Jean-Paul Calderone authored
The layer above will have to make sure that it is.
Jean-Paul Calderone authoredThe layer above will have to make sure that it is.
docs.nix 610 B
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> { } }:
# NixOS 19.03 packaged graphviz has trouble rendering our architecture
# overview. Latest from upstream does alright, though. Use that.
make-graphviz = (import (pkgs.path + /pkgs/tools/graphics/graphviz/base.nix) {
rev = "b29d8e369011b832f72e0d250a05a0a15dcb5daa";
sha256 = "1w61filywn9cif2nryf6vd34mxxbvv25q34fd34am1rx70bk08ps";
version = "b29d8e369011b832f72e0d250a05a0a15dcb5daa";
graphviz = (pkgs.callPackage make-graphviz { }).overrideAttrs (old: {
patches = [];
pkgs.callPackage ./privatestorageio.nix { inherit graphviz; }