diff --git a/ci-tools/known_hosts.staging b/ci-tools/known_hosts.staging
index 2a015656e4c21498f2fe152723888046d9341c1a..1a8e6245e569fdda6daa81cc67c4c8cc33b8e8f8 100644
--- a/ci-tools/known_hosts.staging
+++ b/ci-tools/known_hosts.staging
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 monitoring.privatestorage-staging.com ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINI9kvEBaOMvpWqcFH+6nFvRriBECKB4RFShdPiIMkk9
 payments.privatestorage-staging.com ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIK0eO/01VFwdoZzpclrmu656eaMkE19BaxtDdkkFHMa8
-storage001.privatestorage-staging.com ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFP8L6OHCxq9XFd8ME8ZrCbmO5dGZDPH8I5dm0AwSGiN
+storage001.privatestorage-staging.com ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIA6iWHO9/4s3h9VIpaxgD+rgj/OQh8+jupxBoOmie3St
diff --git a/default.nix b/default.nix
index 6441675a243e22e6154267c656652c8d8575940e..8b605281715be3f74c375a6b5532a4a87a6b4993 100644
--- a/default.nix
+++ b/default.nix
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{ pkgs ? import ./nixpkgs-2105.nix { } }:
+{ pkgs ? import ./nixpkgs.nix { } }:
   # Render the project documentation source to some presentation format (ie,
   # html) with Sphinx.
diff --git a/morph/grid/local/grid.nix b/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
index e672f3d14ef5f7389511a818921a9a75c6e948fe..da8a83812ceba910280bfc61210487b2f217113f 100644
--- a/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
+++ b/morph/grid/local/grid.nix
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ let
     config = {
       grid.monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
-      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
+      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
       grid.issuer = {
         inherit (grid-config) issuerDomains allowedChargeOrigins;
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ let
     config = {
       grid.monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
-      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
+      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
       grid.storage = {
         inherit (grid-config) passValue publicStoragePort;
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ let
     config = {
       grid.monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
-      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
+      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
       grid.storage = {
         inherit (grid-config) passValue publicStoragePort;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ let
     config = {
       grid.monitoringvpnIPv4 = "";
-      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
+      grid.publicIPv4 = "";
       grid.monitoring = {
         inherit paymentExporterTargets blackboxExporterHttpsTargets;
         inherit (grid-config) monitoringDomains;
diff --git a/morph/lib/default.nix b/morph/lib/default.nix
index 88c83bc2211da2e00e69f95d7d2110d3ee636cc3..c43fa6ea1ebc6b3159f3f2f6872c23f0da62b776 100644
--- a/morph/lib/default.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/default.nix
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   # installed, as well as the NixOS module set that is used.
   # This is intended to be used in a grid definition like:
   #     network = { ... ; inherit (gridlib) pkgs; ... }
-  pkgs = import ../../nixpkgs-2105.nix {
+  pkgs = import ../../nixpkgs.nix {
     # Ensure that configuration of the system where this runs
     # doesn't leak into what we build.
     # See https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/62513
diff --git a/morph/lib/monitoring.nix b/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
index 64f26c92c4e0e8f7cc961b98972ec6c3ce8f2c89..3cf1680e1e1d0d1399b3e5741cc8b3850f68c2e5 100644
--- a/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
+++ b/morph/lib/monitoring.nix
@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ in {
         permissions = "0400";
         action = ["sudo" "systemctl" "restart" "wireguard-monitoringvpn.service"];
-      }
-      (lib.mkIf (cfg.googleOAuthClientID != "") {
-        "grafana-google-sso-secret" = {
-          source = "${privateKeyPath}/grafana-google-sso.secret";
-          destination = "/run/keys/grafana-google-sso.secret";
+        "grafana-admin-password" = {
+          source = "${privateKeyPath}/grafana-admin.password";
+          destination = "/run/keys/grafana-admin.password";
           owner.user = config.systemd.services.grafana.serviceConfig.User;
           owner.group = config.users.users.grafana.group;
           permissions = "0400";
           action = ["sudo" "systemctl" "restart" "grafana.service"];
-        "grafana-admin-password" = {
-          source = "${privateKeyPath}/grafana-admin.password";
-          destination = "/run/keys/grafana-admin.password";
+      }
+      (lib.mkIf (cfg.googleOAuthClientID != "") {
+        "grafana-google-sso-secret" = {
+          source = "${privateKeyPath}/grafana-google-sso.secret";
+          destination = "/run/keys/grafana-google-sso.secret";
           owner.user = config.systemd.services.grafana.serviceConfig.User;
           owner.group = config.users.users.grafana.group;
           permissions = "0400";
diff --git a/nixos/lib/default.nix b/nixos/lib/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ebaf60b7d536589d46a745d2945cbef96b2b554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+{ callPackage }:
+  /* A library of tools useful for writing tests with Nix.
