in {
     enable = lib.mkEnableOption "PrivateStorageio Monitoring VPN server service";
     privateKeyFile = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample /run/keys/monitoringvpn/server.key;
+      example = /run/keys/monitoringvpn/server.key;
       default = /run/keys/monitoringvpn/server.key;
       description = ''
         File with base64 private key generated by <command>wg genkey</command>.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ in {
     presharedKeyFile = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample /run/keys/monitoringvpn/preshared.key;
+      example = /run/keys/monitoringvpn/preshared.key;
       default = /run/keys/monitoringvpn/preshared.key;
       description = ''
         File with base64 preshared key generated by <command>wg genpsk</command>.
@@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ in {
     ip = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample [ "" ];
+      example = [ "" ];
       description = ''
         The IP address of the interface.
     port = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.port;
-      example = lib.literalExample 54321;
+      example = 54321;
       default = 51820;
       description = ''
         The UDP port to listen on.
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ in {
     vpnClientIPs = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.listOf lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample [ "" "" ];
+      example = [ "" "" ];
       description = ''
         The IP addresses to allow connections from.
     pubKeysPath = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample ./monitoringvpn;
+      example = ./monitoringvpn;
       description = ''
         The path to the directory that holds the public keys.
diff --git a/nixos/modules/packages.nix b/nixos/modules/packages.nix
index d6518dcf290c27b95e3428434623a63cfbdb8e19..c4390dc00f3948e04e3e90ef270261cc0dd1cdbb 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/packages.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/packages.nix
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
 # A NixOS module which exposes custom packages to other modules.
 { pkgs, ...}:
+  ourpkgs = pkgs.callPackage ../../nixos/pkgs {};
+in {
   config = {
     # Expose `nixos/pkgs` as a new module argument `ourpkgs`.
-    _module.args.ourpkgs = pkgs.callPackage ../../nixos/pkgs {};
+    _module.args.ourpkgs = ourpkgs;
+    # Also expose it as a config setting, for usage by tests,
+    # since the `_module` config is not exposed in the result.
+    passthru.ourpkgs = ourpkgs;
diff --git a/nixos/modules/private-storage.nix b/nixos/modules/private-storage.nix
index c119a3d3417f7d4b7ec07c5652b65122dc5fce12..c620e2fb00fe3b24fc1f6b3c5defc12cddc30aa1 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/private-storage.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/private-storage.nix
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ in
     services.private-storage.tahoe.package = lib.mkOption
     { default = ourpkgs.privatestorage;
       type = lib.types.package;
-      example = lib.literalExample "pkgs.tahoelafs";
+      example = lib.literalExpression "pkgs.tahoelafs";
       description = ''
         The package to use for the Tahoe-LAFS daemon.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ in
     services.private-storage.publicAddress = lib.mkOption
     { default = "${fqdn}";
       type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "storage.example.invalid";
+      example = "storage.example.invalid";
       description = ''
         A publicly-visible address to use in Tahoe-LAFS advertisements for
         this storage service.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ in
     services.private-storage.introducerFURL = lib.mkOption
     { default = null;
       type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "pb://<tubid>@<location hint>/<swissnum>";
+      example = "pb://<tubid>@<location hint>/<swissnum>";
       description = ''
         A Tahoe-LAFS introducer node fURL at which this storage node should announce itself.
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ in
     services.private-storage.publicStoragePort = lib.mkOption
     { default = 8898;
       type = lib.types.int;
-      example = lib.literalExample 8098;
+      example = 8098;
       description = ''
         The port number on which to service storage clients.
