# The overall unit test suite for PrivateStorageio NixOS configuration.
# Total the numbers in a list.
sum = builtins.foldl' (a: b: a + b) 0;
# A helper for loading tests.
loadTest = moduleUnderTest: testModule:
(import testModule (pkgs.callPackage moduleUnderTest { }));
# A list of tests to run. Manually updated for now, alas. Only tests in
# this list will be run!
testModules =
[ (loadTest ./lib/ini.nix ./lib/tests/test_ini.nix)
# Count up the tests we're going to run.
numTests = sum (map (s: builtins.length (builtins.attrNames s)) testModules);
# Convert it into a string for interpolation into the shell script.
numTestsStr = builtins.toString numTests;
# Run the tests and collect the failures.
failures = map pkgs.lib.runTests testModules;
# Count the number of failures in each module.
numFailures = sum (map builtins.length failures);
# Convert the total into a string for easy interpolation into the shell script.
numFailuresStr = builtins.toString (numFailures);
# Convert the failure information to a string for reporting.
failuresStr = builtins.toJSON failures;
pkgs.runCommand "test-results" {} ''
if [ ${numFailuresStr} -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Failed ${numFailuresStr} tests"
echo '${failuresStr}'
exit 1
echo '${numTestsStr} tests OK' > $out