+  */
+  testing = callPackage ./testing.nix { };
diff --git a/nixos/lib/testing.nix b/nixos/lib/testing.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d89717a0a76f93bb6062ad63c6cfdbb91c12c746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/lib/testing.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{ ...}:
+  /* Returns a string that runs tests from the Python code at the given path.
+     The Python code is loaded using *execfile* and the *test* global it
+     defines is called with the given keyword arguments.
+     Type: makeTestScript :: Path -> AttrSet -> String
+     Example:
+       testScript = (makeTestScript ./test_foo.py { x = "y"; });
+  */
+  makeTestScript = { testpath, kwargs ? {} }:
+    ''
+    # The driver runs pyflakes on this script before letting it
+    # run... Convince pyflakes that there is a `test` name.
+    test = None
+    with open("${testpath}") as testfile:
+        exec(testfile.read(), globals())
+    # For simple types, JSON is compatible with Python syntax!
+    test(**${builtins.toJSON kwargs})
+    '';
diff --git a/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/megacli2prom.nix b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/megacli2prom.nix
index a38f1ccc18b59073ff835e50babeb565f79a20b8..c1f10aef7821343e2f0a572d006782858dcf7ef4 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/megacli2prom.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/monitoring/exporters/megacli2prom.nix
@@ -35,11 +35,10 @@ in {
   config =
     lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
-      environment.systemPackages = [ ourpkgs.megacli2prom ];
+      environment.systemPackages = [ ourpkgs.megacli2prom pkgs.megacli ];
       systemd.services.megacli2prom = {
         enable = true;
         description = "MegaCli2Prom metrics gathering service";
-        wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
         startAt = cfg.interval;
         path = [ pkgs.megacli ];
         # Save to a temp file and then move atomically so the
diff --git a/nixos/modules/tahoe.nix b/nixos/modules/tahoe.nix
index e0b6eb4d8be3c5359de1d391c42b2ba83f7a1ba4..44c381e6b6dfa6039d1dd6a49d44f1afaf51ab10 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/tahoe.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/tahoe.nix
@@ -156,6 +156,10 @@ in
           nameValuePair "tahoe.introducer-${node}" {
             description = "Tahoe node user for introducer ${node}";
             isSystemUser = true;
+            group = "tahoe.introducer-${node}";
+          });
+        users.groups = flip mapAttrs' cfg.introducers (node: _:
+            nameValuePair "tahoe.introducer-${node}" {
       (mkIf (cfg.nodes != {}) {
@@ -287,6 +291,10 @@ in
           nameValuePair "tahoe.${node}" {
             description = "Tahoe node user for node ${node}";
             isSystemUser = true;
+            group = "tahoe.${node}";
+          });
+        users.groups = flip mapAttrs' cfg.introducers (node: _:
+            nameValuePair "tahoe.${node}" {
diff --git a/nixos/modules/update-deployment b/nixos/modules/update-deployment
index 1c8960588f418e57eeaadb7ad29db4285369cbdd..a8efffa062ad8f8dc6b6dc22827e4f0087b4d618 100755
--- a/nixos/modules/update-deployment
+++ b/nixos/modules/update-deployment
@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ EOF
 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$(hostname).$(domainname)" ":"
 # Set nixpkgs to our preferred version for the morph build.  Annoyingly, we
-# can't just use nixpkgs-2105.nix as our nixpkgs because some code (in morph,
+# can't just use nixpkgs.nix as our nixpkgs because some code (in morph,
 # at least) wants <nixpkgs> to be a fully-resolved path to a nixpkgs tree.
 # For example, morph evaluated `import <nixpkgs/lib>` which would turn into
-# something like `import nixpkgs-2105.nix/lib` which is nonsense.
+# something like `import nixpkgs.nix/lib` which is nonsense.
