@@ -182,7 +182,11 @@ From the user's perspective, the functionality of consuming the invite is achiev
Upon scanning the QR code, the software should perform the following actions
1. Validate the decoded contents of the QR code (i.e., to ensure that it contains the expected/necessary grid configuration values and a devicecap), displaying an error message if validation fails
1. Validate the decoded contents of the QR code, displaying an error message if validation fails -- e.g., because:
* The decoded content is in a different format or of a different type than expected
* Some necessary configuration value is missing
* Some necessary configuration value is in a different format or of a different type than expected
* Some additional/unknown configuration value was supplied (which may indicade an out-of-date version of the software)
2. Store the necessary configuration values decoded from the QR code locally (e.g., in the app-specific storage directory)
3. Supply the necessary configuration values to the local Tahoe-LAFS client as needed
4. Use the configured Tahoe-LAFS client to fetch the remote magic-folder contents (e.g., `GET /uri/$devicecap/v1/.magic-folders/` to list magic-folder names, `GET /uri/$devicecap/v1/.magic-folders/$name (personal)` to list magic-folder content)