{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Implement the scheme for encoding ciphertext into SDMF shares (and decoding it again). -} module Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Encoding where import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Crypto.Cipher.Types (BlockCipher (blockSize), IV, makeIV) import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom (getRandomBytes)) import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (bimap)) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Int (Int64) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Word (Word16, Word64, Word8) import Tahoe.CHK (padCiphertext, zfec, zunfec) import Tahoe.CHK.Merkle (MerkleTree (MerkleLeaf)) import Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Capability (Reader (..), Writer (..), deriveReader) import Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Converting (from, tryInto) import qualified Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Keys as Keys import Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Share (HashChain (HashChain), Share (..)) -- | Randomly generate a new IV suitable for use with some BlockCipher. randomIV :: forall c m. (BlockCipher c, MonadRandom m) => m (Maybe (IV c)) randomIV = (makeIV :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (IV c)) <$> getRandomBytes (blockSize (undefined :: c)) {- | Given a pre-determined key pair and sequence number, encode some ciphertext into a collection of SDMF shares. A key pair *unique identifies* a "slot" (the storage location for the shares). Thus they cannot be re-used for "different" data. Any shares created with a given key pair are part of the same logical data object. -} encode :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m, MonadRandom m) => Keys.KeyPair -> Word64 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> LB.ByteString -> m ([Share], Writer) encode keypair shareSequenceNumber required total ciphertext = do -- Make sure the encoding parameters fit into a Word8 requiredAsWord8 <- tryInto @Word8 ("must have 0 < required < 255 but required == " <> show required) required totalAsWord8 <- tryInto @Word8 ("must have 0 < total < 256 but total == " <> show total) total -- And that they make sense together. when (required >= total) (fail $ "must have required < total but required == " <> show required <> ", total == " <> show total) -- They look okay, we can proceed. blocks <- liftIO $ fmap LB.fromStrict <$> zfec (from required) (from total) paddedCiphertext (Just iv) <- randomIV -- We know the length won't be negative (doesn't make sense) and we -- know all positive values fit into a Word64 so we can do this -- conversion safely. But if it needs to fail for some reason, it -- can do so safely. dataLength <- tryInto @Word64 "must have 0 <= data length" (LB.length ciphertext) -- All segments are the same so we can figure the size from any one -- block. This conversion might fail because of Int64 vs Word64 but -- only for truly, truly tremendous share data. shareSegmentSize <- tryInto @Word64 "must have segment size < 2^63" (LB.length (head blocks)) let makeShare' = flip $ makeShare shareSequenceNumber (Keys.SDMF_IV iv) requiredAsWord8 totalAsWord8 dataLength shareSegmentSize (Keys.toVerificationKey keypair) let makeShare'' = makeShare' <$> blocks resultE :: Either T.Text [Share] resultE = (traverse . flip fmap) encryptedPrivateKey makeShare'' either (fail . T.unpack) pure ((,) <$> resultE <*> cap) where paddedCiphertext = LB.toStrict $ padCiphertext required ciphertext -- We can compute a capability immediately. cap = capabilityForKeyPair keypair encryptedPrivateKey = flip Keys.encryptSignatureKey (Keys.toSignatureKey keypair) <$> (writerWriteKey <$> cap) makeShare :: Word64 -> Keys.SDMF_IV -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Keys.Verification -> B.ByteString -> LB.ByteString -> Share makeShare shareSequenceNumber shareIV shareRequiredShares shareTotalShares shareDataLength shareSegmentSize shareVerificationKey shareEncryptedPrivateKey shareData = Share{..} where shareRootHash = B.replicate 32 0 shareSignature = B.replicate 32 0 -- XXX Actually compute sig, and is it 32 bytes? shareHashChain = HashChain [] shareBlockHashTree = MerkleLeaf (B.replicate 32 0) -- XXX Real hash here, plus length check {- | Decode some SDMF shares to recover the original ciphertext. TODO: Use the read capability to verify the shares were constructed with information from the matching write capability. -} decode :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => Reader -> [(Word16, Share)] -> m LB.ByteString decode _ [] = fail "Cannot decode with no shares" decode _ s@((_, Share{shareRequiredShares, shareTotalShares, shareDataLength}) : shares) -- Make sure we have enough shares. | length s < requiredAsInt = fail $ "got " <> show (length shares) <> " shares, required " <> show shareRequiredShares | otherwise = do -- Make sure this implementation can handle the amount of data involved. -- Since we use lazy ByteString we're limited to 2^63-1 bytes rather than -- 2^64-1 bytes so there are some SDMF shares we can't interpret right -- now. shareDataLength' <- tryInto @Int64 ("share data length " <> show shareDataLength <> " is beyond maximum supported by this implementation " <> show (maxBound :: Int64)) shareDataLength ciphertext <- liftIO $ zunfec requiredAsInt totalAsInt (take requiredAsInt blocks) pure . LB.take shareDataLength' . LB.fromStrict $ ciphertext where blocks = bimap (from @Word16) (LB.toStrict . shareData) <$> s requiredAsInt = from shareRequiredShares totalAsInt = from shareTotalShares -- | Compute an SDMF write capability for a given keypair. capabilityForKeyPair :: Keys.KeyPair -> Either T.Text Writer capabilityForKeyPair keypair = Writer <$> writerWriteKey <*> maybeToEither' "Failed to derive read capability" writerReader where writerWriteKey = maybeToEither "Failed to derive write key" . Keys.deriveWriteKey . Keys.toSignatureKey $ keypair verificationKeyHash = Keys.deriveVerificationHash . Keys.toVerificationKey $ keypair writerReader = deriveReader <$> writerWriteKey <*> pure verificationKeyHash maybeToEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b maybeToEither a Nothing = Left a maybeToEither _ (Just b) = Right b maybeToEither' :: e -> Either e (Maybe a) -> Either e a maybeToEither' e (Right Nothing) = Left e maybeToEither' _ (Right (Just r)) = Right r maybeToEither' _ (Left e) = Left e