# A NixOS module which can instantiate a Tahoe-LAFS storage server in the
# preferred configuration for the Private Storage grid.
{ pkgs, ourpkgs, lib, config, ... }:
  # Grab the configuration for this module for convenient access below.
  cfg = config.services.private-storage;
  storage-node-name = "storage";
  # TODO: This path copied from tahoe.nix.
  tahoe-base = "/var/db/tahoe-lafs";

  # The full path to the directory where the storage server will write
  # incident reports.
  incidents-dir = "${tahoe-base}/${storage-node-name}/logs/incidents";

  # The maximum age that will be allowed for incident reports.  See
  # tmpfiles.d(5) for the syntax.
  # NOTE: This is promised by the service privacy policy.  It *may not* be
  # raised without following the process for updating the privacy policy.
  max-incident-age = "29d";

  fqdn = "${
    assert config.networking.hostName != null; config.networking.hostName
    assert config.networking.domain != null; config.networking.domain
  imports = [
    # Load our tahoe-lafs module.  It is configurable in the way I want it to
    # be configurable.

  options =
  { services.private-storage.enable = lib.mkEnableOption "private storage service";
    services.private-storage.tahoe.package = lib.mkOption
    { default = ourpkgs.privatestorage;
      type = lib.types.package;
      example = "pkgs.tahoelafs";
      description = ''
        The package to use for the Tahoe-LAFS daemon.
    services.private-storage.publicAddress = lib.mkOption
    { default = "${fqdn}";
      type = lib.types.str;
      example = "storage.example.invalid";
      description = ''
        A publicly-visible address to use in Tahoe-LAFS advertisements for
        this storage service.
    services.private-storage.introducerFURL = lib.mkOption
    { default = null;
      type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.str;
      example = "pb://<tubid>@<location hint>/<swissnum>";
      description = ''
        A Tahoe-LAFS introducer node fURL at which this storage node should announce itself.
    services.private-storage.publicStoragePort = lib.mkOption
    { default = 8898;
      type = lib.types.int;
      example = 8098;
      description = ''
        The port number on which to service storage clients.
    services.private-storage.issuerRootURL = lib.mkOption
    { default = "https://issuer.${config.networking.domain}/";
      type = lib.types.str;
      example = "https://example.invalid/";
      description = ''
        The URL of the Ristretto issuer service to announce.
    services.private-storage.ristrettoSigningKeyPath = lib.mkOption
    { type = lib.types.path;
      example = "/var/run/secrets/signing-key.private";
      description = ''
        The path to the Ristretto signing key for the service.
    services.private-storage.passValue = lib.mkOption
    { default = null;
      type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.int;
      example = lib.literalExample (1000 * 1000);
      description = ''
        The bytes component of the bytes×time value of a single pass which
        storage servers will use when making pricing decisions.

  # Define configuration based on values given for our options - starting with
  # the option that says whether this is even turned on.
  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable
  { services.tahoe.nodes."${storage-node-name}" =
    { package = cfg.tahoe.package;
      # Each attribute in this set corresponds to a section in the tahoe.cfg
      # file.  Attributes on those sets correspond to individual assignments
      # in those sections.
      # We just populate this according to policy/preference of Private
      # Storage.
      sections =
      { client = if cfg.introducerFURL == null then {} else
        { "introducer.furl" = cfg.introducerFURL;
        node =
        # XXX Should try to name that is unique across the grid.
        { nickname = "${storage-node-name}";
          # We have the web port active because the CLI uses it.  We may
          # eventually turn this off, or at least have it off by default (with
          # an option to turn it on).  I don't know how much we'll use the CLI
          # on the nodes.  Maybe very little?  Or maybe it will be part of a
          # health check for the node...  In any case, we tell it to bind to
          # localhost so no one *else* can use it.  And the principle of the
          # web interface is that merely having access to it doesn't grant
          # access to any data.  It does grant access to storage capabilities
          # but with our plugin configuration you still need ZKAPs to use
          # those...
          "web.port" = "tcp:3456:interface=";
          # We have to tell Tahoe-LAFS where to listen for Foolscap
          # connections for the storage protocol.  We have to tell it twice.
          # First, in the syntax which it uses to listen.
          "tub.port" = "tcp:${toString cfg.publicStoragePort}";
          # Second, in the syntax it advertises to in the fURL.
          "tub.location" = "tcp:${cfg.publicAddress}:${toString cfg.publicStoragePort}";
        storage =
        { enabled = true;
          # Put the storage where we have a lot of space configured.
          storage_dir = "/storage";
          # Turn on our plugin.
          plugins = "privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1";
        "storageserver.plugins.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1" =
        { "ristretto-issuer-root-url" = cfg.issuerRootURL;
          "ristretto-signing-key-path" = cfg.ristrettoSigningKeyPath;
        } // (
          if cfg.passValue == null
          then {}
          else { "pass-value" = (toString cfg.passValue); }

    # Let traffic destined for the storage node's Foolscap server through.
    networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ cfg.publicStoragePort ];

    systemd.tmpfiles.rules =
    # Add a rule to prevent incident reports from accumulating indefinitely.
    # See tmpfiles.d(5) for the syntax.
    [ "d ${incidents-dir} 0755 root root ${max-incident-age} -"

    environment.systemPackages = [
      # Provide a useful tool for reporting about shares.
