diff --git a/PaymentServer.cabal b/PaymentServer.cabal
index 56d7c013c6bb0ec8b54d3506d5d9e0c64ddb7347..5910ce73ba57d00482ba7095a36ddf70fd4cc5bf 100644
--- a/PaymentServer.cabal
+++ b/PaymentServer.cabal
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ cabal-version:       >=1.10
   hs-source-dirs:      src
   exposed-modules:     PaymentServer.Processors.Stripe
+                     , PaymentServer.Issuer
                      , PaymentServer.Persistence
                      , PaymentServer.Redemption
                      , PaymentServer.Server
diff --git a/src/PaymentServer/Issuer.hs b/src/PaymentServer/Issuer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f47c47a2807523663269cab63db9183bd2c5f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PaymentServer/Issuer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+-- | This module can issue signatures of blinded tokens which can be used to
+-- construct passes.
+module PaymentServer.Issuer
+  ( PublicKey
+  , Signature
+  , BlindedToken
+  , Proof
+  , ChallengeBypass(ChallengeBypass)
+  , Issuer
+  , trivialIssue
+  ) where
+import Data.Text
+  ( Text
+  )
+-- | A public key corresponding to our private key.
+type PublicKey = Text
+-- | A cryptographic signature of a blinded token created using our private
+-- key.
+type Signature = Text
+-- | This is the blinded token for which we create signatures.
+type BlindedToken = Text
+-- | A zero-knowledge proof that signatures were created of the corresponding
+-- blinded tokens using the corresponding public key's private key.
+type Proof = Text
+-- | This bundles up all of the values needed to verify the privacy-respecting
+-- operation of the issuer and then construct passes.
+data ChallengeBypass =
+  ChallengeBypass PublicKey [Signature] Proof
+-- | An issuer accepts a list of blinded tokens and returns signatures of
+-- those tokens along with proof that it used a particular key to construct
+-- the signatures.
+type Issuer = [BlindedToken] -> ChallengeBypass
+-- | trivialIssue makes up and returns some nonsense values that satisfy the
+-- structural requirements but not the semantic ones.
+trivialIssue :: Issuer
+trivialIssue tokens =
+  ChallengeBypass
+  "fake-public-key"
+  (replicate (length tokens) "fake-signature")
+  "fake-proof"
diff --git a/src/PaymentServer/Redemption.hs b/src/PaymentServer/Redemption.hs
index 23dfbc849b6699f61d1be229d85e3f7ae3535766..c2cbe06f077bb5682c7a36139ab82921d0f92330 100644
--- a/src/PaymentServer/Redemption.hs
+++ b/src/PaymentServer/Redemption.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 -- signatures.
 module PaymentServer.Redemption
   ( RedemptionAPI
-  , BlindedToken
   , Redeem(Redeem)
   , Result(Failed, Succeeded)
   , redemptionServer
@@ -20,8 +19,7 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
   ( liftIO
 import Data.Text
-  ( Text
-  , pack
+  ( pack
 import Data.Text.Encoding
   ( encodeUtf8
@@ -59,27 +57,20 @@ import PaymentServer.Persistence
   , Fingerprint
   , Voucher
--- | A cryptographic signature of a blinded token created using our private
--- key.
-type Signature = Text
--- | A public key corresponding to our private key.
-type PublicKey = Text
--- | A zero-knowledge proof that signatures were created of the corresponding
--- blinded tokens using the corresponding public key's private key.
-type Proof = Text
+import PaymentServer.Issuer
+  ( Signature
+  , PublicKey
+  , Proof
+  , BlindedToken
+  , ChallengeBypass(ChallengeBypass)
+  , Issuer
+  )
 data Result
   = Failed
   | Succeeded PublicKey [Signature] Proof
   deriving (Show, Eq)
--- | A blinded token is presented along with a voucher to be signed and the
--- signatures returned to the caller.
-type BlindedToken = Text
 -- | A complete redemption attempt which can be presented at the redemption
 -- endpoint.
 data Redeem
@@ -120,19 +111,23 @@ jsonErr400 = err400
   , errHeaders = [ ("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8") ]
-redemptionServer :: VoucherDatabase d => d -> Server RedemptionAPI
+redemptionServer :: VoucherDatabase d => Issuer -> d -> Server RedemptionAPI
 redemptionServer = redeem
 -- | Handler for redemption requests.  Use the database to try to redeem the
 -- voucher and return signatures.  Return a failure if this is not possible
 -- (eg because the voucher was already redeemed).