 # So instead, import our nixpkgs which forces it to be instantiated in the
 # store, then ask for its path, then set NIX_PATH to that.
-export NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=$(nix eval "(import ${CHECKOUT}/nixpkgs-2105.nix { }).path")"
+export NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=$(nix eval "(import ${CHECKOUT}/nixpkgs.nix { }).path")"
 # Attempt to update just this host.  Choose the morph grid definition matching
 # the grid we belong to and limit the morph deployment update to the host
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/default.nix b/nixos/pkgs/default.nix
index bfc30b36101c220434606832127a7e8ca0a70490..435095f7890b7ac41afaebe050a756c4b4887641 100644
--- a/nixos/pkgs/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/default.nix
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 #    pkgs.callPackage ./nixos/pkgs
 {buildPlatform, hostPlatform, callPackage}:
+  lib = callPackage ../lib {};
   leasereport = callPackage ./leasereport {};
   # `privatestorage` is a derivation with a good Tahoe+ZKAP environment
   # that is exposed by ZKAPAuthorizer.
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/repo.json b/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/repo.json
index 3c8cd0af95adf95e22def4e727b8c2c5d12044aa..daa4c7b8a0a7dba8ca382c9e1913e2c7ff2d36cd 100644
--- a/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/repo.json
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/megacli2prom/repo.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   "owner": "PrivateStorageio",
   "repo": "megacli2prom",
   "branch": "main",
-  "rev": "9536933d325c843b2662f80486660bf81d73941e",
+  "rev": "e76300ca0a723bf0ed105d805f166976162d58d3",
   "outputHashAlgo": "sha512",
-  "outputHash": "1xrsv0bkmazbhqarx84lhvmrzzdv1bm04xvr0hw1yrw1f4xb450f4pwgapnkjczy0l4c6rp3pmh64cblgbs3ki30wacbv1bqzv5745g"
+  "outputHash": "256di1f4bw5a0kqm37wr5dk9yg0cxhgqaflrhk0p3azimml3pd1gr4rh54mj4vsrw17iyziajmilx98fsvc9w70y14rh7kgxcam9vwp"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/default.nix b/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/default.nix
index bd487af32941f6db920ea2d43ec89e9eded38201..3bbbd3dbcf0b974e6e1997e20773cddbd9ea59c0 100644
--- a/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/default.nix
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/default.nix
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   repo-data = lib.importJSON ./repo.json;
   repo = fetchFromGitHub (builtins.removeAttrs repo-data [ "branch" ]);
-  privatestorage = callPackage repo {};
+  privatestorage = callPackage repo { python = "python39"; };
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/repo.json b/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/repo.json
index 81f6e18ba4bbec657a5a5ba543ef05408bf472ad..20fb749ffdbdcdb86e2af21c63ac1c756c6157a1 100644
--- a/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/repo.json
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/privatestorage/repo.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   "owner": "PrivateStorageio",
   "branch": "main",
   "repo": "ZKAPAuthorizer",
-  "rev": "b61f3d4a3f5eb72cb600dd83796a1aaca2931e07",
+  "rev": "a263d171aa20d6b34926a6af51b849cd127b7190",
   "outputHashAlgo": "sha512",
-  "outputHash": "2d7a9m34jx1k38fmiwskgwd1ryyhrb56m9nam12fd66shl8qzmlfcr1lwf063qi1wqdzb2g7998vxbv3c2bmvw7g6iqwzjmsck2czpn"
\ No newline at end of file
+  "outputHash": "0sxxhmrfbag5ksis0abvwnlqzfiqlwdyfnhav2h7hpn62r81l7k2gk4jhs3blw8r6bv6di978lx6rv56r1vmjnpmlyx2l33afzf9bf3"
diff --git a/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/repo.json b/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/repo.json
index 69f7a30053de661f2c7829384e9496e49077cfd9..eafc2e2e96592926a40535ee370db9bda9f10cc4 100644
--- a/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/repo.json
+++ b/nixos/pkgs/zkap-spending-service/repo.json
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-  "owner": "privatestorage",
-  "repo": "zkap-spending-service",
-  "rev": "cbf7509f429ffd6e6cf37a73e4ff84a9c5ce1141",
-  "branch": "main",
-  "domain": "whetstone.privatestorage.io",
