Jean-Paul Calderone authoredJean-Paul Calderone authored
Contributing to ZKAPAuthorizer
Contributions are accepted in many forms.
Examples of contributions include:
- Bug reports and patch reviews
- Documentation improvements
- Code patches
File a ticket at:
ZKAPAuthorizer uses GitHub keep track of bugs, feature requests, and associated patches.
Contributions are managed using GitHub's Pull Requests. For a PR to be accepted it needs to have:
- an associated issue
- all CI tests passing
- patch coverage of 100% as reported by codecov.io
Updating Dependencies
We use niv to manage several of our dependencies.
Python Dependencies
We use mach-nix to build python packages. It uses a snapshot of PyPI to expose python dependencies to nix, thus our python depedencies (on nix) are automatically pinned. To update the PyPI snapshot (and thus our python dependencies), run
nix-shell --run 'niv update pypi-deps-db'
ZKAPAuthorizer declares a dependency on Tahoe-LAFS with a narrow version range. This means that Tahoe-LAFS will be installed when ZKAPAuthorizer is installed. It also means that ZKAPAuthorizer exerts a great deal of control over the version of Tahoe-LAFS chosen.
When installing using native Python packaging mechanisms
(for example, pip)
the relevant Tahoe-LAFS dependency declaration is in setup.cfg
See the comments there about the narrow version constraint used.
When installing the Nix package the version of Tahoe-LAFS is determined by the "tahoe-lafs" entry in the niv-managed nix/sources.json
When feasible this is a released version of Tahoe-LAFS.
To update to a new release, run:
nix-shell --run 'niv update --rev tahoe-lafs-A.B.C tahoe-lafs'
When it is not feasible to use a released version of Tahoe-LAFS,
niv's --branch
or --rev
features can be used to update this dependency.
It is also possible to pass a revision of pull/<pr-number>/head
to test against a specific PR.
We test against a pinned commit of Tahoe-LAFS master. To update to the current master@HEAD revision, run:
nix-shell --run 'niv update tahoe-lafs-master --branch master'
We intend for these updates to be performed periodically. At the moment, they must be performed manually. It might be worthwhile to automate this process <https://github.com/PrivateStorageio/ZKAPAuthorizer/issues/287> in the future.
Since tahoe-lafs doesn't have correct version information when installed from a github archive,
the packaging in default.nix
includes a fake version number.
This will need to be update manually at least when the minor version of tahoe-lafs changes.
If you want to test additional versions, you can add an additional source, pointing at other version.
nix-shell --run 'niv add -n tahoe-lafs-next tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs --rev "<rev>"'
nix-build tests.nix --argstr tahoe-lafs-source tahoe-lafs-next
--argstr tahoe-lafs-source <...>
can also be passed to nix-shell
and nix-build default.nix
We pin to a nixos channel release, which isn't directly supported by niv (issue).
Thus, the pin needs to be update manually.
To do this, copy the url
and sha256
values from PrivateStorageio's nixpkgs-2105.json into the release2105
entry in nix/sources.json
When this is deployed as part of Privatestorageio, we use the value pinned there, rather than the pin in this repository.