Jean-Paul Calderone authoredJean-Paul Calderone authored
Deployment notes
ZKAPAuthorizer's Tahoe-LAFS plugin name changed from "privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1" to "privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v2". This causes Tahoe-LAFS to use a different filename to persist the plugin's Foolscap fURL. To preserve the original fURL value (required) each storage node needs this command run before the deployment:
cp /var/db/tahoe-lafs/storage/private/storage-plugin.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v{1,2}.furl
The team switched from Slack to Zulip. For the monitoring notifications to reach Zulip, a webhook bot has to be created in Zulip and a secret URL has to be constructed as described in `https://zulip.com/integrations/doc/grafana`_ and added to the
directory (Seegrid/local/private-keys/grafana-zulip-url
for an example). Find the secret URL for production at `https://my.1password.com/vaults/7flqasy5hhhmlbtp5qozd3j4ga/allitems/rb22ipb6gvokohzq2d2hhv6t6u`_. -
`https://whetstone.private.storage/privatestorage/privatestorageops/-/issues/399`_ requires moving the PaymentServer database on the
host onto a new dedicated filesystem.Follow these steps before deploying this version of PrivateStorageio:
Deploy the PrivateStorageOps change that creates a new dedicated volume.
Put a disk label on the new dedicated volume
nix-shell -p parted --run 'parted /dev/nvme1n1 mklabel msdos'
Put a properly aligned partition in the new disk label
nix-shell -p parted --run 'parted /dev/nvme1n1 mkpart primary ext2 4096s 4G'
Create a labeled filesystem on the partition
mkfs.ext4 -L zkapissuer-data /dev/nvme1n1p1
Deploy the PrivateStorageio update.
Move the database file to the new location
mv -iv /var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3 /var/lib/zkapissuer-v2
Clean up the old state directory
rm -ir /var/lib/zkapissuer
Start the PaymentServer service (not running because its path assertions were not met earlier)
systemctl start zkapissuer
2021-10-12 The secret in
needs to be changed to remove theSLACKURL=
prefix. -
2021-09-30 Enable alerting needs a secret in
looking like the template inmorph/grid/local/private-keys/grafana-slack-url
and pointing to the secret API endpoint URL saved in this 1Password entry (or create a new secret URL at https://www.slack.com/apps/A0F7XDUAZ). -
2021-09-07 Manage access to payment metrics requires moving and chown'ing the PaymentServer database on the
host:mkdir /var/lib/zkapissuer mv /var/db/vouchers.sqlite3 /var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3 chown -R zkapissuer:zkapissuer /var/lib/zkapissuer chmod 750 /var/lib/zkapissuer chmod 640 /var/lib/zkapissuer/vouchers.sqlite3