-  "outputHash": "04g7pcykc2525cg3z7wg5834s7vqn82xaqjvf52l6dnxv3mb9xr93kk505dvxcwhgfbqpim5i479s9kqd8gi7q3lq5wn5fq7rf7lkrj",
-  "outputHashAlgo": "sha512"
+  "owner": "privatestorage",
+  "repo": "zkap-spending-service",
+  "rev": "66fd395268b466d4c7bb0a740fb758a5acccd1c4",
+  "branch": "main",
+  "domain": "whetstone.privatestorage.io",
+  "outputHash": "1nryvsccncrka25kzrwqkif4x68ib0cs2vbw1ngfmzw86gjgqx01a7acgspmrpfs62p4q8zw0f2ynl8jr3ygyypjrl8v7w8g49y0y0y",
+  "outputHashAlgo": "sha512"
diff --git a/nixos/tests/private-storage.nix b/nixos/tests/private-storage.nix
index a208ce249f1f1227f966e38a1c62ab6166d187f8..eaff1ed5320607e6aabc94226804aea4b7186b0a 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/private-storage.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/private-storage.nix
@@ -1,25 +1,14 @@
 { pkgs }:
+  ourpkgs = pkgs.callPackage ../pkgs { };
   sshPrivateKey = ./probeuser_ed25519;
   sshPublicKey = ./probeuser_ed25519.pub;
   sshUsers = {
     root = (builtins.readFile sshPublicKey);
     probeuser = (builtins.readFile sshPublicKey);
-  # Generate a command which can be used with runOnNode to ssh to the given
-  # host.
-  ssh = username: hostname: [
-    "cp" sshPrivateKey "/tmp/ssh_key" ";"
-    "chmod" "0400" "/tmp/ssh_key" ";"
-    "ssh" "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no" "-i" "/tmp/ssh_key" "${username}@${hostname}" ":"
-  ];
-  # Separate helper programs so we can write as little python inside a string
-  # inside a nix expression as possible.
-  run-introducer = ./run-introducer.py;
-  run-client = ./run-client.py;
-  get-passes = ./get-passes.py;
-  exercise-storage = ./exercise-storage.py;
   # This is a test double of the Stripe API server.  It is extremely simple.
   # It barely knows how to respond to exactly the API endpoints we use,
@@ -72,18 +61,6 @@ let
     networking.firewall.enable = false;
     networking.dhcpcd.enable = false;
-  # Return a python program fragment to run a shell command on one of the nodes.
-  # The first argument is the name of the node.  The second is a list of the
-  # argv to run.
-  #
-  # The program's output is piped to systemd-cat and the python fragment
-  # evaluates to success if the command exits with a success status.
-  runOnNode = node: argv:
-    let
-      command = builtins.concatStringsSep " " argv;
-    in
-      "${node}.succeed('set -eo pipefail; ${command} | systemd-cat')";
 in {
   # https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-nixos-tests
   # https://nixos.mayflower.consulting/blog/2019/07/11/leveraging-nixos-tests-in-your-project/
@@ -177,134 +154,16 @@ in {
   # Test the machines with a Python program.
-  testScript = ''
-    # Boot the VMs.  We used to do them all in parallel but the boot
-    # sequence got flaky at some point for some reason I don't
-    # understand. :/ It might be related to this:
-    #
-    # https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nixos-ppc64le-vm-does-not-have-dev-vda-device/11548/9
-    #
-    # See <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix> for the Nix
-    # that constructs the QEMU command that gets run.
-    #
-    # Boot them one at a time for now.
-    issuer.connect()
-    introducer.connect()
-    storage.connect()
-    client.connect()
-    api_stripe_com.connect()
-    # The issuer and the storage server should accept SSH connections.  This
-    # doesn't prove it is so but if it fails it's a pretty good indication
-    # it isn't so.
-    storage.wait_for_open_port(22)
-    ${runOnNode "issuer" (ssh "probeuser" "storage")}
-    ${runOnNode "issuer" (ssh "root" "storage")}
-    issuer.wait_for_open_port(22)
-    ${runOnNode "storage" (ssh "probeuser" "issuer")}
-    ${runOnNode "storage" (ssh "root" "issuer")}
-    # Set up a Tahoe-LAFS introducer.
-    introducer.copy_from_host('${pemFile}', '/tmp/node.pem')
-    try:
-      ${runOnNode "introducer" [ run-introducer "/tmp/node.pem" (toString introducerPort) introducerFURL ]}
-    except:
-      code, output = introducer.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
-      introducer.log(output)
-      raise
-    #
-    # Get a Tahoe-LAFS storage server up.
