nixpkgs update 2022-02-28
Weekly nixpkgs update.
This has
- kernel update
- grafana update (
nix store diff-closures
VirtualBox-GuestAdditions: 6.1.30-5.10.99 → 6.1.30-5.10.102
cpupower: 5.10.99 → 5.10.102
ena: 2.5.0-5.10.99 → 2.5.0-5.10.102
extra: -23773.7 KiB
grafana: 8.3.6 → 8.4.2, -1128.5 KiB
initrd-linux: 5.10.99 → 5.10.102, -67695.5 KiB
linux: 5.10.99, 5.10.99-modules → 5.10.102, 5.10.102-modules
nixos-system-monitoring: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
nixos-system-payments: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
nixos-system-storage001: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
nixos-system-storage002: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
nixos-system-storage003: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
nixos-system-storage004: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
nixos-system-storage005: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
nixos-system-storage1: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
nixos-system-storage2: 21.11.336045.4afca382d80 → 21.11.336182.a25df4c2b79
stage: +92.1 KiB
udhcp: ε → ∅
zfs-kernel: 2.1.2-5.10.99 → 2.1.2-5.10.102
To make this MR I ran:
nix-build -A morph -o result-before
nix-build -A morph -o result-after
nix-shell -p nixUnstable
nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command store diff-closures ./result-before/ ./result-after/
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