diff --git a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/strategies.py b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/strategies.py
index 2ba763ab985d6414623a3b037f105dde1bf4bdd4..70ec582cb96ff560d5c9cdfa612689d3fd540d5a 100644
--- a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/strategies.py
+++ b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/strategies.py
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ def clocks(now=posix_safe_datetimes()):
 class _LeafNode(object):
     _storage_index = attr.ib()
diff --git a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_lease_maintenance.py b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_lease_maintenance.py
index 4e0143ce899ee19136c8ed309e902d013d989ea6..48d690359ebf43e38587f13af728751bb5a4eb5c 100644
--- a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_lease_maintenance.py
+++ b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_lease_maintenance.py
@@ -166,6 +166,35 @@ class DummyStorageServer(object):
+class SharesAlreadyExist(Exception):
+    pass
+def create_shares(storage_server, storage_index, size, lease_expiration):
+    """
+    Initialize a storage index ("bucket") with some shares.
+    :param DummyServer storage_server: The server to populate with shares.
+    :param bytes storage_index: The storage index of the shares.
+    :param int size: The application data size of the shares.
+    :param int lease_expiration: The expiration time for the lease to attach
+        to the shares.
+    :raise SharesAlreadyExist: If there are already shares at the given
+        storage index.
+    :return: ``None``
+    """
+    if storage_index in storage_server.buckets:
+        raise SharesAlready(
+            "Cannot create shares for storage index where they already exist.",
+        )
+    storage_server.buckets[storage_index] = ShareStat(
+        size=size,
+        lease_expiration=lease_expiration,
+    )
 def lease_seeds():
     return binary(
@@ -439,7 +468,7 @@ class RenewLeasesTests(TestCase):
     Tests for ``renew_leases``.
-    @given(storage_brokers(clocks()), lists(leaf_nodes()))
+    @given(storage_brokers(clocks()), lists(leaf_nodes(), unique=True))
     def test_renewed(self, storage_broker, nodes):
         ``renew_leases`` renews the leases of shares on all storage servers which
@@ -451,6 +480,22 @@ class RenewLeasesTests(TestCase):
         secret_holder = SecretHolder(lease_secret, convergence_secret)
         min_lease_remaining = timedelta(days=3)
+        # Make sure that the storage brokers have shares at the storage
+        # indexes we're going to operate on.
+        for storage_server in storage_broker.get_connected_servers():
+            for node in nodes:
+                try:
+                    create_shares(
+                        storage_server.get_storage_server(),
+                        node.get_storage_index(),
+                        size=123,
+                        lease_expiration=int(storage_broker.clock.seconds()),
+                    )
+                except SharesAlreadyExist:
+                    # If Hypothesis already put some shares in this storage
+                    # index, that's okay too.
+                    pass
         def get_now():
             return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(