sources = import nix/sources.nix;
{ pkgs ? import sources.release2015 {}
, pypiData ? sources.pypi-deps-db
, mach-nix ? import sources.mach-nix { inherit pkgs pypiData; }
python = "python27";
name = "zero-knowledge-access-pass-authorizer";
src = ./.;
providers = {
_default = "sdist,nixpkgs,wheel";
# not packaged in nixpkgs at all, we can use the binary wheel from
# pypi though.
python-challenge-bypass-ristretto = "wheel";
# Pure python packages that don't build correctly from sdists
# - patches in nixpkgs that don't apply
# - missing build dependencies
platformdirs = "wheel";
boltons = "wheel";
klein = "wheel";
humanize = "wheel";
chardet = "wheel";
urllib3 = "wheel";
_.tahoe-lafs.patches = [
pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "sha256-0vIMj5gZPbKLkow6wpA+Tz7bpyy+mZRSSFGmpg0VMyk=";
format = "setuptools";
requirements = builtins.readFile ./requirements/base.txt;
# Record some settings here, so downstream nix files can consume them.
meta.mach-nix = { inherit python providers; };