Add instructions where to get PrivateStorage Desktop to start screen
If someone downloads privatestoragemobile from an app store, they might not know or expect that it's currently merely a companion app to PrivateStorageDesktop. Give them instructions where they can get the thing they need to make use of the app.
Merge request reports
requested review from @chris
assigned to @florian
added 1 commit
- 45ba9af7 - Add instructions where to get PS to start screen
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 45ba9af7 succeeds
mentioned in commit 2bc62d54
changed milestone to %Mobile: GUI
Could you provide a screenshot? What's your screen resolution?
In absence of dynamically scaling the contents with the device screen size (can we do this with the current stack?), we could probably just adjust the logomark dimensions, text size, or text content (or some combination thereof) for now, to fix.
On my real device (Samsung A42) it looks better now. Before, there was a large white space.
I can try & fiddle around a bit with the new-ish "flex" layout to vertically center the components on the screen instead of going with the current "big thumb" approach. It's not a lot of work, but not trivial either :/
Easier to adjust the text to make it work again. Can we have two paragraphs instead of one?
mentioned in merge request !66 (merged)