-redeem :: VoucherDatabase d => d -> Redeem -> Handler Result
-redeem database (Redeem voucher tokens) = do
+redeem :: VoucherDatabase d => Issuer -> d -> Redeem -> Handler Result
+redeem issue database (Redeem voucher tokens) = do
   let fingerprint = fingerprintFromTokens tokens
   result <- liftIO $ PaymentServer.Persistence.redeemVoucher database voucher fingerprint
   case result of
     Left err -> throwError jsonErr400
-    Right () -> return $ Succeeded "" [] ""
+    Right () ->
+      let
+        (ChallengeBypass key signatures proof) = issue tokens
+      in
+        return $ Succeeded key signatures proof
 -- | Compute a cryptographic hash (fingerprint) of a list of tokens which can
 -- be used as an identifier for this exact sequence of tokens.
diff --git a/src/PaymentServer/Server.hs b/src/PaymentServer/Server.hs
index f55b779b99f7a3395a02aca78a0f636e358f2542..6eea6abed47c088abf55b9aea4b66bb3658c53c7 100644
--- a/src/PaymentServer/Server.hs
+++ b/src/PaymentServer/Server.hs
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ import PaymentServer.Redemption
   ( RedemptionAPI
   , redemptionServer
+import PaymentServer.Issuer
+  ( trivialIssue
+  )
 import PaymentServer.Persistence
   ( VoucherDatabase
@@ -36,7 +39,7 @@ type PaymentServerAPI
 paymentServer :: VoucherDatabase d => d -> Server PaymentServerAPI
 paymentServer d =
   stripeServer d
-  :<|> redemptionServer d
+  :<|> redemptionServer trivialIssue d
 paymentServerAPI :: Proxy PaymentServerAPI
 paymentServerAPI = Proxy
diff --git a/test/SpecRedemption.hs b/test/SpecRedemption.hs
index e9c05108d596bfc232cb7cf749026960587212db..d75ee75f9f37fbe30db45f91d8b7da6dbc64f1ac 100644
--- a/test/SpecRedemption.hs
+++ b/test/SpecRedemption.hs
@@ -52,9 +52,14 @@ import Util.Spec
 import Util.WAI
   ( postJSON
+import PaymentServer.Issuer
+  ( BlindedToken
+  , ChallengeBypass(ChallengeBypass)
+  , Issuer
+  , trivialIssue
+  )
 import PaymentServer.Redemption
   ( RedemptionAPI
-  , BlindedToken
   , Redeem(Redeem)
   , Result(Failed, Succeeded)
   , redemptionServer
@@ -69,8 +74,8 @@ import PaymentServer.Persistence
 redemptionAPI :: Proxy RedemptionAPI
 redemptionAPI = Proxy
-app :: VoucherDatabase d => d -> Application
-app = serve redemptionAPI . redemptionServer
+app :: VoucherDatabase d => Issuer -> d -> Application
+app issue = serve redemptionAPI . redemptionServer issue
 path = "/"
@@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ instance VoucherDatabase VoucherDatabaseTestDouble where
 spec_redemption :: Spec
 spec_redemption = parallel $ do
   database <- runIO memory
-  with (return . app $ database) $
+  with (return $ app trivialIssue database) $
       describe (printf "error behavior of POST %s" (show path)) $
@@ -124,7 +129,7 @@ spec_redemption = parallel $ do
   describe "redemption" $ do
-    with (return . app $ RefuseRedemption NotPaid) $
+    with (return $ app trivialIssue (RefuseRedemption NotPaid)) $
       it "receives a failure response when the voucher is not paid" $ property $
         \(voucher :: Voucher) (tokens :: [BlindedToken]) ->
           propertyRedeem path voucher tokens 400
@@ -135,15 +140,18 @@ spec_redemption = parallel $ do
           , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "application/json;charset=utf-8"]
-    with (return $ app PermitRedemption) $
+    with (return $ app trivialIssue PermitRedemption) $
       it "receive a success response when redemption succeeds" $ property $
         \(voucher :: Voucher) (tokens :: [BlindedToken]) ->
-          propertyRedeem path voucher tokens 200
-          -- TODO: Get some real crypto involved to be able to replace these
-          -- dummy values.
-          { matchBody = matchJSONBody $ Succeeded "" [] ""
-          , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "application/json;charset=utf-8"]
-          }
+          let
+            (ChallengeBypass key signatures proof) = trivialIssue tokens
+          in
+            propertyRedeem path voucher tokens 200
+            -- TODO: Get some real crypto involved to be able to replace these
+            -- dummy values.
+            { matchBody = matchJSONBody $ Succeeded key signatures proof
+            , matchHeaders = ["Content-Type" <:> "application/json;charset=utf-8"]
+            }
     -- it "receive 200 (OK) when the voucher is paid and previously redeemed with the same tokens" $
     --   property $ \(voucher :: Voucher) (tokens :: [BlindedToken]) ->