-    #
-    code, version = storage.execute('tahoe --version')
-    storage.log(version)
-    # The systemd unit should reach the running state.
-    storage.wait_for_unit('tahoe.storage.service')
-    # Some while after that the Tahoe-LAFS node should listen on the web API
-    # port. The port number here has to agree with the port number set in
-    # the private-storage.nix module.
-    storage.wait_for_open_port(3456)
-    # Once the web API is listening it should be possible to scrape some
-    # status from the node if it is really working.
-    storage.succeed('tahoe -d /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage status')
-    # It should have Eliot logging turned on as well.
-    storage.succeed('[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage/logs/eliot.json ]')
-    #
-    # Storage appears to be working so try to get a client to speak with it.
-    #
-    ${runOnNode "client" [ run-client "/tmp/client" introducerFURL issuerURL ristrettoPublicKey ]}
-    client.wait_for_open_port(3456)
-    # Make sure the fake Stripe API server is ready for requests.
-    try:
-      api_stripe_com.wait_for_unit("api.stripe.com")
-    except:
-      code, output = api_stripe_com.execute('journalctl -u api.stripe.com')
-      api_stripe_com.log(output)
-      raise
-    # Get some ZKAPs from the issuer.
-    try:
-      ${runOnNode "client" [
-        get-passes
-        ""
-        "/tmp/client/private/api_auth_token"
-        issuerURL
-        voucher
-      ]}
-    except:
-      code, output = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr');
-      client.log(output)
-      # Dump the fake Stripe API server logs, too, since the error may arise
-      # from a PaymentServer/Stripe interaction.
-      code, output = api_stripe_com.execute('journalctl -u api.stripe.com')
-      api_stripe_com.log(output)
-      raise
-    # The client should be prepped now.  Make it try to use some storage.
-    try:
-      ${runOnNode "client" [ exercise-storage "/tmp/client" ]}
-    except:
-      code, output = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
-      client.log(output)
-      raise
-    # It should be possible to restart the storage service without the
-    # storage node fURL changing.
-    try:
-      furlfile = '/var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage/private/storage-plugin.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1.furl'
-      before = storage.execute('cat ' + furlfile)
-      ${runOnNode "storage" [ "systemctl" "restart" "tahoe.storage" ]}
-      after = storage.execute('cat ' + furlfile)
-      if (before != after):
-        raise Exception('fURL changes after storage node restart')
-    except:
-      code, output = storage.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
-      storage.log(output)
-      raise
-    # The client should actually still work, too.
-    try:
-      ${runOnNode "client" [ exercise-storage "/tmp/client" ]}
-    except:
-      code, output = client.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
-      client.log(output)
-      raise
-    # The issuer metrics should be accessible from the monitoring network.
-    issuer.execute('ifconfig lo:fauxvpn')
-    issuer.wait_until_succeeds("nc -z 80")
-    issuer.succeed('curl --silent --insecure --fail --output /dev/null')
-    # The issuer metrics should NOT be accessible from any other network.
-    issuer.fail('curl --silent --insecure --fail --output /dev/null http://localhost/metrics')
-    client.fail('curl --silent --insecure --fail --output /dev/null http://issuer/metrics')
-    issuer.execute('ifconfig lo:fauxvpn down')
-  '';
+  testScript = ourpkgs.lib.testing.makeTestScript {
+    testpath = ./test_privatestorage.py;
+    kwargs = {
+      inherit sshPrivateKey pemFile introducerPort introducerFURL issuerURL ristrettoPublicKey voucher;
+      # Supply some helper programs to help the tests stay a bit higher level.
+      run_introducer = ./run-introducer.py;
+      run_client = ./run-client.py;
+      get_passes = ./get-passes.py;
+      exercise_storage = ./exercise-storage.py;
+    };
+  };
diff --git a/nixos/tests/tahoe.nix b/nixos/tests/tahoe.nix
index e39fd6d3fcb776e8e5215bb1264e08e2b7306c1f..a007e65efd2d6bee8ab4adba9df3cb2901f53526 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/tahoe.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/tahoe.nix
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-{ ... }:
-  {
+{ pkgs }:
+  ourpkgs = pkgs.callPackage ../pkgs { };
   nodes = {
     storage = { config, pkgs, ourpkgs, ... }: {
       imports = [
@@ -23,50 +26,7 @@
-  testScript = ''
-  start_all()
-  # After the service starts, destroy the "created" marker to force it to
-  # re-create its internal state.
