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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028Feb9Oct618Sep16Aug7Jun17Apr2Mar15Feb211Jan20Decupdate to nixos-23.11 so we can use ghc 9.6mainmainGet better cross-package links in the Haddock docsRun tests in a more direct wayAdd an app builder that manages cabal.project fileAllow customization of the cabal-test runtime envIdentify the compiler properlyMerge branch 'release-app' into 'main'add a utility for making a `cabal test` appadd a utility for making a nix release appMerge branch 'customize-shellhook' into 'main'add a `shellHook` parameter to `devShells`Add `hsPkgsOverrides` to allow customizing the Haskell package setDeclare a nixpkgs input and pin all inputs with a flake.lockMerge branch 'readme' into 'main'improve the READMEadd a getting started section to the readmeAdd a helper for running `hlint` via the flake.Accept a function defining extra packages to install in the devShellGive us nice development tools.These things got taken care of.A minimally functional flake utility library for Haskell projects