#!nix-shell -i bash -p nixUnstable git curl python3
# ^^
# we get nixUnstable for the diff-closures command, mostly.
# we need git to commit and push our changes
# we need curl to create the gitlab MR
# we need python to format the data as json
main() {
# This is a base64-encoded OpenSSH-format SSH private key that we can use
# to push and pull with git over ssh.
# This is a GitLab authentication token we can use to make API calls onto
# GitLab.
# This is the URL of the root of the GitLab API.
local SERVER_URL=$1
# This is the hostname of the GitLab server (suitable for use in a Git
# remote).
local SERVER_HOST=$1
# This is the "group/project"-style identifier for the project we're working
# with.
# The GitLab id of the project (eg, from CI_PROJECT_ID in the CI
# environment).
# The name of the branch on which to base changes and which to target with
# the resulting merge request.
# Only proceed if we have an ssh-agent.
# Pick a branch name into which to push our work.
local SOURCE_BRANCH="nixpkgs-upgrade-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
# If nothing changed, report this and exit without an error.
if ! update_nixpkgs; then
echo "No changes."
exit 0
local DIFF=$(compute_diff "./result-before" "./result-after")
commit_and_push "$SSHKEY" "$SOURCE_BRANCH" "$DIFF"
# Add the ssh key required to push and (maybe) pull to the ssh-agent. This
# may have a limited lifetime in the agent so operations that are going to
# require the key should refresh it immediately before starting.
refresh_ssh_key() {
# A GitLab CI/CD variable set for us to use.
echo "${KEY_BASE64}" | base64 -d | ssh-add -
# Make git usable by setting some global mandatory options.
setup_git() {
# We may not know the git/ssh server's host key yet. In that case, learn
# it and proceed.
export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new"
git config --global ""
git config --global "Update Bot"
# Return with an error if no ssh-agent is detected.
check_agent() {
# We require an ssh-agent to be available so we can put the ssh private
# key in it. The key is given to us in memory and we don't really want to
# put it on disk anywhere so an agent is the easiest way to make it
# available for git/ssh operations.
if [ ! -v SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]; then
echo "ssh-agent is required but missing, aborting."
exit 1
# Make a fresh clone of the repository, make it our working directory, and
# check out the branch we intend to commit to (the "source" of the MR).
checkout_source_branch() {
# The branch we'll start from.
# The name of our branch.
# To avoid messing with the checkout we're running from (which GitLab
# tends to like to share across builds) clone it to a new temporary path.
git clone . working-copy
cd working-copy
# Make sure we know the name of a remote that points at the right place.
# Then use it to make sure the base branch is up-to-date. It usually
# should be already but in case it isn't we don't want to start from a
# stale revision.
git remote add upstream gitlab@"$SERVER_HOST":"$PROJECT_PATH".git
git fetch upstream "$DEFAULT_BRANCH"
# Typically this tool runs infrequently enough that the branch doesn't
# already exist. However, as a convenience for developing on this tool
# itself, if it does already exist, wipe it and start fresh for greater
# predictability.
git branch -D "${BRANCH}" || true
# Then create a new branch starting from the mainline development branch.
git checkout -B "${BRANCH}" upstream/"$DEFAULT_BRANCH"
# Build all of the grids (the `morph` attribute of `default.nix`) and link the
# result to the given parameter. This will give us some material to diff.
build() {
# The name of the nix result symlink.
# The local grid can only build if you populate its users.
echo '{}' > morph/grid/local/public-keys/users.nix
nix-build -A morph -o "$RESULT"
# Perform the actual dependency update. If there are no changes, exit with an
# error code.
update_nixpkgs() {
# Spawn *another* nix-shell that has the *other* update-nixpkgs tool.
# Should sort out this mess sooner rather than later... Also, tell the
# tool (running from another checkout) to operate on this clone's package
# file instead of the one that's part of its own checkout.
nix-shell ../shell.nix --run 'update-nixpkgs ${PWD}/nixpkgs.json'
# Signal a kind of error if we did nothing (expected in the case where
# nixpkgs hasn't changed since we last ran).
return 1
# Return a description of the package changes resulting from the dependency
# update.
compute_diff() {
nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command store diff-closures "$LEFT" "$RIGHT"
# Commit and push all changes in the working tree along with a description of
# the package changes.
commit_and_push() {
git commit -am "bump nixpkgs
refresh_ssh_key "$SSHKEY"
git push --force upstream "${BRANCH}:${BRANCH}"
# Create a GitLab MR for the branch we just pushed, including a description of
# the package changes it implies.
create_merge_request() {
local PROJECT_ID=$1
# The target branch of the MR.
import sys, json, re
def rewrite_escapes(s):
# `nix store diff-closures` output is fancy and includes color codes and
# such. That looks a bit less than nice in a markdown-formatted comment so
# strip all of it. If we wanted to be fancy we could rewrite it in a
# markdown friendly way (eg using html).
return re.sub(r"\x1b\[[^m]*m", "", s)
"target_branch": sys.argv[2],
"source_branch": sys.argv[3],
"remove_source_branch": True,
"description": f"```\n{rewrite_escapes(sys.argv[4])}\n```",
curl --verbose -X POST --data "${BODY}" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${TOKEN}" "${SERVER_URL}/api/v4/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests"
# Pull the private ssh key and GitLab token from the environment here so we
# can work with them as arguments everywhere else. They're passed to us in
# the environment because *maybe* this is *slightly* safer than passing them
# in argv.
# Before proceeding, remove the secrets from our environment so we don't pass
# them to child processes - none of which need them.