-  storage.wait_for_open_port(4001)
-  storage.succeed("systemctl stop tahoe.storage")
-  storage.succeed("rm /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created")
-  storage.succeed("systemctl start tahoe.storage")
-  # After it starts up again, verify it has consistent internal state and a
-  # backup of the prior state.
-  storage.wait_for_open_port(4001)
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.1 ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.1/private/node.privkey ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.1/private/node.pem ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ ! -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.2 ]")
-  # Stop it again, once again destroy the "created" marker, and this time also
-  # jam some partial state in the way that will need cleanup.
-  storage.succeed("systemctl stop tahoe.storage")
-  storage.succeed("rm /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created")
-  storage.succeed("mkdir -p /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.atomic/partial")
-  try:
-    storage.succeed("systemctl start tahoe.storage")
-  except:
-    x, y = storage.execute("journalctl -u tahoe.storage")
-    storage.log(y)
-    raise
-  # After it starts up again, verify it has consistent internal state and
-  # backups of the prior two states.  It also has no copy of the inconsistent
-  # state because it could never have been used.
-  storage.wait_for_open_port(4001)
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.1 ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.2 ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.2/private/node.privkey ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.2/private/node.pem ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ ! -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.atomic ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ ! -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage/partial ]")
-  storage.succeed("[ ! -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.3 ]")
-  '';
+  testScript = ourpkgs.lib.testing.makeTestScript {
+    testpath = ./test_tahoe.py;
+  };
diff --git a/nixos/tests/test_privatestorage.py b/nixos/tests/test_privatestorage.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc060d51f1815f549485d3415b3b3af97d5c79af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/test_privatestorage.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+def runOnNode(node, argv):
+    """
+    Run a shell command on one of the nodes.  The first argument is the name
+    of the node.  The second is a list of the argv to run.
+    The program's output is piped to systemd-cat and the python fragment
+    evaluates to success if the command exits with a success status.
+    """
+    try:
+        node.succeed('set -eo pipefail; {} | systemd-cat'.format(" ".join(argv)))
+    except Exception as e:
+        code, output = node.execute('cat /tmp/stdout /tmp/stderr')
+        introducer.log(output)
+        raise
+def ssh(username, sshPrivateKey, hostname):
+    """
+    Generate a command which can be used with runOnNode to ssh to the given
+    host.
+    """
+    return [
+        "cp", sshPrivateKey, "/tmp/ssh_key", ";",
+        "chmod", "0400", "/tmp/ssh_key", ";",
+        "ssh", "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-i", "/tmp/ssh_key",
+        "{username}@{hostname}".format(username=username, hostname=hostname), ":",
+    ]
+def test(
+        sshPrivateKey,
+        pemFile,
+        run_introducer,
+        run_client,
+        get_passes,
+        exercise_storage,
+        introducerPort,
+        introducerFURL,
+        issuerURL,
+        ristrettoPublicKey,
+        voucher,
+    """
+    """
+    # Boot the VMs.  We used to do them all in parallel but the boot
+    # sequence got flaky at some point for some reason I don't
+    # understand. :/ It might be related to this:
+    #
+    # https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nixos-ppc64le-vm-does-not-have-dev-vda-device/11548/9
+    #
+    # See <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix> for the Nix
+    # that constructs the QEMU command that gets run.
+    #
+    # Boot them one at a time for now.
+    issuer.connect()
+    introducer.connect()
+    storage.connect()
+    client.connect()
+    api_stripe_com.connect()
+    # The issuer and the storage server should accept SSH connections.  This
+    # doesn't prove it is so but if it fails it's a pretty good indication
+    # it isn't so.
+    storage.wait_for_open_port(22)
+    runOnNode(issuer, ssh("probeuser", sshPrivateKey, "storage"))
+    runOnNode(issuer, ssh("root", sshPrivateKey, "storage"))
+    issuer.wait_for_open_port(22)
+    runOnNode(storage, ssh("probeuser", sshPrivateKey, "issuer"))
+    runOnNode(storage, ssh("root", sshPrivateKey, "issuer"))
+    # Set up a Tahoe-LAFS introducer.
