Contributing to ZKAPAuthorizer
Contributions are accepted in many forms.
Examples of contributions include:
* Bug reports and patch reviews
* Documentation improvements
* Code patches
File a ticket at:
ZKAPAuthorizer uses GitHub keep track of bugs, feature requests, and associated patches.
Contributions are managed using GitHub's Pull Requests.
For a PR to be accepted it needs to have:
* an associated issue
* all CI tests passing
* patch coverage of 100% as reported by
Updating Dependencies
We use `niv <>`_ to manage several of our dependencies.
Python Dependencies
We use `mach-nix <>`_ to build python packages.
It uses a snapshot of PyPI to expose python dependencies to nix,
thus our python depedencies (on nix) are automatically pinned.
To update the PyPI snapshot (and thus our python dependencies), run
.. code:: shell
nix-shell --run 'niv update pypi-deps-db'
We test against a pinned commit of Tahoe-LAFS master.
To update to the current master@HEAD revision, run:
nix-shell --run 'niv update tahoe-lafs-master --branch master'
It is also possible to pass ``pull/<pr-number>/head`` to test against a specific PR.
The Nix package depends on a version of Tahoe-LAFS determined by the "tahoe-lafs" niv entry.
When feasible this is a released version of Tahoe-LAFS.
To update to a new release, run:
.. code:: shell
nix-shell --run 'niv update --rev tahoe-lafs-A.B.C tahoe-lafs'
When it is not feasible to use a released version of Tahoe-LAFS,
niv's ``--branch`` or ``--rev`` features can be used to update this dependency.
.. note::
Since tahoe-lafs doesn't have correct version information when installed from a github archive,
the packaging in ``default.nix`` includes a fake version number.
This will need to be update manually at least when the minor version of tahoe-lafs changes.
If you want to test additional versions, you can add an additional source, pointing at other version.
.. code:: shell
nix-shell --run 'niv add -n tahoe-lafs-next tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs --rev "<rev>"'
nix-build tests.nix --argstr tahoe-lafs-source tahoe-lafs-next
``--argstr tahoe-lafs-source <...>`` can also be passed to ``nix-shell`` and ``nix-build default.nix``.
We pin to a nixos channel release, which isn't directly supported by niv (`issue <>`_).
Thus, the pin needs to be update manually.
To do this, copy the ``url`` and ``sha256`` values from PrivateStorageio's `nixpkgs-2105.json <>`_ into the ``release2105`` entry in ``nix/sources.json``.
When this is deployed as part of Privatestorageio, we use the value pinned there, rather than the pin in this repository.