default: # Guide the choice of an appropriate runner for all these jobs. # tags: - "nixos" - "shell" docs: stage: "build" script: - "nix-shell --run 'nix-build docs.nix'" - "cp --recursive --no-preserve=mode result/docs/. docs/build/" artifacts: paths: - "docs/build/" expose_as: "documentation" unit-tests: stage: "test" script: - "nix-shell --run 'nix-build nixos/unit-tests.nix' && cat result" vulnerability-scan: stage: "test" script: - "ci-tools/vulnerability-scan security-report.json" - "ci-tools/count-vulnerabilities <security-report.json" artifacts: paths: - "security-report.json" expose_as: "security report" system-tests: stage: "test" timeout: "3 hours" script: - "nix-shell --run 'nix-build nixos/system-tests.nix'" deploy-to-staging: stage: "deploy" only: - "staging" environment: name: "staging" url: "" script: - echo "Hello $GITLAB_USER_LOGIN from $CI_JOB_NAME. I was triggered by $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE " - echo "and would like to deploy the $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH branch to the $CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME environment." deploy-to-production: stage: "deploy" only: - "production" environment: name: "production" url: "" script: - echo "Hello $GITLAB_USER_LOGIN from $CI_JOB_NAME. I was triggered by $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE " - echo "and would like to deploy the $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH branch to the $CI_ENVIRONMENT_NAME environment."