diff --git a/docs/source/interface.rst b/docs/source/interface.rst
index d3223d6fe60e9a9af9a009050a8a2b181816fe9d..e771e6702d743a86d9643af813f11235b57a2a18 100644
--- a/docs/source/interface.rst
+++ b/docs/source/interface.rst
@@ -137,32 +137,20 @@ The response is **OK** with ``application/json`` content-type response body like
 The elements of the list are objects like the one returned by issuing a **GET** to a child of this collection resource.
-``GET /storage-plugins/privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1/unblinded-token``
-This endpoint allows an external agent to retrieve unused unblinded tokens present in the node's database.
-Unblinded tokens are returned in a stable order.
-This order matches the order in which tokens will be used by the system.
-This endpoint accepts several query arguments:
+``GET /storage-plugins/privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1/lease-maintenance``
-  * limit: An integer limiting the number of unblinded tokens to retrieve.
-  * position: A string which can be compared against unblinded token values.
-    Only unblinded tokens which follow this token in the stable order are returned.
+This endpoint allows an external agent to retrieve information about automatic spending for lease maintenance.
 This endpoint accepts no request body.
 The response is **OK** with ``application/json`` content-type response body like::
-  { "total": <integer>
-  , "spendable": <integer>
-  , "unblinded-tokens": [<unblinded token string>, ...]
+  { "spendable": <integer>
   , "lease-maintenance-spending": <spending object>
-The value associated with ``total`` gives the total number of unblinded tokens in the node's database
-(independent of any limit placed on this query).
 The value associated with ``spendable`` gives the number of unblinded tokens in the node's database which can actually be spent.
-The value associated with ``unblinded-tokens`` gives the requested list of unblinded tokens.
 The ``<spending object>`` may be ``null`` if the lease maintenance process has never run.
 If it has run,
@@ -171,22 +159,6 @@ If it has run,
  * ``when``: associated with an ISO8601 datetime string giving the approximate time the process ran
  * ``count``: associated with a number giving the number of passes which would need to be spent to renew leases on all stored objects seen during the lease maintenance activity
-``POST /storage-plugins/privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1/unblinded-token``
-This endpoint allows an external agent to insert new unblinded tokens into the node's database.
-This allows for restoration of previously backed-up tokens in case the node is lost.
-Tokens inserted with this API will be used after any tokens already in the database and in the order they appear in the given list.
-The request body must be ``application/json`` encoded and contain an object like::
-  { "unblinded-tokens": [<unblinded token string>, ...]
-  }
-The response is **OK** with ``application/json`` content-type response body like::
-  { }
 ``POST /storage-plugins/privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1/calculate-price``
diff --git a/src/_zkapauthorizer/resource.py b/src/_zkapauthorizer/resource.py
index fcea68b9d50b4c08fe71229a7032dc30a40cc17f..93b34d0bc4b2d7ebbdff64a4b84d2abff112b15c 100644
--- a/src/_zkapauthorizer/resource.py
+++ b/src/_zkapauthorizer/resource.py
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ class _LeaseMaintenanceResource(Resource):
         return dumps_utf8(
                 "total": self._store.count_unblinded_tokens(),
-                "lease-maintenance-spending": self._lease_maintenance_activity(),
+                "spending": self._lease_maintenance_activity(),
diff --git a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_client_resource.py b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_client_resource.py
index 2d827a9addca8e9be652385d36fadc2bb04792aa..96c25c890854e67c4be18e703426c1a9de171f9d 100644
--- a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_client_resource.py
+++ b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_client_resource.py
@@ -472,301 +472,6 @@ class UnblindedTokenTests(TestCase):
         super(UnblindedTokenTests, self).setUp()
-    @given(
-        tahoe_configs(),
-        api_auth_tokens(),
-        vouchers(),
-        lists(unblinded_tokens(), unique=True, min_size=1, max_size=1000),
-    )
-    def test_post(self, get_config, api_auth_token, voucher, unblinded_tokens):
-        """
-        When the unblinded token collection receives a **POST**, the unblinded
-        tokens in the request body are inserted into the system and an OK
-        response is generated.
