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  • privatestorage/PrivateStorageio
  • tomprince/PrivateStorageio
2 results
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Commits on Source (32)
with 125 additions and 66 deletions
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ morph-build-localdev:
- |
# The local grid configuration is *almost* complete enough to build. It
# just needs this tweak.
sed -i 's/undefined/\"unundefined\"/' morph/grid/${GRID}/public-keys/users.nix
echo '{}' > morph/grid/${GRID}/public-keys/users.nix
......@@ -74,22 +74,47 @@ system-tests:
.update-grid: &UPDATE_GRID
stage: "deploy"
script: |
# Update the staging deployment - only on a merge to the staging branch.
env --ignore-environment - \
# Update the staging deployment - only on a commit to the develop branch.
- "staging"
- if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop"'
# You can find some status information about environments in GitLab at
name: "staging"
url: ""
# Update the production deployment - only on a merge to the production branch.
# The URL controls where the "View Deployment" button for this environment
# will take you. The main website isn't controlled by this codebase so we
# don't point there. The monitoring system *is* controlled by this
# codebase and it also tells us lots of stuff about other things
# controlled by this codebase so that seems like a good place to land.
# Not that I make it a habit to visit the deployment using the GitLab
# button... Still, discoverability or something.
url: ""
# Update the production deployment - only on a commit to the production branch.
- "production"
- if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "production"'
# See notes in `update-staging`.
name: "production"
url: ""
url: ""
Project Hosting Moved
This project can now be found at
This project can now be found at
......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ Documentation
There is documentation for:
* Operators/Admins: ``docs/ops/README.rst``
* Developers: ``docs/dev/README.rst``
* Operators/Admins: `<docs/source/ops/README.rst>`_
* Developers: `<docs/source/dev/README.rst>`_
The documentation can be built using this command::
......@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ html_theme_options = {
'logo': 'logo-ps.svg',
'description': "&nbsp;", # ugly hack to get some white space below the logo
'fixed_sidebar': True,
'extra_nav_links': {"Fork me on GitHub": ""},
# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The system tests boot QEMU VMs which prevents them from running on CI at this ti
The build requires > 10 GB of disk space,
and the VMs might be timing out on slow or busy machines.
If you run into timeouts,
try `raising the number of retries <>`_.
try `raising the number of retries <>`_.
It is also possible go through the testing script interactively - useful for debugging::
......@@ -36,9 +36,27 @@ It is also possible go through the testing script interactively - useful for deb
This will give you a result symlink in the current directory.
Inside that is bin/nixos-test-driver which gives you a kind of REPL for interacting with the VMs.
The kind of `Perl in this testScript <>`_ is what you can enter into this REPL.
The kind of `Python in this testScript <>`_ is what you can enter into this REPL.
Consult the `official documentation on NixOS Tests <>`_ for more information.
Updatings Pins
To update the version of NixOS we deploy with, run:
.. code: shell
nix-shell --run 'update-nixpkgs'
That will update ``nixpkgs-2015.json`` to the latest release on the nixos-21.05 channel.
To update the channel, the script will need to be updated,
along with the filenames that have the channel in them.
Architecture overview
......@@ -48,8 +66,5 @@ Architecture overview
.. include::
.. _Nix:
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Use the local development environment
Latest Morph honors the ``SSH_CONFIG_FILE`` environment variable (`since 3f90aa88 (March 2020, v 1.5.0) <>`_), so in the future this should get a bit more convenient.
6. Add your SSH key to ``users.nix`` so you'll be able to log in after deploying the new configuration::
6. Create a ``public-keys/users.nix`` file with your SSH key (see ``public-keys/users.nix.example`` for the format) so you'll be able to log in after deploying the new configuration::
$EDITOR public-keys/users.nix
......@@ -4,6 +4,21 @@ let
gridlib = import ../../lib;
grid-config = pkgs.lib.trivial.importJSON ./config.json;
ssh-users = let
ssh-users-file = ./public-keys/users.nix;
if builtins.pathExists ssh-users-file then
import ssh-users-file
# Use builtins.toString so that nix does not add the file
# to the nix store before including it in the string.
throw ''
ssh-keys for local grid are not configured.
Refusing to build a possibly inaccessible configuration.
Please create ${builtins.toString ssh-users-file} before building.
See ${builtins.toString ./README.rst} for more information.
# Module with per-grid configuration
grid-module = {config, ...}: {
imports = [
......@@ -13,7 +28,29 @@ let
# Give it a good SSH configuration.
services.private-storage.sshUsers = import ./public-keys/users.nix;
services.private-storage.sshUsers = ssh-users;
# Include the ssh-users config in a form that can be read by nix,
# so the self-update deployment system can access it.
# nixos/modules/update-deployment imports the nix file into
# the checkout of this repository it creates.
environment.etc."nixos/ssh-users.json" = {
# Output the loaded value, rather than just copying the file, in case the
# file has external references.
mode = "0666";
text = builtins.toJSON ssh-users;
environment.etc."nixos/ssh-users.nix" = {
# This is the file that is imported by update-deployment.
# We don't directly read the JSON so that the script doesn't
# depend on the format we use.
mode = "0666";
text = ''
# Include the ssh-users config
builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./ssh-users.json)
networking.domain = grid-config.domain;
