{ description = "tahoe-capabilities"; inputs = { # Nix Inputs nixpkgs.follows = "hs-flake-utils/nixpkgs"; flake-utils.url = github:numtide/flake-utils; hs-flake-utils.url = "git+https://whetstone.private.storage/jcalderone/hs-flake-utils.git?ref=main"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, hs-flake-utils, }: let ulib = flake-utils.lib; in ulib.eachSystem ["x86_64-linux" "aarch64-darwin"] (system: let pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; hslib = hs-flake-utils.lib { inherit pkgs; src = ./.; compilerVersion = "ghc8107"; packageName = "tahoe-capabilities"; }; in { checks = hslib.checks {}; devShells = hslib.devShells {}; packages = hslib.packages {}; apps.hlint = hslib.apps.hlint {}; # Using the working directory of `nix run`, do a build with cabal and # then run the test suite. apps.cabal-test = { type = "app"; program = "${ pkgs.writeShellApplication { name = "cabal-build-and-test"; runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [pkg-config haskell.compiler.${ghcVersion} cabal-install]; text = '' cabal update hackage.haskell.org cabal build all cabal run tests ''; } }/bin/cabal-build-and-test"; }; }); }