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Set up and use a network of local development VMs

... using `Vagrant <>`_ to manage VirtualBox VMs [#]_.
To get started, first install Vagrant and make sure it works.
One possible way to do it in NixOS:

1. Install Vagrant, by adding the packages:

  - ``vagrant`` (orchestrating virtual machines on the command line)
     - Only use when version >= 2.2.16 has become available.  Else see below.
  - Optional: ``packer`` (for creating your own VM images)

2. Add configuration to install and enable VirtualBox:

  - `` = true;``

3. Add your user to the ``vboxusers`` group, for example:

  - ``users.extraGroups.vboxusers.members = [ "flo" "jp" ];``

.. [#] The author of this documentation wasted a lot of time trying to get Vagrant to work with KVM/libvirt.  Issues with networking that looked like guest misconfigurations vanished after changing to the better-tested combination of Vagrant and VirtualBox.

Pre-Vagrant 2.2.16: Get Vagrant with the required fixes for NixOS guests

The Vagrant nixos-guest template `received a critical update on 2021-03-08 <>`_ which came out with Vagrant version 2.2.16.
If you run an older Nixpkgs, retrieve and use the latest Vagrant development version like so::
  NIX_PATH=nixpkgs= nix-shell -p vagrant
Generating and deploying keys

``config.json`` has the paths for the Ristretto and the Stripe secret key files.

Here is a Ristretto key you can use, randomly generated just now::


Generate your own like this::

  [flo@la:~/PrivateStorageio]$ nix-shell
  [nix-shell:~/PrivateStorageio]$ nix-shell -p zkapissuer.components.exes.PaymentServer-generate-key
  [nix-shell:~/PrivateStorageio]$ PaymentServer-generate-key

Make sure you write it into the key file `without any leading or trailing white space, also without newlines <>`_.
For example::

  echo -n "SILOWzbnkBjxC1hGde9d5Q3Ir/4yLosCLEnEQGAxEQE=" > ristretto.signing-key

For the Stripe key any random bytes with a little light formatting "work" - at least to make our software happy - but if you want to be able to interact with Stripe and have payments (even pretend payments) move all the way through the system you should get a Stripe account and generate a key w/ them.
Lauri can get you added to our "dev" Stripe account, too, though I forget how important that is for ad hoc dev/testing.

I think this will work for generating random Stripe secret keys (that our software will load, I think, but Stripe will reject)::

  >>> import base64, os
  >>> print((b"sk_test_" + base64.b64encode(os.urandom(25)).strip(b"=")).decode("ascii"))

Public keys are the same but "pk_test" instead of "sk_test" ("test" is for "test mode" key that can only process pretend txns; for real txns there are keys with "live" embedded).

The ZKAPIssuer.service needs a working TLS certificate and expects it in the certbot directory for the domain you configured, in my case::

  openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout privkey.pem -out cert.pem -days 3650
  touch chain.pem

Move the three .pem files into the payment's server ``/var/lib/letsencrypt/live/payments.localdev/`` directory and issue a ``sudo systemctl restart zkapissuer.service``.

Use the local development environment

1. Build and start the VMs::
    VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER=virtualbox vagrant up
    vagrant ssh-config > ./vagrant-ssh-config
3. Edit the output: Add the IPs from ``grid.nix`` to the ``vagrant-ssh-config`` **Host match blocks** so the config reads like::
    Host payments1
      User vagrant
4.  Then, make morph use this ssh config either - with newer morph [#]_ - by pointing it to it::
     export SSH_CONFIG_FILE=./vagrant-ssh-config
  Or, with older morph, adding the config to your user's ``~/.ssh/config`` file.
  .. [#]  Morph honors the ``SSH_CONFIG_FILE`` environment variable `since 3f90aa88 (March 2020, v 1.5.0) <>`_.
5. Then, build and deploy our software to the Vagrant VMs::

    morph build grid.nix
    morph push grid.nix
    morph upload-secrets grid.nix
    morph deploy grid.nix switch
  You will now be able to log in with the users and keys you set in your ``localdev-users.nix`` file.