+    introducer.copy_from_host(pemFile, '/tmp/node.pem')
+    runOnNode(introducer, [run_introducer, "/tmp/node.pem", str(introducerPort), introducerFURL])
+    #
+    # Get a Tahoe-LAFS storage server up.
+    #
+    code, version = storage.execute('tahoe --version')
+    storage.log(version)
+    # The systemd unit should reach the running state.
+    storage.wait_for_unit('tahoe.storage.service')
+    # Some while after that the Tahoe-LAFS node should listen on the web API
+    # port. The port number here has to agree with the port number set in
+    # the private-storage.nix module.
+    storage.wait_for_open_port(3456)
+    # Once the web API is listening it should be possible to scrape some
+    # status from the node if it is really working.
+    storage.succeed('tahoe -d /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage status')
+    # It should have Eliot logging turned on as well.
+    storage.succeed('[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage/logs/eliot.json ]')
+    #
+    # Storage appears to be working so try to get a client to speak with it.
+    #
+    runOnNode(client, [run_client, "/tmp/client", introducerFURL, issuerURL, ristrettoPublicKey])
+    client.wait_for_open_port(3456)
+    # Make sure the fake Stripe API server is ready for requests.
+    try:
+        api_stripe_com.wait_for_unit("api.stripe.com")
+    except:
+        code, output = api_stripe_com.execute('journalctl -u api.stripe.com')
+        api_stripe_com.log(output)
+        raise
+    # Get some ZKAPs from the issuer.
+    try:
+        runOnNode(client, [
+            get_passes,
+            "",
+            "/tmp/client/private/api_auth_token",
+            issuerURL,
+            voucher,
+        ])
+    except:
+        # Dump the fake Stripe API server logs, too, since the error may arise
+        # from a PaymentServer/Stripe interaction.
+        code, output = api_stripe_com.execute('journalctl -u api.stripe.com')
+        api_stripe_com.log(output)
+        raise
+    # The client should be prepped now.  Make it try to use some storage.
+    runOnNode(client, [exercise_storage, "/tmp/client"])
+    # It should be possible to restart the storage service without the
+    # storage node fURL changing.
+    furlfile = '/var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage/private/storage-plugin.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1.furl'
+    before = storage.execute('cat ' + furlfile)
+    runOnNode(storage, ["systemctl", "restart", "tahoe.storage"])
+    after = storage.execute('cat ' + furlfile)
+    if (before != after):
+        raise Exception('fURL changes after storage node restart')
+    # The client should actually still work, too.
+    runOnNode(client, [exercise_storage, "/tmp/client"])
+    # The issuer metrics should be accessible from the monitoring network.
+    issuer.execute('ifconfig lo:fauxvpn')
+    issuer.wait_until_succeeds("nc -z 80")
+    issuer.succeed('curl --silent --insecure --fail --output /dev/null')
+    # The issuer metrics should NOT be accessible from any other network.
+    issuer.fail('curl --silent --insecure --fail --output /dev/null http://localhost/metrics')
+    client.fail('curl --silent --insecure --fail --output /dev/null http://issuer/metrics')
+    issuer.execute('ifconfig lo:fauxvpn down')
diff --git a/nixos/tests/test_tahoe.py b/nixos/tests/test_tahoe.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5190c78b04cb2cc59b5275e45869dd53e0e81c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/test_tahoe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+def test():
+    start_all()
+    # After the service starts, destroy the "created" marker to force it to
+    # re-create its internal state.
+    storage.wait_for_open_port(4001)
+    storage.succeed("systemctl stop tahoe.storage")
+    storage.succeed("rm /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created")
+    storage.succeed("systemctl start tahoe.storage")
+    # After it starts up again, verify it has consistent internal state and a
+    # backup of the prior state.
+    storage.wait_for_open_port(4001)
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.1 ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.1/private/node.privkey ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.1/private/node.pem ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ ! -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.2 ]")
+    # Stop it again, once again destroy the "created" marker, and this time also
+    # jam some partial state in the way that will need cleanup.
+    storage.succeed("systemctl stop tahoe.storage")
+    storage.succeed("rm /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created")
+    storage.succeed("mkdir -p /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.atomic/partial")
+    try:
+        storage.succeed("systemctl start tahoe.storage")
+    except:
+        x, y = storage.execute("journalctl -u tahoe.storage")
+        storage.log(y)
+        raise
+    # After it starts up again, verify it has consistent internal state and
+    # backups of the prior two states.  It also has no copy of the inconsistent
+    # state because it could never have been used.
