diff --git a/morph/grid/local/grid.nix b/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
index f977876037c7a3769852f43cab0e5d3e59fce154..5502b8faa622b8af1e967978b714d4693961c603 100644
--- a/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
+++ b/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
@@ -112,7 +112,10 @@ let
     imports = [
       (gridlib.customize-monitoring {
-        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs nodeExporterTargets paymentExporterTargets;
+        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs
+                nodeExporterTargets
+                paymentExporterTargets
+                blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
         inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail;
         googleOAuthClientID = grid-config.monitoringGoogleOAuthClientID;
         enableSlackAlert = false;
@@ -136,6 +139,10 @@ let
   vpnClientIPs = [ "" "" "" ];
   nodeExporterTargets = [ "monitoring" "payments" "storage1" "storage2" ];
   paymentExporterTargets = [ "payments" ];
+  blackboxExporterHttpsTargets = [
+    # "https://private.storage/"
+    # "https://payments.private.storage/"
+  ];
 in {
   network = {
diff --git a/morph/grid/production/grid.nix b/morph/grid/production/grid.nix
index ec0c1b37f996dd836f6011425f114471a2ccde0a..b42f4a3e40f56bf3d1b9808b3e87d3f769c8e2a7 100644
--- a/morph/grid/production/grid.nix
+++ b/morph/grid/production/grid.nix
@@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ let
       (gridlib.customize-monitoring {
-        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs nodeExporterTargets paymentExporterTargets;
+        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs
+                nodeExporterTargets
+                paymentExporterTargets
+                blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
         inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail;
         googleOAuthClientID = grid-config.monitoringGoogleOAuthClientID;
         enableSlackAlert = true;
@@ -127,6 +130,16 @@ let
   paymentExporterTargets = [ "payments" ];
+  blackboxExporterHttpsTargets = [
+    "https://private.storage/"
+    "https://www.private.storage/"
+    "https://privatestorage.io/"
+    "https://www.privatestorage.io/"
+    "https://payments.private.storage/"
+    "https://payments.privatestorage.io/"
+    "https://monitoring.private.storage/"
+    "https://monitoring.privatestorage.io/"
+  ];
 in {
   network = {
diff --git a/morph/grid/testing/grid.nix b/morph/grid/testing/grid.nix
index 7a304e11cfd7ec3fbef3f8efa2417a9004132c42..ea4cd56a0b7b17c168114579a287f57e03e96914 100644
--- a/morph/grid/testing/grid.nix
+++ b/morph/grid/testing/grid.nix
@@ -58,7 +58,10 @@ let
       (gridlib.customize-monitoring {
-        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs nodeExporterTargets paymentExporterTargets;
+        inherit hostsMap vpnClientIPs
+                nodeExporterTargets
+                paymentExporterTargets
+                blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
         inherit (grid-config) letsEncryptAdminEmail;
         googleOAuthClientID = grid-config.monitoringGoogleOAuthClientID;
         enableSlackAlert = true;
@@ -78,6 +81,16 @@ let
   vpnClientIPs = [ "" "" ];
   nodeExporterTargets = [ "monitoring" "payments" "storage001" ];
   paymentExporterTargets = [ "payments" ];
+  blackboxExporterHttpsTargets = [
+    "https://privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://www.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://extra.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://www.extra.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://payments.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://payments.extra.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://monitoring.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+    "https://monitoring.extra.privatestorage-staging.com/"
+  ];
 in {
   network = {
diff --git a/morph/lib/customize-monitoring.nix b/morph/lib/customize-monitoring.nix
index d9842692481777a7e65b70208b5c0246b3209d1a..ef89119f7f54d1b644c86f7a72129ebd6a79cae6 100644
--- a/morph/lib/customize-monitoring.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/customize-monitoring.nix
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
   # which nodes to scrape PaymentServer metrics from.
 , paymentExporterTargets ? []
+  # A list of HTTPS servers (URLs, IP addresses or hostnames) as strings indicating
+  # which nodes the BlackboxExporter should scrape HTTP and TLS metrics from.
