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module Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Encoding where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO))
import Crypto.Cipher.AES128 (AESKey128, BlockCipher (buildKey))
import Crypto.Classes (getIVIO)
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types as RSA
import Crypto.Types (IV)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (bimap))
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word (Word16, Word64, Word8)
import Tahoe.CHK (padCiphertext, zfec, zunfec)
import Tahoe.CHK.Crypto (taggedHash)
import Tahoe.CHK.Encrypt (encrypt)
import Tahoe.CHK.Merkle (MerkleTree (MerkleLeaf))
import Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Capability (Reader (..), Writer (..), deriveReader)
import Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Share (HashChain (HashChain), Share (..), signatureKeyToBytes, verificationKeyToBytes)

{- | Given a pre-determined key pair and sequence number, encode some
 ciphertext into a collection of SDMF shares.

 A key pair *unique identifies* a "slot" (the storage location for the shares).
 Thus they cannot be re-used for "different" data.  Any shares created with a
 given key pair are part of the same logical data object.
encode :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => RSA.KeyPair -> Word64 -> Word16 -> Word16 -> LB.ByteString -> m ([Share], Writer)
encode keypair shareSequenceNumber required total ciphertext = do
    blocks <- liftIO $ fmap LB.fromStrict <$> zfec (fromIntegral required) (fromIntegral total) (LB.toStrict $ padCiphertext required ciphertext)

    -- XXX Secure enough random source?
    iv <- liftIO (getIVIO :: IO (IV AESKey128))

    -- XXX fromIntegral is going from Word16 to Word8, not safe
    let makeShare' =
            flip $
                    (fromIntegral required)
                    (fromIntegral total)
                    (fromIntegral $ LB.length ciphertext)
                    (RSA.toPublicKey keypair)

    let makeShare'' = makeShare' <$> blocks

        resultE :: Either T.Text [Share]
        resultE = (traverse . flip fmap) encryptedPrivateKey makeShare''
    either (fail . T.unpack) pure ((,) <$> resultE <*> cap)
    -- We can compute a capability immediately.
    cap = capabilityForKeyPair keypair
    encryptedPrivateKey = flip encryptPrivateKey (RSA.toPrivateKey keypair) <$> (writerWriteKey <$> cap)

encryptPrivateKey :: AESKey128 -> RSA.PrivateKey -> B.ByteString
encryptPrivateKey writeKey = LB.toStrict . encrypt writeKey . LB.fromStrict . signatureKeyToBytes

makeShare ::
    Word64 ->
    IV AESKey128 ->
    Word8 ->
    Word8 ->
    Word64 ->
    RSA.PublicKey ->
    B.ByteString ->
    LB.ByteString ->
makeShare shareSequenceNumber shareIV shareRequiredShares shareTotalShares shareSegmentSize shareVerificationKey shareEncryptedPrivateKey shareData = Share{..}
    shareRootHash = B.replicate 32 0
    shareDataLength = fromIntegral $ LB.length shareData -- XXX Partial
    shareSignature = B.replicate 32 0 -- XXX Actually compute sig, and is it 32 bytes?
    shareHashChain = HashChain []
    shareBlockHashTree = MerkleLeaf (B.replicate 32 0) -- XXX Real hash here, plus length check

decode :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => Reader -> [(Word16, Share)] -> m LB.ByteString
decode _ [] = fail "Cannot decode with no shares"
decode _ s@((_, Share{shareRequiredShares, shareTotalShares, shareSegmentSize}) : shares)
    | length shares < fromIntegral shareRequiredShares = fail $ "got " <> show (length shares) <> " shares, required " <> show shareRequiredShares
    | otherwise = do
        ciphertext <- liftIO $ zunfec (fromIntegral shareRequiredShares) (fromIntegral shareTotalShares) (take (fromIntegral shareRequiredShares) blocks)
        pure . LB.take (fromIntegral shareSegmentSize) . LB.fromStrict $ ciphertext
    blocks = bimap fromIntegral (LB.toStrict . shareData) <$> s

-- | Compute an SDMF write capability for a given keypair.
capabilityForKeyPair :: RSA.KeyPair -> Either T.Text Writer
capabilityForKeyPair keypair =
    Writer <$> writerWriteKey <*> writerReader
    writerWriteKey = maybeToEither "Failed to derive write key" . deriveWriteKey . RSA.toPrivateKey $ keypair
    verificationKeyHash = hashVerificationKey . RSA.toPublicKey $ keypair
    writerReader = deriveReader <$> writerWriteKey <*> pure verificationKeyHash

maybeToEither :: a -> Maybe b -> Either a b
maybeToEither a Nothing = Left a
maybeToEither _ (Just b) = Right b

{- | The tag used when hashing the signature key to the write key for the
 creation of an SDMF capability.
mutableWriteKeyTag :: B.ByteString
mutableWriteKeyTag = "allmydata_mutable_privkey_to_writekey_v1"

writeKeyLength :: Int
writeKeyLength = 16

{- | Compute the verification key hash of the given verification key for
 inclusion in an SDMF share.
hashVerificationKey :: RSA.PublicKey -> B.ByteString
hashVerificationKey = taggedHash verificationKeyHashLength mutableVerificationKeyHashTag . verificationKeyToBytes
verificationKeyHashLength :: Int
verificationKeyHashLength = 32

{- | The tag used when hashing the verification key to the verification key
 hash for inclusion in SDMF shares.
mutableVerificationKeyHashTag :: B.ByteString
mutableVerificationKeyHashTag = "allmydata_mutable_pubkey_to_fingerprint_v1"