-        """
-        config = get_config_with_api_token(
-            self.useFixture(TempDir()),
-            get_config,
-            api_auth_token,
-        )
-        root = root_from_config(config, datetime.now)
-        agent = RequestTraversalAgent(root)
-        data = BytesIO(
-            dumps_utf8(
-                {
-                    "unblinded-tokens": list(
-                        token.unblinded_token.decode("ascii")
-                        for token in unblinded_tokens
-                    )
-                }
-            )
-        )
-        requesting = authorized_request(
-            api_auth_token,
-            agent,
-            b"POST",
-            b"",
-            data=data,
-        )
-        self.assertThat(
-            requesting,
-            succeeded(
-                ok_response(headers=application_json()),
-            ),
-        )
-        stored_tokens = root.controller.store.backup()["unblinded-tokens"]
-        self.assertThat(
-            stored_tokens,
-            Equals(
-                list(
-                    token.unblinded_token.decode("ascii") for token in unblinded_tokens
-                )
-            ),
-        )
-    @given(
-        tahoe_configs(),
-        api_auth_tokens(),
-        vouchers(),
-        maybe_extra_tokens(),
-    )
-    def test_get(self, get_config, api_auth_token, voucher, extra_tokens):
-        """
-        When the unblinded token collection receives a **GET**, the response is
-        the total number of unblinded tokens in the system, the unblinded
-        tokens themselves, and information about tokens spent on recent lease
-        maintenance activity.
-        """
-        config = get_config_with_api_token(
-            self.useFixture(TempDir()),
-            get_config,
-            api_auth_token,
-        )
-        root = root_from_config(config, datetime.now)
-        if extra_tokens is None:
-            num_tokens = 0
-        else:
-            num_tokens = root.controller.num_redemption_groups + extra_tokens
-            # Put in a number of tokens with which to test.
-            redeeming = root.controller.redeem(voucher, num_tokens)
-            # Make sure the operation completed before proceeding.
-            self.assertThat(
-                redeeming,
-                succeeded(Always()),
-            )
-        agent = RequestTraversalAgent(root)
-        requesting = authorized_request(
-            api_auth_token,
-            agent,
-            b"GET",
-            b"",
-        )
-        self.addDetail(
-            "requesting result",
-            text_content(f"{vars(requesting.result)}"),
-        )
-        self.assertThat(
-            requesting,
-            succeeded_with_unblinded_tokens(num_tokens, num_tokens),
-        )
-    @given(
-        tahoe_configs(),
-        api_auth_tokens(),
-        vouchers(),
-        maybe_extra_tokens(),
-        integers(min_value=0),
-    )
-    def test_get_limit(self, get_config, api_auth_token, voucher, extra_tokens, limit):
-        """
-        When the unblinded token collection receives a **GET** with a **limit**
-        query argument, it returns no more unblinded tokens than indicated by
-        the limit.
-        """
-        config = get_config_with_api_token(
-            self.useFixture(TempDir()),
-            get_config,
-            api_auth_token,
-        )
-        root = root_from_config(config, datetime.now)
-        if extra_tokens is None:
-            num_tokens = 0
-        else:
-            num_tokens = root.controller.num_redemption_groups + extra_tokens
-            # Put in a number of tokens with which to test.
-            redeeming = root.controller.redeem(voucher, num_tokens)
-            # Make sure the operation completed before proceeding.
-            self.assertThat(
-                redeeming,
-                succeeded(Always()),
-            )
-        agent = RequestTraversalAgent(root)
-        requesting = authorized_request(
-            api_auth_token,
-            agent,
-            b"GET",
-            "{}".format(limit).encode("utf-8"),
-        )
-        self.addDetail(
-            "requesting result",
-            text_content(f"{vars(requesting.result)}"),
-        )
-        self.assertThat(
-            requesting,
-            succeeded_with_unblinded_tokens(
-                num_tokens,
-                min(num_tokens, limit),
-            ),
-        )
-    @given(
-        tahoe_configs(),
-        api_auth_tokens(),
-        vouchers(),
-        maybe_extra_tokens(),
-        text(max_size=64),
-    )
-    def test_get_position(
-        self, get_config, api_auth_token, voucher, extra_tokens, position
-    ):
-        """
-        When the unblinded token collection receives a **GET** with a **position**
-        query argument, it returns all unblinded tokens which sort greater
-        than the position and no others.
