PaymentServer ============= PaymentServer maintains the state of a voucher database with respect to payments. It receives payment notifications from payment processors and notes this in the database. Currently, Stripe is supported. Building -------- Get all the build dependencies with nix:: $ nix-shell PrivateStorageio/shell.nix # Might be needed depending on your system, see #88 $ nix-shell PaymentServer/shell.nix Build using Stack:: $ stack build Testing ------- You can perform manual integration testing against Stripe. First, run the server:: $ stack run Then configure Stripe with a `webhook`_ pointing at the server and receiving the *charge.successful* event. Configure Stripe with ``http://<youraddress>:8081/v1/stripe/webhook``. Then create a testing charge using Stripe:: $ STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=sk_test_... $ curl \ \ -u ${STRIPE_SECRET_KEY}: \ -d amount=999 \ -d currency=usd \ -d source=tok_visa \ -d 'metadata[Voucher]=abcdefghijk' This results in Stripe making a callback to the PaymentServer with the charge details. The PaymentServer marks the voucher as paid in its database. .. _webhook: