, nix-thunk ? import ./dep/nix-thunk {}
, obelisk ? import ./.obelisk/impl {
inherit system;
iosSdkVersion = "13.2";
# Here we insert our own nixpkgs overlays. Since it's a bit awkward, a
# future version of Obelisk will make this more straightforward (link?),
# but for now, the way to do this is by modifying the reflex-platform
# function to modify its nixpkgsOverlays argument.
reflex-platform-func = (args: import (nix-thunk.thunkSource ./.obelisk/impl + "/dep/reflex-platform")
(args // { nixpkgsOverlays = args.nixpkgsOverlays ++ [(import ./nixpkgs-overlay.nix { inherit nix-thunk; })]; } ) );
# You must accept the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement at
# in order to build Android apps.
# Uncomment and set this to `true` to indicate your acceptance:
# In order to use Let's Encrypt for HTTPS deployments you must accept
# their terms of service at
# Uncomment and set this to `true` to indicate your acceptance:
# = false;
p =
with obelisk;
project ./. ({ pkgs, ... }: {
# Not using "storage.private" (our newer domain name) since that makes the build
# fail: "[...] is not a valid Java package name as 'private' is a Java keyword."
android.applicationId = "io.privatestorage.privatestoragemobile";
android.displayName = "Private Storage Mobile";
android.resources = ./frontend/android/res;
android.iconPath = "@mipmap/ic_launcher";
# This should work but even if it does, putting the config here removes
# our ability to build apks.
android.gradleTask = "bundleRelease";
android.isRelease = true;
# We use magic-wormhole which depends on saltine which depends on libsodium.
# We have to explicitly mention libsodium here to get it included in the
# apk.
android.runtimeSharedLibs = nixpkgs: [
ios.bundleIdentifier = "systems.obsidian.obelisk.examples.minimal";
ios.bundleName = "Obelisk Minimal Example";
# Override some elements of the Haskell package set - get newer versions,
# add custom libraries that aren't packaged upstream, etc.
overrides = pkgs.callPackage ./haskell-overrides.nix {
inherit nix-thunk;
shellToolOverrides = ghc: super: {
inherit (ghc) haskell-language-server ghcid;
nix-thunk = nix-thunk.command;
(import "${(builtins.fetchTarball}/utils.nix")
# Tell gradle to build the aab.
fixGradle =
with optics fn;
[ "android" "frontend" ]
(super: super.override {
# "assembleDebug" or "assembleRelease" to build a debug or release apk
# (respectively) or "bundleRelease" to build a release bundle (aab).
gradleTask = "bundleRelease";
# Change the final installation instructions to work with the aab we
# built instead of an apk.
fixInstall =
with optics fn;
["android" "frontend" "inputDerivation" "src"]
(super: super.overrideAttrs (old: {
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out
cp -RL build/outputs/bundle/*/*.aab $out
fn.pipe [
# Make sure we use the same nixpkgs here as we gave to obelisk /
# reflex-platform above.
inherit (obelisk) nixpkgs;
} // {
releaseBundle = makeReleaseBundle p;