@@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ in
     services.private-storage.issuerRootURL = lib.mkOption
     { default = "https://issuer.${config.networking.domain}/";
       type = lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "https://example.invalid/";
+      example = "https://example.invalid/";
       description = ''
         The URL of the Ristretto issuer service to announce.
     services.private-storage.ristrettoSigningKeyPath = lib.mkOption
     { type = lib.types.path;
-      example = lib.literalExample "/var/run/secrets/signing-key.private";
+      example = "/var/run/secrets/signing-key.private";
       description = ''
         The path to the Ristretto signing key for the service.
diff --git a/nixos/modules/spending.nix b/nixos/modules/spending.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccbce1d3b4fbec4cc4bdeb0efd67653f5160581a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/spending.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+# A NixOS module which can run a Ristretto-based issuer for PrivateStorage
+# ZKAPs.
+{ lib, pkgs, config, ourpkgs, ... }@args: let
+  cfg = config.services.private-storage-spending;
+  options = {
+    services.private-storage-spending = {
+      enable = lib.mkEnableOption "PrivateStorage Spending Service";
+      package = lib.mkOption {
+        default = ourpkgs.zkap-spending-service;
+        type = lib.types.package;
+        example = "ourpkgs.zkap-spending-service";
+        description = ''
+          The package to use for the spending service.
+        '';
+      };
+      unixSocket = lib.mkOption {
+        default = "/run/zkap-spending-service/api.socket";
+        type = lib.types.path;
+        description = ''
+          The unix socket that the spending service API listens on.
+        '';
+      };
+    };
+    services.private-storage-spending.domain = lib.mkOption {
+      default = config.networking.fqdn;
+      type = lib.types.str;
+      example = [ "spending.example.com" ];
+      description = ''
+        The domain name at which the spending service is reachable.
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  config =
+    lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+      systemd.sockets.zkap-spending-service = {
+        enable = true;
+        wantedBy = [ "sockets.target" ];
+        listenStreams = [ cfg.unixSocket ];
+      };
+      # Add a systemd service to run zkap-spending-service.
+      systemd.services.zkap-spending-service = {
+        enable = true;
+        description = "ZKAP Spending Service";
+        wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+        serviceConfig.NonBlocking = true;
+        # It really shouldn't ever exit on its own!  If it does, it's a bug
+        # we'll have to fix.  Restart it and hope it doesn't happen too much
+        # before we can fix whatever the issue is.
+        serviceConfig.Restart = "always";
+        serviceConfig.Type = "simple";
+        # Use a unnamed user.
+        serviceConfig.DynamicUser = true;
+        serviceConfig = {
+          # Work around https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/10261
+          # Create a runtime directory so that the service has permission
+          # to change the mode on the socket.
+          RuntimeDirectory = "zkap-spending-service";
+          # This set of restrictions is mostly dervied from
+          # - running `systemd-analyze security zkap-spending-service.service
+          # - Looking at the restrictions from the nixos nginx config.
+          AmbientCapabilities = "";
+          CapabilityBoundingSet = "";
+          LockPersonality = true;
+          MemoryDenyWriteExecute = true;
+          NoNewPrivileges = true;
+          PrivateDevices = true;
+          PrivateMounts = true;
+          PrivateNetwork = true;
+          PrivateTmp = true;
+          PrivateUsers = true;
+          ProcSubset = "pid";
+          ProtectClock = true;
+          ProtectControlGroups = true;
+          ProtectHome = true;
+          ProtectHostname = true;
+          ProtectKernelLogs = true;
+          ProtectKernelModules = true;
+          ProtectKernelTunables = true;
+          ProtectProc = "invisible";
+          ProtectSystem = "strict";
+          RemoveIPC = true;
+          RestrictAddressFamilies = "AF_UNIX";
+          RestrictNamespaces = true;
+          RestrictRealtime = true;
+          RestrictSUIDSGID = true;
+          SystemCallArchitectures = "native";
+          # Lines starting with "~" are deny-list the others are allow-list
+          # Since the first line is allow, that bounds the set of allowed syscalls
+          # and the further lines restrict it.
+          SystemCallFilter = [
+            # From systemd.exec(5), @system-service is "A reasonable set of
+            # system calls used by common system [...]"
+            "@system-service"
+            # This is from the nginx config, except that `@ipc` is not removed,
+            # since twisted uses a self-pipe.