+, blackboxExporterHttpsTargets ? []
   # A string containing the GSuite OAuth2 ClientID to use to authenticate
   # logins to Grafana.
 , googleOAuthClientID
@@ -108,6 +112,7 @@ in {
     inherit nodeExporterTargets;
     inherit nginxExporterTargets;
     inherit paymentExporterTargets;
+    inherit blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
   services.private-storage.monitoring.grafana = {
diff --git a/morph/lib/monitoring.nix b/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
index bf92d1041f2bf9b9fb1ff4580a25ff7b596a9bbb..89a328e89a799b445dff7180dff552350b9629cf 100644
--- a/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+    ../../nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/blackbox.nix
     # Loki 0.3.0 from Nixpkgs 19.09 is too old and does not work:
     # ../../nixos/modules/monitoring/server/loki.nix
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/blackbox.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/blackbox.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c08dee2a5778b9ac037268cef9907f20537e96b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/blackbox.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Prometheus Blackbox exporter configuration
+# Scope: From the monitoring machine, ping (etc.) hosts to check whether
+#        they are reachable, certs still are valid for a while, etc.
+# Notes: The Blackbox exporter is using the "Multi Target Exporter" pattern,
+#        see https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/multi-target-exporter/ .
+# Usage: Import this on a monitoring server
+{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
+  config.services.prometheus.exporters.blackbox = {
+    enable = true;
+    configFile = pkgs.writeText "blackbox-exporter.yaml" (builtins.toJSON {
+      modules = {
+        https_2xx = {
+          prober = "http";
+          timeout = "5s";
+          http = {
+            fail_if_not_ssl = true;
+            # This prober is for IPv4 only.
+            preferred_ip_protocol = "ip4";
+            ip_protocol_fallback = false;
+          };
+        };
+      };
+    });
+  };
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/services-overview.json b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/services-overview.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..549e3b11e349b4cb69843dffc8506d9c250a1899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/grafana-dashboards/services-overview.json
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+  "annotations": {
+    "list": [
+      {
+        "builtIn": 1,
+        "datasource": "-- Grafana --",
+        "enable": true,
+        "hide": true,
+        "iconColor": "rgba(0, 211, 255, 1)",
+        "name": "Annotations & Alerts",
+        "type": "dashboard"
+      }
+    ]
+  },
+  "description": "How are our user-facing services doing?",
+  "editable": true,
+  "gnetId": null,
+  "graphTooltip": 0,
+  "links": [],
+  "panels": [
+    {
+      "collapsed": false,
+      "datasource": null,
+      "gridPos": {
+        "h": 1,
+        "w": 24,
+        "x": 0,
+        "y": 0
+      },
+      "id": 32,
+      "panels": [],
+      "title": "HTTPS endpoints",
+      "type": "row"
+    },
+    {
+      "alert": {
+        "alertRuleTags": {},
+        "conditions": [
+          {
+            "evaluator": {
+              "params": [
+                3.142
+              ],
+              "type": "gt"
+            },
+            "operator": {
+              "type": "and"
+            },
+            "query": {
+              "params": [
+                "A",
+                "5m",
+                "now"
+              ]
+            },
+            "reducer": {
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "avg"
+            },
+            "type": "query"
+          }
+        ],
+        "executionErrorState": "alerting",
+        "for": "5m",
+        "frequency": "1m",
+        "handler": 1,
+        "name": "Response times alert",
+        "noDataState": "no_data",
+        "notifications": []
+      },
+      "aliasColors": {},
+      "bars": false,
+      "dashLength": 10,
+      "dashes": false,
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {},
+        "overrides": []
+      },
+      "fill": 1,
+      "fillGradient": 0,
+      "gridPos": {
+        "h": 8,
+        "w": 8,
+        "x": 0,
+        "y": 1
+      },
+      "hiddenSeries": false,
+      "id": 36,
+      "legend": {
+        "avg": false,
+        "current": false,
+        "max": false,
+        "min": false,
+        "show": false,
+        "total": false,
+        "values": false
+      },
+      "lines": true,
+      "linewidth": 1,
+      "nullPointMode": "null",
+      "options": {
+        "alertThreshold": true
+      },
+      "percentage": false,
+      "pluginVersion": "7.5.10",
+      "pointradius": 2,
+      "points": false,
+      "renderer": "flot",
+      "seriesOverrides": [],
+      "spaceLength": 10,
+      "stack": false,
+      "steppedLine": false,
+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "probe_duration_seconds",
+          "interval": "",
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}}",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
+      "thresholds": [
+        {