+    storage.wait_for_open_port(4001)
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.created ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.1 ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.2 ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.2/private/node.privkey ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.2/private/node.pem ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ ! -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.atomic ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ ! -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage/partial ]")
+    storage.succeed("[ ! -e /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage.3 ]")
diff --git a/nixpkgs-2105.json b/nixpkgs-2105.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 523c1468f35019c6685f3a8486603d0936732dbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/nixpkgs-2105.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "release2105",
-  "url": "https://releases.nixos.org/nixos/21.05/nixos-21.05.4547.2949ed36539/nixexprs.tar.xz",
-  "sha256": "0nm5znl7lh3qws29ppzpzsqscyw3hk7q0128xqmga2g86qcmy38x"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nixpkgs-2105.nix b/nixpkgs-2105.nix
index 536d913b89ba6a57d8d683381ea1c8f40e026b4f..fbd7ca592bfd4e9d1b941f437758f8da1b8bcb5a 100644
--- a/nixpkgs-2105.nix
+++ b/nixpkgs-2105.nix
@@ -1 +1,6 @@
-import (builtins.fetchTarball (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./nixpkgs-2105.json)))
+# This actually imports nixos-21.11 but we need to keep this file around so that
+# upgrades work, as the on-node deployment script expects this file in the checkout.
+# See https://whetstone.privatestorage.io/privatestorage/PrivateStorageio/-/merge_requests/222#note_18600
+# This file can be removed once all nodes have been updated to point to the new file.
+import ./nixpkgs.nix
diff --git a/nixpkgs.json b/nixpkgs.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3066c2260d204d86ef3b50ef3deac3619cd14145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  "name": "source",
+  "url": "https://releases.nixos.org/nixos/21.11/nixos-21.11.335130.386234e2a61/nixexprs.tar.xz",
+  "sha256": "05lw8w4mbpzxsam09s22q7fm21ayhzh9w8g74vhhhmigr18ggxc7"
diff --git a/nixpkgs.nix b/nixpkgs.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a49c447874e45bea0804185636468568f5bd5035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixpkgs.nix
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+import (builtins.fetchTarball (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./nixpkgs.json)))
diff --git a/shell.nix b/shell.nix
index a5741377eec5ebd4b8862a0ea47e15edfdac2731..b8be3a3a6088a987468329ad29919a6957313c6a 100644
--- a/shell.nix
+++ b/shell.nix
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-  release2105 = import ./nixpkgs-2105.nix { };
+  pinned-pkgs = import ./nixpkgs.nix { };
-{ pkgs ? release2105, lib ? pkgs.lib, python ? pkgs.python3 }:
+{ pkgs ? pinned-pkgs, lib ? pkgs.lib, python ? pkgs.python3 }:
   tools = pkgs.callPackage ./tools {};
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ pkgs.mkShell {
   # first adds that path to the store, and then interpolates the store path
   # into the string.  We use `builtins.toString` to convert the path to a
   # string without copying it to the store before interpolating. Either the
-  # path is already in the store (e.g. when `pkgs` is `release2105`) so we
+  # path is already in the store (e.g. when `pkgs` is `pinned-pkgs`) so we
   # avoid making a second copy with a longer name, or the user passed in local
   # path (e.g. a checkout of nixpkgs) and we point at it directly, rather than
   # a snapshot of it.
diff --git a/tools/update-nixpkgs b/tools/update-nixpkgs
index 09c823b0a419b5937d4953337b94a26c4b502e32..3c6832c95cee09632318f7a4ef4efc7099e317e1 100755
--- a/tools/update-nixpkgs
+++ b/tools/update-nixpkgs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from ps_tools import get_url_hash
 # We pass this to builtins.fetchTarball which only supports sha256
 HASH_TYPE = "sha256"
-DEFAULT_CHANNEL = "nixos-21.05"
+DEFAULT_CHANNEL = "nixos-21.11"
 CHANNEL_URL_TEMPLATE = "https://channels.nixos.org/{channel}/nixexprs.tar.xz"
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def main():
-        default=Path(__file__).parent.with_name("nixpkgs-2105.json"),
+        default=Path(__file__).parent.with_name("nixpkgs.json"),
         help="JSON file with pinned configuration.",