+            "~@cpu-emulation @debug @keyring @mount @obsolete @privileged @setuid"
+          ];
+          Umask = "0077";
+        };
+        script = let
+          httpArgs = "--http-endpoint systemd:domain=UNIX:index=0";
+        in
+          "exec ${cfg.package}/bin/${cfg.package.meta.mainProgram} run ${httpArgs}";
+      };
+      services.nginx = {
+        enable = true;
+        recommendedGzipSettings = true;
+        recommendedOptimisation = true;
+        recommendedProxySettings = true;
+        recommendedTlsSettings = true;
+        virtualHosts."${cfg.domain}" = {
+          locations."/v1/" = {
+            # Only forward requests beginning with /v1/ so
+            # we pass less scanning spam on to our backend
+            # Want a regex instead? try locations."~ /v\d+/"
+            proxyPass = "http://unix:${cfg.unixSocket}";
+          };
+          locations."/metrics" = {
+            proxyPass = "http://unix:${cfg.unixSocket}";
+            # Only allow our monitoringvpn subnet
+            extraConfig = ''
+              allow;
+              allow;
+              allow ::1;
+              deny all;
+            '';
+          };
+          locations."/" = {
+            # Return a 404 error for any paths not specified above.
+            extraConfig = ''
+              return 404;
+            '';
+          };
+        };
+      };
+      # Open 80 and 443 for nginx
+      networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
+        80
+        443
+      ];
+    };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/ssh.nix b/nixos/modules/ssh.nix
index 3e90528322c153d6b96679af5d914c4e753b49bf..eb55fbf2ee4d3e6c04dd08039a8a9f9012f069b8 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/ssh.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/ssh.nix
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   options = {
     services.private-storage.sshUsers = lib.mkOption {
       type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.str;
-      example = lib.literalExample { root = "ssh-ed25519 AAA..."; };
+      example = { root = "ssh-ed25519 AAA..."; };
       description = ''
         Users to configure on the issuer server and the storage servers and
         the SSH public keys to use to authenticate them.
diff --git a/nixos/modules/tahoe.nix b/nixos/modules/tahoe.nix
index 330474912a0eb9aecc98fbb71cef9e7f9da15b39..e0b6eb4d8be3c5359de1d391c42b2ba83f7a1ba4 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/tahoe.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/tahoe.nix
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ in
               default = pkgs.tahoelafs;
               defaultText = "pkgs.tahoelafs";
               type = types.package;
-              example = literalExample "pkgs.tahoelafs";
+              example = "pkgs.tahoelafs";
               description = ''
                 The package to use for the Tahoe LAFS daemon.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ in
               default = pkgs.tahoelafs;
               defaultText = "pkgs.tahoelafs";
               type = types.package;
-              example = literalExample "pkgs.tahoelafs";
+              example = "pkgs.tahoelafs";
               description = ''
                 The package to use for the Tahoe LAFS daemon.
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/default.nix b/nixos/pkgs/default.nix
index 3d534430377cb5fbbf0739d60a8a7ca9bb0419f6..bfc30b36101c220434606832127a7e8ca0a70490 100644
--- a/nixos/pkgs/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/default.nix
@@ -4,21 +4,12 @@
 #    pkgs.callPackage ./nixos/pkgs
 {buildPlatform, hostPlatform, callPackage}:
-  # Our own nixpkgs fork:
-  ourpkgs = import ../../nixpkgs-ps.nix {
-    # Ensure that the fork is configured for the same system
-    # as we were called with.
-    localSystem = buildPlatform;
-    crossSystem = hostPlatform;
-    # Ensure that configuration of the system where this runs
-    # doesn't leak into what we build.
-    # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/62513
-    config = {};
-    overlays = [];
-  };
+  leasereport = callPackage ./leasereport {};
+  # `privatestorage` is a derivation with a good Tahoe+ZKAP environment
+  # that is exposed by ZKAPAuthorizer.
+  privatestorage = callPackage ./privatestorage {};
+  zkap-spending-service = callPackage ./zkap-spending-service {};
   zkapissuer = callPackage ./zkapissuer {};
-  inherit (ourpkgs) privatestorage leasereport;
+  megacli2prom = callPackage ./megacli2prom {};
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/leasereport/default.nix b/nixos/pkgs/leasereport/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b028ab35c6cf9f78b9a11b0c6dafe1a82d5cb84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/leasereport/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{ callPackage, fetchFromGitLab, lib }:
+  repo-data = lib.importJSON ./repo.json;
+  repo = fetchFromGitLab (builtins.removeAttrs repo-data [ "branch" ]);
+  LeaseReport = (import "${repo}/nix").LeaseReport;
+  LeaseReport.components.exes.LeaseReport
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/leasereport/repo.json b/nixos/pkgs/leasereport/repo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..759814a124d0a4bab23411bebd8de19f5f021060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/leasereport/repo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  "owner": "privatestorage",
+  "repo": "LeaseReport",
+  "branch": "main",
+  "domain": "whetstone.privatestorage.io",
+  "rev": "3739ffde14e698f56118a444e6946edb736b6983",
+  "outputHashAlgo": "sha512",
+  "outputHash": "37b4hrhjghvza0bqvmngcdapqfjjjiv0gx90y0i4wvj72nf1xsh7g2kwpvjm4prpb5s7fxb50x971xfw4sqpwwsk2zdll4nbl5764ij"
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/default.nix b/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..942f43ff747e4e6ecaa90a7bd1d6bc3c1927cb0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
+  repo-data = pkgs.lib.importJSON ./repo.json;
+  repo = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub (builtins.removeAttrs repo-data [ "branch" ]);
+pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  name = "megacli2prom";
+  buildInputs = [ pkgs.python3 pkgs.megacli ];
+  src = repo;
+  installPhase = ''
+    mkdir -p $out/bin
+    cp ./megacli2prom.py $out/bin/megacli2prom
+    chmod +x $out/bin/megacli2prom
+  '';
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/repo.json b/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/repo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c8cd0af95adf95e22def4e727b8c2c5d12044aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/repo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "owner": "PrivateStorageio",
+  "repo": "megacli2prom",
+  "branch": "main",
+  "rev": "9536933d325c843b2662f80486660bf81d73941e",
+  "outputHashAlgo": "sha512",
+  "outputHash": "1xrsv0bkmazbhqarx84lhvmrzzdv1bm04xvr0hw1yrw1f4xb450f4pwgapnkjczy0l4c6rp3pmh64cblgbs3ki30wacbv1bqzv5745g"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/default.nix b/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd487af32941f6db920ea2d43ec89e9eded38201
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+{ fetchFromGitHub, callPackage, lib }:
+  repo-data = lib.importJSON ./repo.json;
+  repo = fetchFromGitHub (builtins.removeAttrs repo-data [ "branch" ]);
+  privatestorage = callPackage repo {};
+  privatestorage.privatestorage
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/repo.json b/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/repo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81f6e18ba4bbec657a5a5ba543ef05408bf472ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/repo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "owner": "PrivateStorageio",
+  "branch": "main",
+  "repo": "ZKAPAuthorizer",
+  "rev": "b61f3d4a3f5eb72cb600dd83796a1aaca2931e07",
+  "outputHashAlgo": "sha512",
+  "outputHash": "2d7a9m34jx1k38fmiwskgwd1ryyhrb56m9nam12fd66shl8qzmlfcr1lwf063qi1wqdzb2g7998vxbv3c2bmvw7g6iqwzjmsck2czpn"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/default.nix b/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4716109e7add7af74f032ee1668be1394cf05b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+{ callPackage, fetchFromGitLab, lib }:
+  repo-data = lib.importJSON ./repo.json;
+  repo = fetchFromGitLab (builtins.removeAttrs repo-data [ "branch" ]);
+# We want to check the revision the service reports against the revsion
+# that we install. The upsream derivation doesn't currently know its own
+# version, but we do have it here. Thus, we add it as a meta attribute
+# to the derviation provided from upstream.
+lib.addMetaAttrs { inherit (repo-data) rev; }
+  (callPackage repo {})
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/repo.json b/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/repo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69f7a30053de661f2c7829384e9496e49077cfd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/repo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+  "owner": "privatestorage",
+  "repo": "zkap-spending-service",
+  "rev": "cbf7509f429ffd6e6cf37a73e4ff84a9c5ce1141",
+  "branch": "main",
+  "domain": "whetstone.privatestorage.io",
+  "outputHash": "04g7pcykc2525cg3z7wg5834s7vqn82xaqjvf52l6dnxv3mb9xr93kk505dvxcwhgfbqpim5i479s9kqd8gi7q3lq5wn5fq7rf7lkrj",
+  "outputHashAlgo": "sha512"
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/default.nix b/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/default.nix
index b4f90d3582cd686fbdf62a6267cb1070c05e9c57..efa55ff108e72fb7d78d95c6db46bddcdca1116f 100644
--- a/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-{ callPackage }:
+{ callPackage, fetchFromGitHub, lib }:
-  repo = callPackage ./repo.nix { };
+  repo-data = lib.importJSON ./repo.json;
+  repo = fetchFromGitHub (builtins.removeAttrs repo-data [ "branch" ]);
   PaymentServer = (import "${repo}/nix").PaymentServer;
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/repo.json b/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/repo.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a003dc61620fd92b1a618e9845763e276c9693a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/repo.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "owner": "PrivateStorageio",
+  "repo": "PaymentServer",
+  "rev": "e080beb14ec58ffe8e55c35e6dddd46c5082887f",
+  "branch": "main",
+  "outputHashAlgo": "sha256",
+  "outputHash": "1zck9kawbs2lkr3qjipira9gawa4gxlqijqqjrmlvvyp9mr0fgxm"
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/repo.nix b/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/repo.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 6646a2e32eb8e5a747e4491ce43f706fee65724c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/nixos/pkgs/zkapissuer/repo.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-{ fetchFromGitHub }:
-fetchFromGitHub {
-  owner = "PrivateStorageio";
-  repo = "PaymentServer";
-  rev = "ff30e85c231a3b5ad76426bbf8801f8f76884367";
-  sha256 = "1spz19f5z96shmfpazj0rv6877xvchf3gl49a4xahjbbsz39x34x";
diff --git a/nixos/system-tests.nix b/nixos/system-tests.nix
index 73b6665ab91e4d9a8a2200fb0eec7ff596f79b39..218132fe2cd3857f4c201085b4df56a411c794d4 100644
--- a/nixos/system-tests.nix
+++ b/nixos/system-tests.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The overall system test suite for PrivateStorageio NixOS configuration.
-  pkgs = import ../nixpkgs-2105.nix { };
-in {
+{ pkgs }:
   private-storage = pkgs.nixosTest ./tests/private-storage.nix;
+  spending = pkgs.nixosTest ./tests/spending.nix;
   tahoe = pkgs.nixosTest ./tests/tahoe.nix;
diff --git a/nixos/tests/private-storage.nix b/nixos/tests/private-storage.nix
index 6fb85a6713b4668ef4bdfa239480485bfbb52a18..a208ce249f1f1227f966e38a1c62ab6166d187f8 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/private-storage.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/private-storage.nix
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ let
       basename = "signing-key.private";
       pkgs.writeText basename key;
+  ristrettoPublicKey = "xoNHEqAi+kC5EWfqN+kuDINhjQTwGrSQyshHvGFpoys=";
   stripeSecretKeyPath =
@@ -209,8 +210,8 @@ in {
       ${runOnNode "introducer" [ run-introducer "/tmp/node.pem" (toString introducerPort) introducerFURL ]}
-      code, log = introducer.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
-      introducer.log(log)
+      code, output = introducer.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
+      introducer.log(output)
@@ -237,15 +238,15 @@ in {
     # Storage appears to be working so try to get a client to speak with it.
-    ${runOnNode "client" [ run-client "/tmp/client" introducerFURL issuerURL ]}
+    ${runOnNode "client" [ run-client "/tmp/client" introducerFURL issuerURL ristrettoPublicKey ]}
     # Make sure the fake Stripe API server is ready for requests.
-      code, log = api_stripe_com.execute('journalctl -u api.stripe.com')
-      api_stripe_com.log(log)
+      code, output = api_stripe_com.execute('journalctl -u api.stripe.com')
+      api_stripe_com.log(output)
     # Get some ZKAPs from the issuer.
@@ -258,21 +259,21 @@ in {
-      code, log = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr');
-      client.log(log)
+      code, output = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr');
+      client.log(output)
       # Dump the fake Stripe API server logs, too, since the error may arise
       # from a PaymentServer/Stripe interaction.
-      code, log = api_stripe_com.execute('journalctl -u api.stripe.com')
-      api_stripe_com.log(log)
+      code, output = api_stripe_com.execute('journalctl -u api.stripe.com')
+      api_stripe_com.log(output)
     # The client should be prepped now.  Make it try to use some storage.
       ${runOnNode "client" [ exercise-storage "/tmp/client" ]}
-      code, log = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
-      client.log(log)
+      code, output = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
+      client.log(output)
     # It should be possible to restart the storage service without the
@@ -285,16 +286,16 @@ in {
       if (before != after):
         raise Exception('fURL changes after storage node restart')
-      code, log = storage.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
-      storage.log(log)
+      code, output = storage.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
+      storage.log(output)
     # The client should actually still work, too.
       ${runOnNode "client" [ exercise-storage "/tmp/client" ]}
-      code, log = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
-      client.log(log)
+      code, output = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
+      client.log(output)
     # The issuer metrics should be accessible from the monitoring network.
diff --git a/nixos/tests/run-client.py b/nixos/tests/run-client.py
index e6cde321bdeb8a2b2493c984cce116a0287b16d1..df37bb48901a8c97dbe6889c86af2b40d52b22f3 100755
--- a/nixos/tests/run-client.py
+++ b/nixos/tests/run-client.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from subprocess import check_output
 from configparser import ConfigParser
 def main():
-    (nodePath, introducerFURL, issuerURL) = argv[1:]
+    (nodePath, introducerFURL, issuerURL, publicKey) = argv[1:]
     run(["tahoe", "--version"])
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ def main():
     config.set(u"storageclient.plugins.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1", u"redeemer", u"ristretto")
     config.set(u"storageclient.plugins.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1", u"ristretto-issuer-root-url", issuerURL)
+    config.set(u"storageclient.plugins.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1", u"allowed-public-keys", publicKey)
     # This has to agree with the PaymentServer configuration at the configured
     # issuer location.  Presently PaymentServer has 50000 hard-coded as the
     # correct value.
diff --git a/nixos/tests/spending.nix b/nixos/tests/spending.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8500471a58ff3f447e03ec1bf9005ff626169113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/spending.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  name = "zkap-spending-service";
+  nodes = {
+    spending = { config, pkgs, ourpkgs, modulesPath, ... }: {
+      imports = [
+        ../modules/packages.nix
+        ../modules/spending.nix
+      ];
+      services.private-storage-spending.enable = true;
+      services.private-storage-spending.domain = "localhost";
+    };
+    external = { ... }: {
+      # A node that has no particular configuration, for testing access rules
+      # for external hosts.
+    };
+  };
+  testScript = { nodes }: let
+    revision = nodes.spending.config.passthru.ourpkgs.zkap-spending-service.meta.rev;
+    curl = "${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -sSf --max-time 5";
+  in
+    ''
+      import json
+      start_all()
+      spending.wait_for_open_port(80)
+      with subtest("Ensure we can ping the spending service"):
+        output = spending.succeed("${curl} http://localhost/v1/_ping")
+        assert json.loads(output)["status"] == "ok", "Could not ping spending service."
+      with subtest("Ensure external hosts can ping the spending service"):
+        output = external.succeed("${curl} http://spending/v1/_ping")
+        assert json.loads(output)["status"] == "ok", "Could not ping spending service."
+      with subtest("Ensure that the spending service version matches the expected version"):
+        output = spending.succeed("${curl} http://localhost/v1/_version")
+        assert json.loads(output)["revision"] == "${revision}", "Spending service revision does not match."
+      with subtest("Ensure that the spending service generates metrics"):
+        # TODO: We should pass "-H 'accept: application/openmetrics-text'" here.
+        # See https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/8932
+        output = spending.succeed("${curl} http://localhost/metrics | ${pkgs.prometheus}/bin/promtool check metrics")
+      with subtest("Ensure that the metrics are not accesible from other machines"):
+        output = external.fail("${curl} http://spending/metrics")
+    '';
diff --git a/nixos/unit-tests.nix b/nixos/unit-tests.nix
index 75016a17d128fabe11f4ecaad65dba3471ed863d..b9f72bf95901af2668d68d1a09814c2bc2a9cd93 100644
--- a/nixos/unit-tests.nix
+++ b/nixos/unit-tests.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # The overall unit test suite for PrivateStorageio NixOS configuration.
+{ pkgs }:
-  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { };
   # Total the numbers in a list.
   sum = builtins.foldl' (a: b: a + b) 0;
diff --git a/nixpkgs-2105.json b/nixpkgs-2105.json
index f79aa88bc0bb97b26c4668ac1d2c4efcdb25b9fb..523c1468f35019c6685f3a8486603d0936732dbe 100644
--- a/nixpkgs-2105.json
+++ b/nixpkgs-2105.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
   "name": "release2105",
-  "url": "https://releases.nixos.org/nixos/21.05/nixos-21.05.3065.b3083bc6933/nixexprs.tar.xz",
-  "sha256": "186vni8rij8bhd6n5n9h55jf2x78v9zdy2gn9v4cpjhajp4pvzm0"
+  "url": "https://releases.nixos.org/nixos/21.05/nixos-21.05.4547.2949ed36539/nixexprs.tar.xz",
+  "sha256": "0nm5znl7lh3qws29ppzpzsqscyw3hk7q0128xqmga2g86qcmy38x"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nixpkgs-ps.json b/nixpkgs-ps.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 58add30734e8f7b9b2840a9be38693ceb6a4249d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs-ps.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-{ "name": "nixpkgs"
-, "url": "https://github.com/PrivateStorageio/nixpkgs/archive/5ebd5af2d5c6caf23735c8c0e6bc27357fa8d2a8.tar.gz"
-, "sha256": "1g2bvs8prqjskzv8s1qmh36k7rmj98jib0syqbrq02xxzw5dpqb4"
diff --git a/nixpkgs-ps.nix b/nixpkgs-ps.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index d98a53843052fda824f4ed7e34db50524df36ce2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs-ps.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-import (builtins.fetchTarball (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./nixpkgs-ps.json)))
diff --git a/privatestorageio.nix b/privatestorageio.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index cde46b16f6ed537bb5ee74c5641409b11716e11a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/privatestorageio.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv, lib, graphviz, python3Packages }:
-stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
-  version = "0.0";
-  name = "privatestorageio-${version}";
-  src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
-  depsBuildBuild = [
-    graphviz
-  ];
-  buildPhase = ''
-  ${python3Packages.sphinx}/bin/sphinx-build -W docs/source docs/build
-  '';
-  installPhase = ''
-  mkdir $out
-  mv docs/build $out/docs
-  '';
diff --git a/tools/default.nix b/tools/default.nix
index f9a0b1ff8d902f3072886939ad11e1e223ffbb7e..b10bb5f209c44c3ccba5cf509655e6d25fbb88da 100644
--- a/tools/default.nix
+++ b/tools/default.nix
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ let
   python-commands = [
+    ./update-gitlab-repo
+    ./update-github-repo
   # This derivation creates a package that wraps our tools to setup an environment
diff --git a/tools/update-github-repo b/tools/update-github-repo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e7e1511fc017c360660dc9fb752ff03f315f9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/update-github-repo
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Update a pinned github repository.
+Pass this path to a JSON file and it will update it to the latest
+version of the branch it specifies. You can also pass a different
+branch or repository owner, which will update the file to point at
+the new branch/repository, and update to the latest version.
+import argparse
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+import httpx
+from ps_tools import get_url_hash
+HASH_TYPE = "sha512"
+ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE = "https://api.github.com/repos/{owner}/{repo}/tarball/{rev}"
+    "https://api.github.com/repos/{owner}/{repo}/commits/{branch}"
+def get_github_commit(config):
+    response = httpx.get(BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format(**config))
+    response.raise_for_status()
+    return response.json()["sha"]
+def get_github_archive_url(config):
+    return ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE.format(**config)
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "repo_file",
+        metavar="repo-file",
+        type=Path,
+        help="JSON file with pinned configuration.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--branch",
+        type=str,
+        help="Branch to update to.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--owner",
+        type=str,
+        help="Repository owner to update to.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--rev",
+        type=str,
+        help="Revision to pin.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--dry-run",
+        action="store_true",
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    repo_file = args.repo_file
+    config = json.loads(repo_file.read_text())
+    for key in ["owner", "branch"]:
+        if getattr(args, key) is not None:
+            config[key] = getattr(args, key)
+    if args.rev is not None:
+        config["rev"] = args.rev
+    else:
+        config["rev"] = get_github_commit(config)
+    archive_url = get_github_archive_url(config)
+    config.update(get_url_hash(HASH_TYPE, "source", archive_url))
+    output = json.dumps(config, indent=2)
+    if args.dry_run:
+        print(output)
+    else:
+        repo_file.write_text(output)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/tools/update-gitlab-repo b/tools/update-gitlab-repo
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ddc82cb7bfd943ed3b4b80f79cf9e47b447c8b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/update-gitlab-repo
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Update a pinned gitlab repository.
+Pass this path to a JSON file and it will update it to the latest
+version of the branch it specifies. You can also pass a different
+branch or repository owner, which will update the file to point at
+the new branch/repository, and update to the latest version.
+import argparse
+import json
+from pathlib import Path
+import httpx
+from ps_tools import get_url_hash
+HASH_TYPE = "sha512"
+ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE = "https://{domain}/api/v4/projects/{owner}%2F{repo}/repository/archive.tar.gz?sha={rev}"
+    "https://{domain}/api/v4/projects/{owner}%2F{repo}/repository/branches/{branch}"
+def get_gitlab_commit(config):
+    response = httpx.get(BRANCH_TEMPLATE.format(**config))
+    response.raise_for_status()
+    return response.json()["commit"]["id"]
+def get_gitlab_archive_url(config):
+    return ARCHIVE_TEMPLATE.format(**config)
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "repo_file",
+        metavar="repo-file",
+        type=Path,
+        help="JSON file with pinned configuration.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--branch",
+        type=str,
+        help="Branch to update to.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--owner",
+        type=str,
+        help="Repository owner to update to.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--rev",
+        type=str,
+        help="Revision to pin.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--dry-run",
+        action="store_true",
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    repo_file = args.repo_file
+    config = json.loads(repo_file.read_text())
+    for key in ["owner", "branch"]:
+        if getattr(args, key) is not None:
+            config[key] = getattr(args, key)
+    if args.rev is not None:
+        config["rev"] = args.rev
+    else:
+        config["rev"] = get_gitlab_commit(config)
+    archive_url = get_gitlab_archive_url(config)
+    config.update(get_url_hash(HASH_TYPE, "source", archive_url))
+    output = json.dumps(config, indent=2)
+    if args.dry_run:
+        print(output)
+    else:
+        repo_file.write_text(output)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()