+          "colorMode": "critical",
+          "fill": true,
+          "line": true,
+          "op": "gt",
+          "value": 3.142,
+          "visible": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "timeFrom": null,
+      "timeRegions": [],
+      "timeShift": null,
+      "title": "Response times",
+      "tooltip": {
+        "shared": true,
+        "sort": 2,
+        "value_type": "individual"
+      },
+      "type": "graph",
+      "xaxis": {
+        "buckets": null,
+        "mode": "time",
+        "name": null,
+        "show": true,
+        "values": []
+      },
+      "yaxes": [
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:425",
+          "format": "s",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
+          "show": true
+        },
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:426",
+          "format": "short",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
+          "show": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "yaxis": {
+        "align": false,
+        "alignLevel": null
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "alert": {
+        "alertRuleTags": {},
+        "conditions": [
+          {
+            "evaluator": {
+              "params": [
+                0
+              ],
+              "type": "gt"
+            },
+            "operator": {
+              "type": "and"
+            },
+            "query": {
+              "params": [
+                "A",
+                "5m",
+                "now"
+              ]
+            },
+            "reducer": {
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "count"
+            },
+            "type": "query"
+          }
+        ],
+        "executionErrorState": "alerting",
+        "for": "5m",
+        "frequency": "1m",
+        "handler": 1,
+        "name": "Probe fails alert",
+        "noDataState": "ok",
+        "notifications": []
+      },
+      "aliasColors": {},
+      "bars": true,
+      "dashLength": 10,
+      "dashes": false,
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "Shows all HTTP endpoints where probe_success == 0. This could have different reasons, likely ones being the service is down or the TLS  certificate is not trusted.",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {},
+        "overrides": []
+      },
+      "fill": 1,
+      "fillGradient": 0,
+      "gridPos": {
+        "h": 8,
+        "w": 8,
+        "x": 8,
+        "y": 1
+      },
+      "hiddenSeries": false,
+      "id": 38,
+      "legend": {
+        "avg": false,
+        "current": false,
+        "max": false,
+        "min": false,
+        "show": false,
+        "total": false,
+        "values": false
+      },
+      "lines": false,
+      "linewidth": 1,
+      "nullPointMode": "null",
+      "options": {
+        "alertThreshold": true
+      },
+      "percentage": false,
+      "pluginVersion": "7.5.10",
+      "pointradius": 2,
+      "points": false,
+      "renderer": "flot",
+      "seriesOverrides": [],
+      "spaceLength": 10,
+      "stack": true,
+      "steppedLine": false,
+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "count by (instance) (probe_success == 0)",
+          "interval": "",
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}}",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
+      "thresholds": [
+        {
+          "colorMode": "critical",
+          "fill": true,
+          "line": true,
+          "op": "gt",
+          "value": 0,
+          "visible": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "timeFrom": null,
+      "timeRegions": [],
+      "timeShift": null,
+      "title": "Probe fails",
+      "tooltip": {
+        "shared": true,
+        "sort": 0,
+        "value_type": "individual"
+      },
+      "type": "graph",
+      "xaxis": {
+        "buckets": null,
+        "mode": "time",
+        "name": null,
+        "show": true,
+        "values": []
+      },
+      "yaxes": [
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:903",
+          "format": "short",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
+          "show": true
+        },
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:904",
+          "format": "short",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
+          "show": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "yaxis": {
+        "align": false,
+        "alignLevel": null
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "alert": {
+        "alertRuleTags": {},
+        "conditions": [
+          {
+            "evaluator": {
+              "params": [
+                2419200
+              ],
+              "type": "lt"
+            },
+            "operator": {
+              "type": "and"
+            },
+            "query": {
+              "params": [
+                "A",
+                "5m",
+                "now"
+              ]
+            },
+            "reducer": {
+              "params": [],
+              "type": "avg"
+            },
+            "type": "query"
+          }
+        ],
+        "executionErrorState": "alerting",
+        "for": "5m",
+        "frequency": "60m",
+        "handler": 1,
+        "message": "A TLS certificate is expiring within four weeks.",
+        "name": "TLS certificate expiry alert",