-        """
-        config = get_config_with_api_token(
-            self.useFixture(TempDir()),
-            get_config,
-            api_auth_token,
-        )
-        root = root_from_config(config, datetime.now)
-        if extra_tokens is None:
-            num_tokens = 0
-        else:
-            num_tokens = root.controller.num_redemption_groups + extra_tokens
-            # Put in a number of tokens with which to test.
-            redeeming = root.controller.redeem(voucher, num_tokens)
-            # Make sure the operation completed before proceeding.
-            self.assertThat(
-                redeeming,
-                succeeded(Always()),
-            )
-        agent = RequestTraversalAgent(root)
-        requesting = authorized_request(
-            api_auth_token,
-            agent,
-            b"GET",
-            "{}".format(
-                quote(position.encode("utf-8"), safe=b""),
-            ).encode("utf-8"),
-        )
-        self.addDetail(
-            "requesting result",
-            text_content(f"{vars(requesting.result)}"),
-        )
-        self.assertThat(
-            requesting,
-            succeeded_with_unblinded_tokens_with_matcher(
-                num_tokens,
-                Equals(num_tokens),
-                AllMatch(
-                    MatchesAll(
-                        GreaterThan(position),
-                        IsInstance(str),
-                    ),
-                ),
-                matches_lease_maintenance_spending(),
-            ),
-        )
-    @given(
-        tahoe_configs(),
-        api_auth_tokens(),
-        vouchers(),
-        integers(min_value=1, max_value=16),
-        integers(min_value=1, max_value=128),
-    )
-    def test_get_order_matches_use_order(
-        self, get_config, api_auth_token, voucher, num_redemption_groups, extra_tokens
-    ):
-        """
-        The first unblinded token returned in a response to a **GET** request is
-        the first token to be used to authorize a storage request.
-        """
-        def after(d, f):
-            new_d = Deferred()
-            def f_and_continue(result):
-                maybeDeferred(f).chainDeferred(new_d)
-                return result
-            d.addCallback(f_and_continue)
-            return new_d
-        def get_tokens():
-            d = authorized_request(
-                api_auth_token,
-                agent,
-                b"GET",
-                b"",
-            )
-            d.addCallback(readBody)
-            d.addCallback(
-                lambda body: loads(body)["unblinded-tokens"],
-            )
-            return d
-        def use_a_token():
-            root.store.discard_unblinded_tokens(
-                root.store.get_unblinded_tokens(1),
-            )
-        config = get_config_with_api_token(
-            self.useFixture(TempDir()),
-            get_config,
-            api_auth_token,
-        )
-        root = root_from_config(config, datetime.now)
-        root.controller.num_redemption_groups = num_redemption_groups
-        num_tokens = root.controller.num_redemption_groups + extra_tokens
-        # Put in a number of tokens with which to test.
-        redeeming = root.controller.redeem(voucher, num_tokens)
-        # Make sure the operation completed before proceeding.
-        self.assertThat(
-            redeeming,
-            succeeded(Always()),
-        )
-        agent = RequestTraversalAgent(root)
-        getting_initial_tokens = get_tokens()
-        using_a_token = after(getting_initial_tokens, use_a_token)
-        getting_tokens_after = after(using_a_token, get_tokens)
-        def check_tokens(before_and_after):
-            initial_tokens, tokens_after = before_and_after
-            return initial_tokens[1:] == tokens_after
-        self.assertThat(
-            gatherResults([getting_initial_tokens, getting_tokens_after]),
-            succeeded(
-                MatchesPredicate(
-                    check_tokens,
-                    "initial, after (%s): initial[1:] != after",
-                ),
-            ),
-        )
@@ -805,11 +510,11 @@ class UnblindedTokenTests(TestCase):
-            b"",
+            b"",
-            lambda body: loads(body)["lease-maintenance-spending"],
+            lambda body: loads(body)["spending"],
@@ -824,72 +529,10 @@ class UnblindedTokenTests(TestCase):
-def succeeded_with_unblinded_tokens_with_matcher(
-    all_token_count,
-    match_spendable_token_count,
-    match_unblinded_tokens,
-    match_lease_maint_spending,
-    """
-    :return: A matcher which matches a Deferred which fires with a response
-        like the one returned by the **unblinded-tokens** endpoint.