# Convert relative paths to absolute so library code can resolve names
# correctly.
# Add your public key. Example:
# let key = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHx7wJQNqKn8jOC4AxySRL2UxidNp7uIK9ad3pMb1ifF flo@fs-la";
# You can use the following to get key from the local machine.
# let key = builtins.readFile ~/.ssh/;
let key = undefined;
in { "root" = key; "vagrant" = key; }
......@@ -122,26 +122,6 @@ in {
description = "ZKAP Issuer";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
# Make sure we have a certificate the first time, if we are running over
# TLS and require a certificate.
# ACME will issue an interim self-signed certificate, which we want to
# use at least in the local dev network. But if ACME cannot get the
# created key signed by LE (probably because the host is not reachable
# from outside, or the domain is not a legit TLD) the ACME cert service
# will "fail". We still want to start our PaymentServer. Hence a weaker
# "wants" instead of a "requires" dependency.
# When ACME receives a fully signed cert from LE, it will reload NGINX.
wants = lib.optional cfg.tls "${certServiceName}.service";
after = [
# Make sure there is a network so we can bind to all of the
# interfaces.
] ++
# Make sure we run after the certificate is issued, if we are running
# over TLS and require a certificate.
lib.optional cfg.tls "${certServiceName}.service";
# It really shouldn't ever exit on its own! If it does, it's a bug
# we'll have to fix. Restart it and hope it doesn't happen too much
# before we can fix whatever the issue is.
......@@ -13,14 +13,10 @@ shift
# configuration that controls what value is actually passed when an update is
# triggered.
case "${GRIDNAME}" in
......@@ -50,10 +46,10 @@ fi
# Get us to a pristine checkout of the right branch.
git -C "${CHECKOUT}" reset --hard "origin/${BRANCH}"
# If we happen to be on the local grid then fix the undefined key.
# If we happen to be on the local grid then add the required user.nix file
# containing ssh-keys.
if [ "${GRIDNAME}" = "local" ]; then
KEY="$(cat /etc/ssh/authorized_keys.d/vagrant)"
sed -i "s_undefined_\"${KEY}\"_" "${CHECKOUT}"/morph/grid/${GRIDNAME}/public-keys/users.nix
echo "import /etc/nixos/ssh-users.nix" > "${CHECKOUT}"/morph/grid/"${GRIDNAME}"/public-keys/users.nix
# Compute a log message explaining what we're doing.
......@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "PrivateStorageio";
repo = "PaymentServer";
rev = "2ca189c51a5314eb476d1866d28ee483701af6f5";
sha256 = "1sb53lvi6alwdjhx4cv1gg7ywkqf18n1zjgdj3nigq3vjwxhdcpb";
rev = "ff30e85c231a3b5ad76426bbf8801f8f76884367";
sha256 = "1spz19f5z96shmfpazj0rv6877xvchf3gl49a4xahjbbsz39x34x";
......@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
pkgs = import ../nixpkgs-2105.nix { };
in {
private-storage = pkgs.nixosTest ./modules/tests/private-storage.nix;
tahoe = pkgs.nixosTest ./modules/tests/tahoe.nix;
private-storage = pkgs.nixosTest ./tests/private-storage.nix;
tahoe = pkgs.nixosTest ./tests/tahoe.nix;
File moved
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let
"ssh" "-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no" "-i" "/tmp/ssh_key" "${username}@${hostname}" ":"
# Separate helper programs so we can write as little perl inside a string
# Separate helper programs so we can write as little python inside a string
# inside a nix expression as possible.
run-introducer = ./;
run-client = ./;
......@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ let
networking.dhcpcd.enable = false;
# Return a Perl program fragment to run a shell command on one of the nodes.
# Return a python program fragment to run a shell command on one of the nodes.
# The first argument is the name of the node. The second is a list of the
# argv to run.
# The program's output is piped to systemd-cat and the Perl fragment
# The program's output is piped to systemd-cat and the python fragment
# evaluates to success if the command exits with a success status.
runOnNode = node: argv:
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ in {
# Get a machine where we can run a Tahoe-LAFS client node.
client =
{ config, pkgs, ourpkgs, ... }:
{ imports = [ ../packages.nix ];
{ imports = [ ../modules/packages.nix ];
environment.systemPackages = [
# A Tahoe-LAFS configuration capable of using the right storage
......@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ in {
storage =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ imports =
[ ../packages.nix
[ ../modules/packages.nix
services.private-storage = {
enable = true;
......@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@ in {
issuer =
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
{ imports =
[ ../packages.nix
[ ../modules/packages.nix
services.private-storage.sshUsers = sshUsers;
......@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ def main():
config.set(u"storageclient.plugins.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1", u"redeemer", u"ristretto")
config.set(u"storageclient.plugins.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1", u"ristretto-issuer-root-url", issuerURL)
# This has to agree with the PaymentServer configuration at the configured
# issuer location. Presently PaymentServer has 50000 hard-coded as the
# correct value.
config.set(u"storageclient.plugins.privatestorageio-zkapauthz-v1", u"default-token-count", u"50000")
with open("/tmp/client/tahoe.cfg", "wt") as cfg: