- Apr 13, 2023
Florian Sesser authored
Closes #44.
- Apr 10, 2023
Jean-Paul Calderone authored
Add UI for text-based folder invite code entry Closes #46 See merge request !37
Jean-Paul Calderone authored
add a job to run cabal build See merge request !38
Jean-Paul Calderone authored
we should keep it working for when we eventually add a test suite...
Jean-Paul Calderone authored
The input is accepted from the magic-folder view when the "+" button is clicked. This could be replaced by or augmented with a QR code-scanning interface later.
Jean-Paul Calderone authored
Handle the new route in the controller as well, just by rendering the code into the page as text.
Jean-Paul Calderone authored
- Apr 07, 2023
Florian Sesser authored
Locally mirror CDN ressources Closes #28 See merge request !36
Florian Sesser authored
(License is the same as for the MDC CSS)
Florian Sesser authored
`curl https://unpkg.com/material-components-web@latest/dist/material-components-web.min.js` -> Found. Redirecting to /material-components-web@14.0.0/dist/material-components-web.min.js `curl -LO https://unpkg.com/material-components-web@latest/dist/material-components-web.min.js`
Florian Sesser authored
`curl -L https://github.com/googlefonts/roboto/raw/main/LICENSE -o roboto`
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
``` curl 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:300,400,500' -H 'accept: text/css,*/*;q=0.1' -H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' --compressed -O grep -oP 'http.*?woff2' roboto.css | xargs -n 1 curl -O sed -i 's|https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/roboto/v30/||' roboto.css ```
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
... after noticing Chrome gets WOFF2 instead of TTF fonts, I copied the curl commandos with the right user agent strings etc. directly out of the Chrome Dev Tools network window (right-click copy as cURL) and downloaded that.
Florian Sesser authored
``` curl -LO https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/materialicons/v140/flUhRq6tzZclQEJ-Vdg-IuiaDsNZ.ttf mv flUhRq6tzZclQEJ-Vdg-IuiaDsNZ.ttf material-icons.ttf ```
Florian Sesser authored
curl -LO 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons'
Florian Sesser authored
Commands used: Get the version with: `curl 'https://unpkg.com/material-components-web@latest/dist/material-components-web.min.css'` -> "Found. Redirecting to /material-components-web@14.0.0/dist/material-components-web.min.css" Aha so this is version 14.0.0! Download: `curl -LO 'https://unpkg.com/material-components-web@latest/dist/material-components-web.min.css'` Add the license: `curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/material-components/material-components-web/master/LICENSE`
- Apr 06, 2023
Florian Sesser authored
Remove reflex-material library Closes #37 See merge request !35
Florian Sesser authored
- Apr 05, 2023
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Implement MagicFolders list view Closes #31 See merge request !34
Florian Sesser authored
... it looks kinda odd where it's at on my mobile.
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
... the magic-folder list UI design doesn't have any
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Thanks Haddock! Who told you to run at all?
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored
Florian Sesser authored