-    :param int all_token_count: The expected value in the ``total`` field of
-        the response.
-    :param match_unblinded_tokens: A matcher for the ``unblinded-tokens``
-        field of the response.
-    :param match_lease_maint_spending: A matcher for the
-        ``lease-maintenance-spending`` field of the response.
-    """
-    return succeeded(
-        MatchesAll(
-            ok_response(headers=application_json()),
-            AfterPreprocessing(
-                json_content,
-                succeeded(
-                    ContainsDict(
-                        {
-                            "total": Equals(all_token_count),
-                            "spendable": match_spendable_token_count,
-                            "unblinded-tokens": match_unblinded_tokens,
-                            "lease-maintenance-spending": match_lease_maint_spending,
-                        }
-                    ),
-                ),
-            ),
-        ),
-    )
-def succeeded_with_unblinded_tokens(all_token_count, returned_token_count):
-    """
-    :return: A matcher which matches a Deferred which fires with a response
-        like the one returned by the **unblinded-tokens** endpoint.
-    :param int all_token_count: The expected value in the ``total`` field of
-        the response.
-    :param int returned_token_count: The expected number of tokens in the
-       ``unblinded-tokens`` field of the response.
-    """
-    return succeeded_with_unblinded_tokens_with_matcher(
-        all_token_count,
-        match_spendable_token_count=Equals(all_token_count),
-        match_unblinded_tokens=MatchesAll(
-            HasLength(returned_token_count),
-            AllMatch(IsInstance(str)),
-        ),
-        match_lease_maint_spending=matches_lease_maintenance_spending(),
-    )
 def matches_lease_maintenance_spending():
-    :return: A matcher which matches the value of the
-        *lease-maintenance-spending* key in the ``unblinded-tokens`` endpoint
-        response.
+    :return: A matcher which matches the value of the *spending* key in the
+      ``lease-maintenance`` endpoint response.
     return MatchesAny(
diff --git a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_model.py b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_model.py
index 2f740572cd9f6cec3aa327d3ff82448290ed54b2..baf83b1a976b361f73b784dddaeb07f3ec380733 100644
--- a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_model.py
+++ b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_model.py
@@ -311,88 +311,6 @@ class VoucherStoreTests(TestCase):
-    @given(tahoe_configs(), vouchers(), dummy_ristretto_keys(), datetimes(), data())
-    def test_spend_order_equals_backup_order(
-        self, get_config, voucher_value, public_key, now, data
-    ):
-        """
-        Unblinded tokens returned by ``VoucherStore.backup`` appear in the same
-        order as they are returned by ``VoucherStore.get_unblinded_tokens``.
-        """
-        backed_up_tokens, spent_tokens, inserted_tokens = self._spend_order_test(
-            get_config, voucher_value, public_key, now, data
-        )
-        self.assertThat(
-            backed_up_tokens,
-            Equals(spent_tokens),
-        )
-    @given(tahoe_configs(), vouchers(), dummy_ristretto_keys(), datetimes(), data())
-    def test_spend_order_equals_insert_order(
-        self, get_config, voucher_value, public_key, now, data
-    ):
-        """
-        Unblinded tokens returned by ``VoucherStore.get_unblinded_tokens``
-        appear in the same order as they were inserted.
-        """
-        backed_up_tokens, spent_tokens, inserted_tokens = self._spend_order_test(
-            get_config, voucher_value, public_key, now, data
-        )
-        self.assertThat(
-            spent_tokens,
-            Equals(inserted_tokens),
-        )
-    def _spend_order_test(self, get_config, voucher_value, public_key, now, data):
-        """
-        Insert, backup, and extract some tokens.