+        "noDataState": "no_data",
+        "notifications": []
+      },
+      "aliasColors": {},
+      "bars": false,
+      "dashLength": 10,
+      "dashes": false,
+      "datasource": null,
+      "description": "",
+      "fieldConfig": {
+        "defaults": {},
+        "overrides": []
+      },
+      "fill": 0,
+      "fillGradient": 0,
+      "gridPos": {
+        "h": 8,
+        "w": 8,
+        "x": 16,
+        "y": 1
+      },
+      "hiddenSeries": false,
+      "id": 34,
+      "legend": {
+        "avg": false,
+        "current": false,
+        "max": false,
+        "min": false,
+        "show": false,
+        "total": false,
+        "values": false
+      },
+      "lines": true,
+      "linewidth": 1,
+      "nullPointMode": "null",
+      "options": {
+        "alertThreshold": true
+      },
+      "percentage": false,
+      "pluginVersion": "7.5.10",
+      "pointradius": 2,
+      "points": false,
+      "renderer": "flot",
+      "seriesOverrides": [],
+      "spaceLength": 10,
+      "stack": false,
+      "steppedLine": false,
+      "targets": [
+        {
+          "exemplar": true,
+          "expr": "probe_ssl_earliest_cert_expiry - time()",
+          "interval": "",
+          "intervalFactor": 1,
+          "legendFormat": "{{instance}}",
+          "refId": "A"
+        }
+      ],
+      "thresholds": [
+        {
+          "colorMode": "critical",
+          "fill": true,
+          "line": true,
+          "op": "lt",
+          "value": 2419200,
+          "visible": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "timeFrom": null,
+      "timeRegions": [],
+      "timeShift": null,
+      "title": "TLS certificate expiry",
+      "tooltip": {
+        "shared": true,
+        "sort": 2,
+        "value_type": "individual"
+      },
+      "type": "graph",
+      "xaxis": {
+        "buckets": null,
+        "mode": "time",
+        "name": null,
+        "show": true,
+        "values": []
+      },
+      "yaxes": [
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:179",
+          "format": "s",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": "0",
+          "show": true
+        },
+        {
+          "$$hashKey": "object:180",
+          "format": "short",
+          "label": null,
+          "logBase": 1,
+          "max": null,
+          "min": null,
+          "show": true
+        }
+      ],
+      "yaxis": {
+        "align": false,
+        "alignLevel": null
+      }
+    }
+  ],
+  "refresh": "30s",
+  "schemaVersion": 27,
+  "style": "dark",
+  "tags": [],
+  "templating": {
+    "list": []
+  },
+  "time": {
+    "from": "now-15m",
+    "to": "now"
+  },
+  "timepicker": {},
+  "timezone": "",
+  "title": "Services overview",
+  "uid": "ServicesOverview",
+  "version": 1
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/prometheus.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/prometheus.nix
index 1f27f023df5b3211a81e3603226cc7cfe2c25e27..3bb00a5b95855859e455b5df8fb065b3d70bc855 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/prometheus.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/server/prometheus.nix
@@ -18,19 +18,24 @@ in {
   options.services.private-storage.monitoring.prometheus = {
     nodeExporterTargets = lib.mkOption {
       type = with lib.types; listOf str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "[ node1 node2 ]";
+      example = [ "node1" "node2" ];
       description = "List of nodes (hostnames or IPs) to scrape.";
     nginxExporterTargets = lib.mkOption {
       type = with lib.types; listOf str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "[ node1 node2 ]";
+      example = [ "node1" "node2" ];
       description = "List of nodes (hostnames or IPs) to scrape.";
     paymentExporterTargets = lib.mkOption {
       type = with lib.types; listOf str;
-      example = lib.literalExample "[ node1 node2 ]";
+      example = [ "node1" "node2" ];
       description = "List of nodes (hostnames or IPs) to scrape.";
+    blackboxExporterHttpsTargets = lib.mkOption {
+      type = with lib.types; listOf str;
+      example = [ "https://node1.com/" "https://node2.org/" ];
+      description = "List of https URLs to scrape.";
+    };
   config = rec {
@@ -65,6 +70,32 @@ in {
           relabel_configs = [ dropPortNumber ];
+        {
+          # The Blackbox exporter is using Prometheus' "Multi-Target Exporter Pattern",
+          # see https://prometheus.io/docs/guides/multi-target-exporter/
+          job_name = "blackboxExporterHttps";
+          static_configs = [{
+            targets = cfg.blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
+          }];
+          metrics_path = "/probe";
+          params.module = [ "https_2xx" ];
+          relabel_configs = [
+            {
+              source_labels = [ "__address__" ];
+              target_label = "__param_target";
+            }
+            {
+              source_labels = [ "__param_target" ];
+              target_label = "instance";
+            }
+            {
+              source_labels = [];
+              target_label = "__address__";
+              # The blackbox exporter’s real hostname:port
+              replacement = "monitoring:9115";
+            }
+          ];
+        }