-        :param get_config: See ``tahoe_configs``
-        :param unicode voucher_value: A voucher value to associate with the tokens.
-        :param unicode public_key: A public key to associate with inserted unblinded tokens.
-        :param datetime now: A time to pretend is current.
-        :param data: A Hypothesis data for drawing values from strategies.
-        :return: A three-tuple of (backed up tokens, extracted tokens, inserted tokens).
-        """
-        tempdir = self.useFixture(TempDir())
-        nodedir = tempdir.join("node")
-        config = get_config(nodedir, "tub.port")
-        # Create the underlying database file.
-        store = VoucherStore.from_node_config(config, lambda: now)
-        # Put some tokens in it that we can backup and extract
-        random_tokens, unblinded_tokens = paired_tokens(
-            data, integers(min_value=1, max_value=5)
-        )
-        store.add(voucher_value, len(random_tokens), 0, lambda: random_tokens)
-        store.insert_unblinded_tokens_for_voucher(
-            voucher_value,
-            public_key,
-            unblinded_tokens,
-            completed=data.draw(booleans()),
-            spendable=True,
-        )
-        backed_up_tokens = store.backup()["unblinded-tokens"]
-        extracted_tokens = []
-        tokens_remaining = len(unblinded_tokens)
-        while tokens_remaining > 0:
-            to_spend = data.draw(integers(min_value=1, max_value=tokens_remaining))
-            extracted_tokens.extend(
-                token.unblinded_token.decode("ascii")
-                for token in store.get_unblinded_tokens(to_spend)
-            )
-            tokens_remaining -= to_spend
-        return (
-            backed_up_tokens,
-            extracted_tokens,
-            list(token.unblinded_token.decode("ascii") for token in unblinded_tokens),
-        )
 class UnblindedTokenStateMachine(RuleBasedStateMachine):
diff --git a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_spending.py b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_spending.py
index 06f6c6d6701f18a80f591a33dbb255b4447b87c1..3a42678128782aa8b87ddcff9deec484fbde21a7 100644
--- a/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_spending.py
+++ b/src/_zkapauthorizer/tests/test_spending.py
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ class PassGroupTests(TestCase):
     def _test_token_group_operation(
+        rest_operation,
@@ -108,7 +109,10 @@ class PassGroupTests(TestCase):
         group = pass_factory.get(b"message", num_passes)
         spent, rest = group.split(spent_indices)
+        # Perform the test-specified operations on the two groups.
+        rest_operation(rest)
         # Verify the expected outcome of the operation using the supplied
         # matcher factory.
@@ -126,14 +130,14 @@ class PassGroupTests(TestCase):
         def matches_tokens(num_passes, group):
             return AfterPreprocessing(
-                # The use of `backup` here to check is questionable.  TODO:
-                # Straight-up query interface for tokens in different states.
-                lambda store: store.backup()["unblinded-tokens"],
-                HasLength(num_passes - len(group.passes)),
+                lambda store: store.count_unblinded_tokens(),
+                Equals(num_passes - len(group.passes)),
         return self._test_token_group_operation(
             lambda group: group.mark_spent(),
+            # Reset the other group so its tokens are counted above.
+            lambda group: group.reset(),
@@ -150,15 +154,16 @@ class PassGroupTests(TestCase):
         def matches_tokens(num_passes, group):
+            expected = num_passes - len(group.passes)
             return AfterPreprocessing(
-                # The use of `backup` here to check is questionable.  TODO:
-                # Straight-up query interface for tokens in different states.
-                lambda store: store.backup()["unblinded-tokens"],
-                HasLength(num_passes - len(group.passes)),
+                lambda store: store.count_unblinded_tokens(),
+                Equals(expected),
         return self._test_token_group_operation(
             lambda group: group.mark_invalid("reason"),
+            # Reset the rest so we can count them in our matcher.
+            lambda group: group.reset(),
@@ -183,6 +188,9 @@ class PassGroupTests(TestCase):
         return self._test_token_group_operation(
             lambda group: group.reset(),
+            # Leave the other group alone so we can see what the effect of the
+            # above reset was.
+            lambda group: None,